Starting from Douluo

Chapter 170 My Flander has a clear conscience!

Flander was secretly feeling sad, how could he have thought that there would be a sudden sound behind him, and he suddenly staggered with fright, and almost fell from the tree.

Fortunately, a hand stretched over and grabbed his arm, avoiding the tragedy of "a certain college dean accidentally fell under a tree because of peeping".

It was also because of hearing the word "President" in the faint words, Flanders didn't do anything.

When he stabilized his body and turned around, he saw that the person who surprised him was actually Tang Ge.

For a moment, Flender couldn't help but glared at the other person, lowered his voice and said angrily: "You kid don't go to rest, why are you running here?"

"Then Dean, why don't you go back to rest, come here?"

Tang Ge smiled and asked back.

Flander was lagging for a while.

In the end, he seemed to know that the stinky boy in front of him must have seen his relationship with Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang.

In addition, the whisper he had just now and Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong who were still hugging each other not far away.

Flender no longer concealed it, just like Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's dialogue, they talked about their golden iron triangle experience with Tang Ge.

At the end, he looked at Tang Ge and sighed: "Emotions are the most complicated thing, and the road will be messy if it is not cleaned up.

Even if I'm not reconciled anymore, Erlong Girl likes Xiao Gang; if I forcibly insert, let alone get Erlong Girl, even the friendship with her will be completely broken.

This is really not the result I want to see. Instead of this, it is better to give up early and save yourself the torment of lovesickness."

Hearing Flander's words, Tang Ge's rational treatment was indeed reasonable.

After all, unilateral love rarely has results.

But in terms of sensibility, Tang Ge is not Tang San, and the relationship with Yu Xiaogang is not close.

On the contrary, because of the things that happened at the Tiandou Royal Academy, he had completely agreed with the Dean Flander in his heart.

Although the other party usually seems to be greedy and stingy, at the critical moment, he is definitely the kind of lover who is willing to work hard for the students.

Tang Ge is more willing to treat such deans as family members.

So he didn't want Dean Flanders to obviously like Liu Erlong, yet he pretended to push him into the arms of other men.

But the last pain can only be left to myself, hiding in the dark to suffer silently.

This is extremely unfair to Flanders.

Since Tang Ge is here, it is necessary to help push each other behind.

Besides, what about unilateral love.

Even if you can't get the other party's heart at first, you have to get the other party's body first!

I can’t work hard for so long, I can’t get the same, right?

This is really a shame!

So after sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Tang Ge lowered his voice as much as possible and said to Flander.

"Dean, I understand your decision, and I also understand that you don't want to destroy the relationship between you and Senior Erlong.

But, do you know the dean?If you are with Master Cheng Quan and Dean Erlong, this is actually harming them."

"Why am I harming them?"

Flander was puzzled.

Tang Ge sighed and said, "It seems that the dean, you really don't know the harm of getting married with close relatives, let alone the ethical aspect.

Just ninety-nine percent of the children born from close relatives are fools, which is enough for the Thunder and Lightning Tyrannosaurus family to stop the master and the Erlong Dean from being together at all costs.

Imagine that it would be shameful for the Thunder Tyrannosaurus family, one of the top three sects, to have a master; if another child who was born a fool emerges, the Thunder Tyrannosaurus family is afraid that it will lose face and become a whole martial artist. The object of jokes in the soul world.

I think at that time, when the patriarch of the Thunder Tyrannosaurus family made another move, he would not only take away the Erlong chief.

In order to protect the face of the entire family, the final result of the two of them is definitely death!"

At the end of the talk, Tang Ge bit the word "death" very hard.

But Flander, who was originally suspicious, was struck by lightning, and his whole body shuddered suddenly, as if he had lost all his strength, and suddenly collapsed.

"How is it possible? How can you be a fool?"

His eyes were dull, and he muttered repeatedly.

Then Flander suddenly straightened his body, stretched out his hand to grab Tang Ge's shoulder, and said hopefully: "Tang Ge, you must be lying to me, right? How could a child born from a close relative marriage be a fool?

Moreover, I have never heard of such a thing. Tang Ge, did you say this to comfort me?"

The dean who spoke the wrong words clearly hoped that I was telling the truth, but he did not believe it.

Seeing Flander like this, Tang Ge couldn't help slandering secretly.

However, on the surface, he spoke with a calm face: "Which family will be stupid to spread this kind of ugliness?

Dean, you don’t believe it or don’t believe it, the matter of close relatives getting married and giving birth to a fool.

The encounter with Dean Erlong here may be a chance that God will give you again, but the chance is fleeting.

If you catch it, you can't catch it, even if you regret it later, it's useless.

I, Tang Ge, as your student, really don’t want to see you so uncomfortable; compared to the master, I really want you to be with Dean Erlong."

These sincere words made Flender's heart extremely moved.

He looked at Tang Ge and said with a gratified expression: "The only thing that Flanders is fortunate in my life is that you cheated your kid into Shrek Academy at the beginning."

What is meant by being tricked into the academy, obviously I joined it myself.

Humph!Is my Tang Ge such a liar?

Hearing Flanders' words, Tang Ge couldn't help rolling his eyes.

But then he smiled and said, "If you say so, is the dean ready to continue to take action?"

"If there is a chance, who will give up his beloved woman?"

Flender looked at the two figures hugging each other in the woods ahead, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

One is his friend for many years, and the other is his beloved woman; no matter who it hurts, it is not what Flanders wants to see.

But if you get married with close relatives, you will really make fools...

Flender couldn't help thinking of a very miserable scene in the future.

No way!

Never let this happen!

Thinking of this, Flender's hesitant face suddenly became firm.

Tang Ge saw this and said with a smile: "If the dean wants to understand, then continue to bravely shoot.

I believe that as long as the Dean is your strength, you will be able to catch Dean Erlong!"

Hearing Tang Ge's words, Flender nodded heavily.

"Xiaoge, you are right, God finally gave me another chance, I definitely can't just miss it.

And even if it wasn't for myself, I couldn't let such a tragedy happen, let alone see Erlong Girl continue to live in pain.

If Xiaogang is to blame, blame me, I am all for the good of him and sister Erlong!

My Flander has a clear conscience!"

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