Starting from Douluo

Chapter 177 Tang Ge, you are so kind!

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Tang Ge still didn't understand that the other party was finally going to take them to the other party's private back garden.

Thinking of the two eyes of ice and fire and all kinds of immortals inside, Tang Ge was full of expectations.

He worked hard for so long and came to Dugu Bo's back garden; if he didn't know the specific location, how could he waste so long here?

As for calling Tang San over, it was just a cover as a free labor force.

Of course the sweetness is still to be given.

So looking at Tang San with a somewhat ugly expression, Tang Ge couldn't help laughing and teasing: "What? I started to complain about you, Brother Tang, I lied to you here?"

"Is not it?"

Tang San asked coldly.

Hearing Tang Ge, he immediately covered his heart with his hands, pretending to be sad: "Little San, you... do you see your Tang brother like this?

Do you know how much you, Brother Tang, I paid to penetrate into the enemy and find that precious place!

And I did this just to bring back some training resources for you and your classmates, to help you catch up with me as quickly as possible, in order to cope with the mainland Advanced Soul Master Academy competition a year later.

As a result, Xiao San, how do you think of me?

Could it be that I really did something wrong?"

Speaking of this, Tang Ge suddenly squatted on the ground, looking very lonely.

Originally, Tang San thought that Tang Ge was acting. After all, after he understood Tang Ge's face, he could always do things that others would not do and have no face to do.

But listening to the other party at the end, those words from the heart even felt guilty in Tang San's heart.

Maybe the other party is really threatened.

For a while, he couldn't help but said to Tang Ge: "Sorry, I was in a hurry just now, but don't take it to heart.

Just what kind of treasure is the place you mentioned, is it worth our adventure?"

Tang Ge squatted on the ground, wiped the tears from his uncomfortable suffocation with his hand, and slowly stood up from the ground.

Hearing Tang San's question, he nodded suddenly.

"Don't worry, Xiaosan, I will definitely give you a big surprise when you get to the place. Let's hurry up and don't anger the old poison!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Tang San didn't think too much anymore, and he responded, and hurried to catch up with the figure in front of him with Tang Ge.


The sunset forest is huge, although it is not bigger than the Star Dou Forest, but there are also traces of thousand-year spirit beasts in it.

But with the shock of the titled Douluo breath of Dugu Bo, Tang Ge and Tang San followed him all the way, and the soul beasts they encountered on the way turned around and ran away by themselves.

Soon, the three came to a cliff.

When he got here, Dugu Bo first turned his head and glanced at Tang Ge and Tang San, and then suddenly jumped down.

In mid-air, his martial spirit, the Biphosphorous Snake Emperor, had already appeared, dragging him up with his head.

"I want to see how you got off the cliff!"

With more and more clouds in front of him, Dugu Bo couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly, and muttered to himself with a smile.

Only shortly after he fell, a burst of air broke out suddenly.

call out!

Immediately afterwards, there was a black and white afterimage passing through the clouds and mist, flashing down from one side at a rapid speed.

When Dugu Bo reacted, there was no black and white figure.

Not only that, but when he looked up again, he saw another figure.

It was Tang San who was called by Tang Ge to detoxify himself.

At this time, Tang San had already used the external spirit bone "Eight Spider Lances", as if turning into a real spider, he used eight spider spears to continuously plunge into the rock wall to lead him down smoothly.

Seeing this scene, Dugubo's eyes suddenly condensed, and he couldn't help being surprised secretly.

This kid actually has an external soul bone!

"Senior, hello!"

As if he had noticed Dugu Bo's gaze, Tang San, who was crawling down, stopped slightly, and immediately greeted the opponent.

But when Dugu Bo heard it, his face suddenly became gloomy.


If you dare to show off in front of the old man, you have to try how good your kid is!

Thinking of this, he directly waved his sleeves, and his soul power instantly turned into a violent wind after it burst out.

Before Tang San could react, the entire person was swept down from the rock wall by the violent wind.

Because of the loss of support, he quickly fell down!

Seeing this scene, Dugu Bo's face showed a satisfied smile.

Then he went down with him, in case the kid really fell directly to death.




The wind brushed past his ears, and although Tang San who had fallen did not expect that the Dugu Fair would suddenly take action on him, he did not panic.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ground, one more thing suddenly appeared in his hand, it was the flying claw.

call out!


As Tang San activated the Flying God Claw, a thick and long iron hook flew out and plunged into the front rock wall fiercely.


Hearing only the sound of the turbulent air, the flying god claws straightened instantly, grabbing Tang San, who was falling at an extremely fast speed.

Then Tang San flicked the rope slightly and reattached to the rock wall.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Tang San couldn't help but whispered when he thought of Tang Ge leaving him alone to fly.

"Tang Ge, if there is no such treasure as you mentioned after I go down, when I have the opportunity to return to the village, I will tell the village chief and grandfather that you and the bad guys will kill people in the same village at once!"

Immediately, he began to crawl downward with the help of the external spirit bone "Eight Spider Lance".

At the same time, in order to prevent the old Yinbi poison from suddenly attacking, Tang San never took it back after taking it out.

In this way, time passed unconsciously.

When the clouds and mist in front of him disappeared, and his spirit power was almost exhausted, Tang San finally descended to the bottom of the mountain.

Seeing Tang San's figure, Dugu Bo, who had already fallen down, thought of the scene he had just witnessed, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

This kid, good means!

But Tang Ge suddenly ran over, and before Tang San could react, he stopped him and jumped into the air.

"Tang San, look quickly, I didn't lie to you, here is the treasure land I'm talking about!"

Being held by a big man, Tang San instinctively wanted to struggle.

But when he heard the other party's full of excitement, he couldn't help looking down.

Then Tang San's eyes suddenly stared, suddenly full of incredible.

"This...this is the eyes of the two eyes of ice and fire? And... there are also the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot? That is the lovesick heartbroken red..."

In the valley below, what caught his eyes was a huge lake.

The water of the lake was bizarrely divided into two from the middle, with cold air on one side and boiling hot air on the other.

In addition, a large number of precious medicinal materials have grown on the ground surrounding this lake.

Among them, even Tang San was just a fairy medicine that he had heard of!

He originally thought Tang Ge was lying to himself, but in the end he didn't expect that what the other party said was true.

And what kind of treasure is this place, it is clearly a fairy valley!

But it is such a precious place that Tang Ge is willing to share it.

Suddenly, Tang San couldn't help being moved.

He looked at Tang Ge and couldn't help saying: "Tang Ge, you are so kind!"

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