Starting from Douluo

Chapter 136 Soul Saint? To be our teacher?

Why did I go out and bring another one back?

I brought back one in total!

Looking at Zao Wou-ki's teasing smile, Tang Ge said silently: "Teacher Zhao, we can eat food, but we can't talk nonsense!

What if someone who doesn’t know hears this and thinks I’m doing something bad?"

"That's right, Brother Tang wouldn't do such a thing!"

Lin Yuechan, who had just lost his soul, nodded seriously.

Then she walked quickly to Tang Ge's side, and it was rare to reach out and hug Tang Ge's arm in front of so many people, and asked as if nothing had happened.

"Brother Tang, who is this big sister next to you?"

Lin Yuechan bit the word "big sister" very hard.

Tang Ge could obviously feel the tension and anxiety hidden under Lin Yuechan's seemingly calm appearance.

You must know that Lin Yuechan, who usually seems quiet, would never make such a highly aggressive behavior.

Obviously at this moment, with the arrival of Qian Renxue, plus Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, she finally felt a huge crisis.

Tang Ge could understand Lin Yuechan's mood, but he didn't blame her.

Just another girl next to...

Just thinking about this, to Tang Ge's surprise, Qian Renxue who was next to him actually spoke up.

Looking at Lin Yuechan, Qian Renxue smiled faintly, and said gently: "My name is Xueqian, I don't know what your sister is?"

"My name is Lin Yuechan, and Sister Xueqian, you can just call me Yuechan."

As if infected by Qian Renxue's gentle smile, Lin Yuechan's vigilant heart suddenly relaxed, and her words became less aggressive.

Then she couldn't help asking: "Sister Xueqian, when did you meet Tang Ge?"

"This is early, it must be five years away. Let's go inside. My sister wants to talk to you."

Qian Renxue said with a look of memory, and smiled and invited Lin Yuechan.

Five years?

It seems like me, and if my sister...

Hearing Qian Renxue's words, Lin Yuechan couldn't help but think of something sad, and her pretty face suddenly darkened.

But soon she resisted this feeling of wanting to cry, and when she looked at Qian Renxue again, she felt a little more intimacy.

So for Qian Renxue's invitation, Lin Yuechan nodded very obediently.

When the two of them walked hand in hand and sat down in the private room, Tang Ge also let out a sigh of relief.

Sometimes dealing with women is harder than dealing with enemies.

But fortunately, Qian Renxue was able to use her methods, and Lin Yuechan's hostility towards her was easily eliminated, and her tendency to become best friends with each other was faint.

At this time, Zao Wou-ki walked in front of Tang Ge.

He hammered Tang Ge lightly with his fist, and said with a smile: "Old and young take everything, you kid is amazing!

I think if a few years pass, the girl behind you will be in a long line!"

Tang Ge took a few steps back and couldn't help but curl his lips.

"How could I be like this in Tang Ge, please don't talk nonsense, Teacher Zhao!"

Flander not far away heard it and shook his head with a smile.

But Yu Xiaogang, who was next to him, frowned after Qian Renxue came in.

The girl gave him a sense of familiarity, always feeling the same as before.

It's just that in Yu Xiaogang's memory, there is no picture of this face.

So he also walked up to Tang Ge and asked in a low voice, "How did that girl Xueqian meet you?"

"The master is also curious about this kind of gossip! But if you want to talk about how we met, it will be from the night when the night was black and windy five years ago."

Tang Ge smiled.

But before he could continue speaking, Yu Xiaogang interrupted immediately with a black face.

"Okay, count me talking and watch the game!"

Then he returned to the glass window in the private room and continued to pay attention to the game in the lower court.

When I heard that just now, I was fooling people. What kind of shameful business I thought I was doing on a dark and windy night!

As for the doubts in his mind just now, Yu Xiaogang just thought he was too much.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang leaving with an aggrieved look, Tang Ge smiled secretly.

How could Qian Renxue's identity tell you?

Let you relapse with her mother again?

The beauty of thinking!

Then he smiled and said to Zao Wou-ki and Flender: "Anything else the two teachers have to ask?"

"No, watch the game!"

Zao Wou-ki and Flanders shook their heads.

The two of them don't want to be choked by Tang Ge like Yu Xiaogang, is it not good to watch the game obediently?

At this time, in the following arena, the game between the Shrek Nine Monsters and the Royal Fight team also reached a critical moment.

Because Tang Ge didn't intervene, the plot returned to its original situation.

After Xiao Wu was injured and passed out, Tang San, who had been hiding himself, was stimulated again and broke out completely.

With the assistance of the Eight Spider Lances of his external spirit bone, the two major defensive spirit masters of the Huangdou team were unable to stop them, and he quickly fell to the ground with heavy poisonous injuries.

Immediately after the last combat power, the lone goose was also taken down, leaving only Ye Lingling, the only auxiliary soul master who had no combat power.

However, at this point, the match was basically over because there was no one to fight against.

After Tangshan forced Ye Lingling to use her Jiuxin Begonia Martial Spirit to treat Xiao Wu and other companions once, she put away the Eight Spider Lances.

The host who was flying high in the sky had been waiting for this moment, so he immediately announced loudly.

"In this team battle, the Shrek nine monsters won!"

"Nine Shrek monsters!"

"Nine Shrek monsters!"


Because one month has witnessed too many miracles created by the Shrek Nine Monsters.

Now that they once again defeated the incomparably powerful Wing Fighting team with a weak victory, the audience rushing to the Shrek Nine Monsters seemed to have experienced it personally.

So as soon as they heard the host announce the result of the game, they suddenly burst into excitement roars.

Listening to the cheers of the entire arena to his team, Tang San and the seven of them all showed happy smiles.

When they arrived at the Fighting Soul Platform, the seven rushed straight to the private room upstairs.

As for the seven members of the Royal Fighting team, they left the game in silence with a sad and unwilling look.


Private room on the third floor.

After hearing the host below announce that the Shrek Nine Devils had won, Yu Xiaogang and Flender also showed gratified smiles on their faces.

Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but slammed the wall with his fist, and said excitedly: "Hahaha, they really didn't let me down!

After laughing, he looked at Qian Renxue who had come over at some unknown time, with an apologetic expression.

"By the way, Miss Xue Qian, what did you just say, I didn't hear it clearly?"

Flender and Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but shift their gazes to Qian Renxue's body, and doubts were revealed in their eyes.

Feeling the gazes of the three, Qian Renxue smiled faintly without any pressure.

"Does your college still recruit teachers? I wonder if the cultivation base of my soul saint is qualified?"

Soul saint?To be our teacher?

Tang Sanqi, who had just opened the door and barged in from outside, heard these words, and they all froze in place.

They looked at Qian Renxue, their eyes dull.

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