Starting from Douluo

Chapter 179 Big Secret!

Tang Sangang still thought that a fool would die and touch the spring water in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi without any preparation.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, he saw Tang Ge jump into the spring water directly after several jumps.

And the terrifying cold and hot air on the way didn't affect the other party in the slightest.

This made Tang San's heart suddenly full of shock.

Only at this time, he watched Tang Ge fall into the center of the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi, as if soaking in a hot spring, and he felt comfortable and comfortable.

Even the cold and hot powers of the eyes of the ice and fire can't help each other, how terrifying this physical strength is!

Suddenly, Tang San felt a little envious and jealous.

In the eyes of Bing and Huo, Tang Ge's mind sounded the system prompt at an appropriate time.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host, shocked Tang San, and got a shock value of 1,200 points!"


not bad!

Seeing the shock value approaching the 100,000 mark, Tang Ge couldn't help flashing a touch of satisfaction in his eyes.

Immediately he faced Tang San, who was frightened by himself on the shore, smiling and beckoning: "It's so comfortable to take a bath here, let's come together!"

" need!"

Tang San shook his head quickly.

His body couldn't be compared with Tang Ge. If he followed this way, even nine lives would not be enough to waste.

But in the face of the extreme natural environment, there must be something that can restrain it.

So Tang San immediately used the purple magic pupil to start observing all around.

Sure enough, he found what he needed soon.

Extremely cold fairy grass octagonal black ice grass!

Extremely hot fairy grass and fire apricots are delicate!

These two kinds of immortal grasses were bred from Binghuoliangyi's cold extreme ice spring and blazing Yangquan respectively.

If you take only one kind of fairy grass, the result will still be violent death!

But if the two kinds of fairy grass are used at the same time, the extreme cold and extreme heat can be clearly concentrated in the body, forming a peculiar balance.

Then, with the help of their medicinal power, you can enter the eyes of the ice and fire to temper your body!

So when he discovered these two extreme fairy grasses, Tang San couldn't help feeling extremely excited.

"Although there are many grasses here, there are also extreme toxins and extremely harsh environments.

If you can obtain these two kinds of fairy grass, you can not only temper your body, but also resist the erosion of toxins and stay here for a longer time!

So in any case, this rare opportunity must not be wasted!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly stopped hesitating, and began to prepare for the action against the two fairy grasses.

At the same time, Tang Ge, who had already entered the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, naturally discovered that Tang San had begun to seek the octagonal Xuanbing Grass and Lihuo Apricot.

But he didn't stop it, and put all his thoughts on the eyes of Ice and Fire.

In other words, when he came to this treasure place, Tang Ge had already discovered it.

Although Tang San said that the fairy medicine fairy grass growing around was very mysterious, the power of the medicine was actually that way.

It was not even as good as the soul power that he had absorbed a few top-grade spirit stones.

What's more, the reason why there are so many immortal herbs and medicines growing in this valley is entirely due to the eyes of ice and fire.

Without the eyes of ice and fire, the treasure land would no longer be a treasure land.

It can be seen that the eyes of ice and fire are the most precious existence here!

Thinking in his heart, Tang Ge plunged into the spring water and began to dive continuously.

The two extreme powers of ice and fire are like a huge wave on the sea, constantly rushing towards him.

Even with the physique of the ancient Eucharist, as these two extreme forces invaded the body, Tang Ge felt a little bit of pain.

The surface of his body formed a strange picture of half red and half blue.

But for Tang Ge, this is far from reaching the limit he can bear, and he can continue to dive.

In this way, the extreme cold and extreme heat surging around became more and more terrifying, and Tang Ge was getting closer and closer to the bottom of the spring.

I don't know when, the meteor tears in his heart have been stimulated, and life energy has been released continuously.

Under the restoration of these life energy, Tang Ge's body, which had been eroded and torn apart by the force of extreme cold and heat, immediately recovered as before.

Under the crimson and azure blue light, there was skin that became more and more crystal clear like jade.

This is also the real reason why Tang Ge dared to fall into the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire.

It can be said that as long as there are meteors and tears, even if his ridiculous ancient Eucharist cannot withstand the invasion of two extreme forces, he does not have to worry about his life safety at all.

As for Dugu Bo, even if he is a titled Douluo, he probably wouldn't dare to drill down to the bottom of the spring like Tang Ge!

at last.

After another period of time, Tang Ge, who was sinking rapidly, only felt a pause at his feet, followed by a sense of steadiness.

The bottom of the eyes of the ice and fire is here!

But at the same time came bursts of extreme oppression and aura of terror in all directions.

When Tang Ge endured the pain of being constantly torn and compounded and opened his eyes to see the scene in front of him.

Even though he was prepared, he couldn't help but gasped in shock.

At the bottom of the Binghuoliangyi Eye Spring at this time, there are no so-called caves and ravines, let alone any life.

It's two ancient dragons entwined with each other on the creeping!

These two ancient dragons, one red and one blue, most of their bodies sink underneath, and only part of them are exposed, but they still form an endless mountain wonder.

If it hadn't been for them to have been dead for countless years, and had long lost their vitality, Tang Ge probably couldn't help using the Zhuxian Sword for the first time.

It can be seen that these two ancient dragons absolutely surpassed the existence of Title Douluo during his lifetime!

After taking a deep breath to calm down his agitated mood, he looked at the Gulong corpse in front of him, Tang Ge's eyes were suddenly full of burning light.

"The rumors turned out to be true. The eyes of the Ice and Fire Two Eyes were actually conceived from corpses after the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King of the nine dragon kings fell at the same time!

It's no wonder that there will be so many immortal herbs and medicines around the eyes of the ice and fire!"

Because Tang Ge didn't know much about what happened in Douluo Continent in the future, although I heard the background before the formation of the eyes of ice and fire, I was not sure.

As a result, looking at the two ancient dragon corpses in front of him, they exuded the extreme cold and heat, and he was sure that the ice and fire two eyes were the most precious place.

If it is allowed to continue to exist, not to mention the immortal herbs and medicines in countless years later, I am afraid that there will be 10,000 or even 100,000-year-old soul beasts!

Therefore, the two eyes of ice and fire must be in their own hands anyway!

Tang Ge couldn't help making a secret decision in his heart.

It's a pity that his spirit power is not enough at the moment. If he reaches the Soul Sage level and activates the martial spirit body, then he will be able to restore the power of the world in the painting.

At that time, as soon as the mountains and rivers emerge, let alone move away the entire ice and fire two instruments, even if it is to move mountains and reclaim the sea, it is not a problem.

Of course, it is too early to think about this, so Tang Ge shook his head and directly retracted his thoughts about flying around.

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