Starting from Douluo

Chapter 159 Killing the Squadrons in a Second!

In the team battle rest area, when Tang Ge and Flanders came in from outside, Tang Sanqi had already arranged the tactics to deal with the evil spirit team.

Yu Xiaogang is also preparing to leave with them.

When he saw Flander coming back from the outside with a smug smile, he couldn't help but wonder: "What good do you have, you are so happy?"

"Hey, you all have to post this time!"

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's inquiry, Flender was in a good mood to talk about what happened before.

At the end, he patted Tang Ge on the shoulder and said, "Fortunately, I let Tang Ge accompany me this time, otherwise it will definitely cost a lot of money in the end!"

Yu Xiaogang was speechless for a while.

He really did not expect that Tang Ge, this little guy, besides being rich, would be so bad. After that, I am afraid that many people will be bankrupt tonight!

Of course, Yu Xiaogang did not have any sympathy for these people.

After all, the decision was made by myself, and in the end I couldn't blame others for it!

Dai Mubai, who had just recovered from behind, couldn't help but said, "President, why are you so sure that we will win Team Fierce God?"

"Anyway, it's not my money alone. If you really lose, everyone will drink Northwest Wind together."

Flander didn't care.

Dai Mubai "..."

He felt like he was really talking nonsense.

Even Tang San and Oscar laughed bitterly, secretly regretting that they had known this, so they directly asked for their share of money.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaogang spoke in time at this time: "Okay, time is up, I will send you to the stadium first!"

Soon he walked out of the room.

Seeing this, the others got up and followed.

Waiting until the entrance of the fighting spirit team on the side of the main fighting arena, although Yu Xiaogang was the leader, because there was no invitation from the major fighting arena, he could not follow.

So he stopped directly, and finally confessed to Tang Sanqi: "I have shown you the information before. The members of the Fierce God Team are all brutal generations, so you don't need to keep your hands this time.

It is best to solve the opponent as quickly as possible. If not, once you realize that it is not the opponent's opponent, don't hesitate to jump off the soul fighting platform.

I would rather you admit defeat than see any of you get hurt."

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's concern, everyone felt warm.

Tang San nodded heavily.

"Teacher, rest assured, we will definitely win!"

"Well, go ahead."

Flander waved his hand.

Not far from the side, when Tang Ge heard the conversation between Flander and Tang San and the others, he couldn't help but curl his lips, muttering in his heart.

All nonsense!

At this time, the staff had already come, Tang Sanqi no longer hesitated, and directly followed the staff towards the main soul fighting platform inside.

However, Flanders and Yu Xiaogang left here immediately and went straight to the audience stage around them.


Perhaps it was because this team battle had the infamous Fierce Squad participating in the battle, plus the strongest of the Shrek Nine Monsters was only the Soul Venerable cultivation base.

Therefore, the host of this game was not only replaced by a young man, but also immediately flew into the air as soon as the two parties were announced to enter the game.

Before a moment.

One team on the left and one on the right came up from the stage of fighting the souls, it was the evil spirit team and the Shrek nine monsters.

As soon as they came on the field, the seven members of the evil spirit team exuded a bloodthirsty aura that had been slaughtered for a long time, directly rushing toward the Shrek nine monsters.

Feeling the impact of the bloody breath, as well as the hideous smiles and blood-red eyes on the faces of the seven members of the opposite team, Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar's complexion suddenly turned pale.

Although they had also participated in team battles in the past, they were almost all the time, but the team in front of them was a brutal mob with blood on their hands.

Even the strongest Dai Mubai couldn't help but tightened his body and began to get nervous.

Among them, only Tang Sanyi had a calm complexion, unaffected by murderous aura.

Most of the spectators sitting around in the audience seemed to put their money on the Ferocious Squad, and it was just another excitement to come here.

So they didn't care how many people died and how many people were killed in the hands of the Fierce God team. As soon as they saw the beginning of the game, they scared the Shrek Nine Monsters and shivered, and they couldn't help but let out an excited roar.

"Team Fierce God, great! Lao Tzu has put all his wealth on you, so you must fight me well!"

"Hahaha, what the Shrek Nine Monsters, who dare to challenge the evil team with such a strength, it is simply looking for death!"

"Hurry up, Dontama is wasting time!"

"Tear them apart!"


Listening to the excited roars of a large number of spectators in the audience, the captain of the Squadron Squad glanced over Tang Sanqi with a stern look, and suddenly smiled.

"If you want to blame, blame yourself for your bad luck."

With a team of seven force attack type spirit masters, plus all of them are soul sect cultivation bases, it is too easy to bully a group of the strongest and only soul-sovereign teams!

But facing Meng Li's bloodthirsty words, Tang San was not moved, only a low voice reminding.

"Everyone is ready."

Hearing Tang San's reminder, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and the others reacted, and then quickly took out a box about a foot long.

These boxes are the Zhuge god crossbow.

As soon as they were taken out, all the Shrek Nine Devils took them in their hands and quietly aimed the Zhuge God Crossbow at the Fierce God Team.

At this time, the host who had already flown into the air suddenly shouted.

"Team fighting spirit, Shrek nine monsters team, leapfrogged to challenge the evil spirit team, the soul fight begins!"

"Tear them apart!"

As the host's voice just uttered, Meng Li, who had already waited impatiently, also let out an angry roar.

Immediately centering on him, the six other members of the evil spirit team on the left and right sides followed him to release the martial arts, rushing directly towards the Shrek nine monsters like a humanoid violent bear.

The entire soul fighting platform was stunned.

But at the moment when the Seven Talents of the Fierce God Team had just rushed out, Tang San, who was standing opposite, gave an order: "Release," and the seven of the Shrek Nine Monsters immediately activated the Zhuge God Crossbow's mechanism.

Accompanied by the clanging sound of metal collision, the aroused Zhuge God's crossbow resembled a furious lion, and instantly spit out one hundred and twenty crossbow arrows stored in it.

These one hundred and twenty crossbow arrows pierced the air, like a dark cloud covering the top, and instantly enveloped all the seven members of the rushing team.

Then came the screams of piercing eardrums.

When the high-top lights came down and shone on the soul fighting platform, all the audience saw was the seven members of the Fierce Team turned into riddled bodies.

In the end, the seven people suddenly gushed out of bloody fountains, and fell to the ground with a "plop".

Under the blood mist.

The screams echoing on the soul fighting platform could not be subdued for a long time.

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