Starting from Douluo

Chapter 144: Level Fifty! Sublimation of the first spirit ring!

After taking Ning Rongrong into his arms, Tang Ge whispered again: "You tell your father, would you like to be my little padded jacket?

That kind of little padded jacket that can sleep in a hug every day!"

"I do!"

Ning Rongrong blushed and said in a low voice, "But let's not be here anymore, there will be a lot of people coming soon."

"But your father doesn't seem to let us in!"

Tang Ge cast a glance at Ning Fengzhi, who was about to run away, and said helplessly.

Don't let us in?

Ning Rongrong, who had just been a good girl, instantly regained his former image of a little witch.

After she broke free from Tang Ge's arms, she exposed the two pairs of small tiger teeth in her mouth and grinned her teeth: "Ning Fengzhi, if you don't let Tang Ge in, I'll tell Grandpa Gu and Grandpa Jian, let them beat you. !

Grandpa Bone, Grandpa Jian, come hurry up, Ning Fengzhi is going to beat your favorite Rongrong!"

Then, Ning Rongrong yelled directly.

Ning Fengzhi only felt as if an arrow had been shot in his heart, and suddenly he took a few steps back with his hands in pain.

He looked at Ning Rongrong who was yelling, and said with all his heart: "Women's college is not going to stay, women's college is not going to stay!

Go in, take your classmates in quickly, I'm afraid I will be angry here!"

"Hehe, I knew my father would not disagree."

As a result, as soon as Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, Ning Rongrong happily ran over and kissed him on the cheek.

Then before Ning Fengzhi could react, she took Tang Ge's hand and ran in quickly.

"This girl... nothing more, as long as Rongrong is happy, let her go."

Listening to the silver bell-like laughter from a distance, Ning Fengzhi, who had recovered from his senses, shook his head helplessly.

However, he has decided in his heart that as long as that kid is in the sect, he will always stare at each other.


Want to continue taking advantage of your daughter on your own territory?

Don't even think about it!

Ning Fengzhi couldn't help showing a touch of complacency on his face, and left here directly before the sect disciples rushed over.


Time flies like a white horse, and one month passes in the blink of an eye.

During the month when he came to the Qibao Liuli Sect, Tang Ge considered that Ning Feng could not cause troubles, so there was no spark between Ning Rongrong and Tang Ge.

Even if Ning Rongrong invited Tang Ge to visit her boudoir tonight, he resolutely refused.

Of course, there was also the reason why Ning Fengzhi was always staring at Tang Ge like a thief.

Tang Ge is not happy to be seen.

Therefore, after he and Ning Rongrong had played all the places they should play, they felt that their body and mind were relaxed, which was the best time to improve their strength.

Then Tang Ge stayed in his room and stopped going out, and began to concentrate on practicing.

The three thousand best spirit stones he had drawn were like jelly beans, one by one, he quickly refined and absorbed them in the Hell Furnace and transformed them into his own soul power.

In the same way, most of the pure and strong energy released by the best spirit stone was supplied to the ridiculous ancient sacrament by Tang Ge.

So with the passage of one month, Tang Ge's spirit power, which was far more surging than the spirit master of the same level, finally increased from level 49 to level 50.

In addition to the upgrade of his spirit power level, his Ancient Saint Body has also been greatly improved, and his awakening degree has been directly changed from 2% to 6%.

Three points of progress made Tang Ge not only increase his physical strength again, but also greatly increase his tolerance for high-age spirit rings.

And as a price, the Tang Ge's top-grade spirit stone was consumed five hundred pieces.

If these five hundred top-quality spirit stones are placed in the world of mortal cultivating immortality, it will definitely drive those cultivators crazy.

Unfortunately for Tang Ge, this is just the amount of resources he needs for one month of cultivation.

Thinking of this, Tang Ge couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Fortunately, he still has a system, otherwise the resources of the entire Douluo Continent would have been swallowed, and it would not necessarily be able to push the Desolate Ancient Saint Body to its peak.

"Forget it, don't think about this much, first raise the strength to the soul king."

In the room, Tang Ge, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, immediately took back his cranky thoughts.

Then, under his thoughts, a blue light ball suddenly appeared in front of him.

This blue light ball was the second "Baptism of the Sea God" drawn from the roulette of the heavens, just enough for Tang Ge to turn the only purple spirit ring into black before the spirit power breakthrough.

By that time, with all five black ten thousand year spirit rings, wouldn't he just light up his spirit rings casually, and he could gain a lot of shock value?

Thinking of this, Tang Ge didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately couldn't wait to use the "Baptism of the Sea God" floating in front of him.


As the void shuddered, first his first purple spirit ring emerged from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling blue light rushed in, and after fusing with this purple spirit ring, surging power burst out in a short time.

Black spots of light began to emerge from the purple spirit ring continuously, and bit by bit swallowed the purple light.

During this period.

Tang Ge involuntarily closed his eyes, and as his consciousness sank into his body, he slowly realized the sublimation process of the purple spirit ring under the baptism of the sea god.

The aura on his body is slowly increasing.

This situation quickly attracted the attention of the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, because he knew that Tang Ge was a friend of the little princess, and he was afraid of something and quickly notified the lord.

When Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong felt this place, they immediately felt the powerful aura continuously pouring from the room.

This kind of breath even affects their spirits, making them feel in a daze.

"Dad, what happened to Tang Ge? Nothing will happen, right?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head, and after driving away this feeling, he suddenly looked worried.

Ning Fengzhi did not answer immediately, but first ordered all the nearby sect disciples to leave, leaving only him and Ning Rongrong here.

After confirming that there were no other people, Ning Fengzhi said in a deep voice, "If I guess it is correct, this kind of aura should be emitted from the spirit ring during cultivation.

It's just that you can influence outsiders only with breath, and his spirit ring is at least a thousand-year-old. It seems that your classmate is not easy!"

Ning Rongrong felt relieved when he heard his father say that Tang Ge was practicing.

Then she said very proudly: "Tang Ge is definitely not easy, after all, he is the most powerful student in Shrek Academy!"

But Ning Fengzhi felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

He really did not expect that the daughters born from the three sect masters of his own dignity would one day be so obsessed with and respected by an outside boy.

However, it was precisely because of the understanding of his daughter that Ning Fengzhi was jealous at the same time he was very curious.

Is that brat named Tang Ge really so good?

Thinking of this, he finally suppressed the dissatisfaction and hostility in his heart, and asked his daughter: "Rongrong, you have been back for a month. You should tell me about your experience during the time you left. Right?

And what Shrek Academy and the classmate you brought back, tell me!"

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