Starting from Douluo

Chapter 168 Lan Ba ​​Academy Meets Old Friend

As the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, the scale of the Heaven Dou Imperial City is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary cities.

Approaching evening.

When Flanders and his party came to the outside of the Heaven Dou Imperial City, what came into sight was a huge gate that was ten meters high and ten meters wide.

On both sides of the main city gate there is a five-meter-wide secondary gate.

An endless stream of pedestrians kept coming in and out under the inspection of the city gate guards, which was extremely lively.

Originally, Flanders planned to find a place to rest for one night after entering the city, and wait the next day to see if there is a suitable Senior Soul Master Academy.

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the gate of Heaven Dou Imperial City, a recruitment notice posted on the gate immediately attracted their attention.

"Recruitment: Due to its own expansion, Lanba Senior Soul Master Academy is now looking for ten soul sects of level 40 or above, and those with high soul power are admitted first; once hired, the treatment is favorable."

Blue Bull Academy?

Flender couldn't help being surprised when he saw it, and said: "Just as I was about to find a college to settle down, I ran into a job advertisement.

Moreover, this Blue Tyrant Academy can be opened in the Heaven Dou Imperial City, it seems that even if it is not compared to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, it is not much weaker.

Qin Ming, you have been here for a long time, do you know anything about this college?"

As he said, his eyes moved to Qin Ming's body.

Qin Ming hurriedly said: "I don't know the background of the Blue Tyrant Academy, but its scale is one-third the size of the Tiandou Royal Academy, and its cost is no less than that of the opponent, and it also has its own mimicry practice. surroundings.

In addition, I also learned that in the qualifiers of the Tiandou Capital Circle in the last Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition, it was this college that eliminated one of the two participating teams from the Tiandou Royal Academy.

It's just that this year's Blue Bull Academy will not be so good because of the graduates."

Flender nodded, judging from these data alone, Blue Bull Academy is a good place to go.

So he finally asked: "What about teaching experience?"

"The academy's teaching is very rigorous, and it only accepts civilians, not nobles; so if it has no background, it is absolutely impossible to stay in the capital of the empire."

After speaking, Qin Ming said with some expectation: "Is the dean going to choose this college?"

Is it an academy that only accepts civilians but not aristocrats?

A gleam of light flashed in Flender's eyes, and he did not answer immediately, but looked at Yu Xiaogang and other teachers and students.

"What do you think?"

"You can decide." Yu Xiaogang shook his head.

After hearing this, other teachers and students also spoke up.

"Where the dean goes, we will go!"

"Okay! If that's the case, it's so decided, let's go to Blue Bull Academy."

Seeing everyone agree, Flander suddenly laughed.

After they entered the city, after some questioning, they passed through the streets and alleys, and finally came outside the Blue Tyrant Academy.

At the entrance of the college, for the convenience of consultation, a consultation desk has been set up here.

A 30 or 40-year-old college soul master was sitting behind the information desk.

When it was learned that Flanders and his party were coming to apply for the job, the sleepy reception teacher was refreshed and immediately got up and led them into the Blue Bull Academy.

Inside the Blue Tyrant Academy, a spacious road leads directly to the depths, surrounded by various tall trees on both sides.

After the introduction of the host teacher, Flanders and the others knew that the entire college was built in the forest.

So apart from the college buildings, all that is left is forest.

As the dusk fell, there was a chic beauty.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, the teachers and students of Shrek Academy are very satisfied.

Then they were taken by the host teacher to a steeple-topped building, which was dedicated to testing spirit power.

But this is not a problem at all for Shrek Academy teachers who have at least sixty levels of spirit power.

Especially after the two great soul saints of Zao Wou-ki and Flanders showed their spirits and spirit rings, they were directly shocked by the teachers who came to test the three Blue Tyrant Academy.

And among them, there is still a soul emperor who thinks he will reach the 62nd level in his thirties!

With such a high-quality candidate team, how dare these three teachers personally end up playing against each other, and directly cancelled the next test to ease.

At the end, the teacher who was in charge of the reception couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "In the next sound book, the fifty-fourth level of the battle spirit master; the senior level is too high, I am afraid that I cannot rate you.

Otherwise, I'll take you to meet the dean of our college, and the dean will decide your rank and treatment."

It is really rare that a group of soul emperors and soul sages over sixty level actually form a group to apply for the job!

When Flander heard the audio book, he smiled and nodded in agreement.

Immediately, under the leadership of Yinshu, the group of them left the test area and walked directly toward the depths of the college.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer buildings around, replaced by denser woods.

The sunset glow from the horizon in the distance fell on the constantly flowing stream, glowing with a little color.

A wooden arch bridge connects the two banks of the stream, and the shadow of the attic is faintly visible on the opposite side.

As soon as everyone arrived here, they heard waves of beautiful but full of sad music from the attic opposite.

The sound of the piano made Flanders and the others couldn't help but stop, involuntarily held their breath and began to listen, and gradually fell into the memory.

At some point, the Qin's tone stopped, and tears fell from both Flander and Yu Xiaogang's eyes.

On the side, the recovered audio book could not help but coughed a few times and awakened everyone.

Then he whispered: "The Dean Xijing, so he usually lives here if there is nothing to do.

Wait, let me talk to the dean."

Immediately, Yinshu walked directly to the wooden bridge in front and spoke loudly to the attic across the river.

"Dean, there are several seniors who come to the college to apply for jobs. They have a high level of soul power and you need to come forward and decide by yourself.

After speaking, Yinshu waited quietly.

The Shrek Academy group behind was also eagerly waiting, very curious about what kind of person the Dean who could play the piano sound just now was like.

In this way, almost a few minutes passed.

With the sound of footsteps, a figure walked out of the attic and slowly appeared in front of everyone.

This is a beautiful woman who seems to be in her thirties, wearing a simple cyan sarong, but she can't hide her grace at all.

Under the sarong, the peaks and ridges are undulating high, which makes countless women envy and jealous.

But her delicate face showed a touch of paleness, revealing a touch of misery and loneliness that I saw.

However, when this beautiful woman looked up to the other side of the river, her eyes fell into sluggishness as soon as she glanced over Flanders and Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiao...Xiaogang, is that you?"

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