Starting from Douluo

Chapter 187 I look down on you!

Although it was not the first time that Tang San saw Tang Ge's thick-skinned look, he still felt an incredible feeling every time he saw it.

He could hear that Dugu Bo actually wanted to return a gift to Tang Ge, but when it came to Tang Ge, it became Dugu Bode as a gift to Tang Ge.

What's more, the key to Tang Ge is to be confident and righteous, as it should be!

If Dugu Bo doesn't agree, it seems that he doesn't deserve to be a titled Douluo, and once it is passed out, it will be even more scolded by the spirit master!

But if you think about it, Tang Ge really should ask Dugu Bo for gifts.

After all, he Tang San was called by Tang Ge to detoxify Dugu Bo.

However, since he was detoxifying Dugu Bo, shouldn't Dugu Bo take out gifts to thank him in the end?

Thinking of this, Tang San looked at the pair of sons and mothers he had taken out to give to Dugu Bo, desperately desperate, and suddenly had the urge to put them away.

Why is he so stupid?

Not to mention Tang San's thoughts, when Dugu Bo heard Tang Ge's words, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

He couldn't help staring his eyes, and said angrily: "I want the old man's things to make the old man thank you? I tell you boy, my Dugu Boning can let outsiders say that I am not a hair, and I will not give you a piece of grass!"

Too annoying!

It's so irritating!

Dugu Bo has also really seen that there are people in this world who are so thick-skinned that they can kill people, who are completely murderous without seeing blood!

Moreover, he was afraid that Tang San would be affected, so he quickly stretched out his hand, no matter what Tang San took out, he immediately took it and received it into his soul guide.

Tang San's expression suddenly twitched when he saw this, but he didn't say anything.

Tang Ge was reluctant, his brows suddenly frowned, and the horror that he had put away before was released from him again.

Even the breath of Zhu Xianjian was slightly leaked by him!

For a moment, Dugu Bo, who was originally angry, felt that the sky was about to collapse, and the extreme crisis of death struck, and all his hairs were blown up.

When he sensed that the threat of death came from Tang Ge again, Dugubo couldn't help being filled with shock.

He couldn't imagine what tactics this little guy hid in front of him, why would he even be afraid of his own titled Douluo?

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host, shocked Dugu Bo, and got a shock value of 5,000 points!"

The system prompt sounded in my mind.

But Tang Ge ignored it. Instead, he looked at Dugu Bo and said calmly, "Senior Dugu, is there really no discussion?"

"This...this is not non-negotiable."

Dugu Bo wanted to refuse, but the death crisis hanging in his heart still made him have to compromise, and he had to make his expression as gentle as possible when he said this.

As soon as he said this, Tang San's eyes went wide.

He stared at Dugu Bo blankly, his eyes were full of shock: Senior, you are Title Douluo, how can you compromise so easily, you can't insist on persisting?

But Tang Ge is very satisfied.

He dissipated the breath that he released again, and smiled: "I know Senior Dugu is the most magnificent. Are you going to continue to give this place to juniors?"

"No! This place can't be given to you all, at least the ice and fire are not good!"

Although Dugubo compromised, he still insisted on his bottom line and refused to make final concessions.

He even stared at Tang Ge viciously, gritted his teeth and whispered in a low voice: "Give me some face boy, besides this ice and fire, you can take other herbs!

As long as you agree, this thing is yours, and I can promise you one more condition!"

With that said, there was an extra small green bag in Dugu Bo's hands.

"what is this?"

Although Tang Ge guessed the purpose of the small bag, he still pretended to be puzzled, and reached out to take the small bag.

Watching Tang Ge take away the small bag, Dugu Bo couldn't help but a touch of distress flashed across his face.

Soon he said: "The Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag, a soul guide that can hold living creatures, can just help you place herbs."

As if thinking of something, Dugubo suddenly looked at Tang San just after saying this.

"By the way, little guy, what was that you gave the old man just now?"

"The son and mother chased their souls and courageously, like Yan Wang's post is a hidden weapon." Hearing Dugu Bo's question, Tang San's face twitched slightly.

Then he talked about the method and power of the son-mother's daring use.

Originally, Dugu Bo was for Tang San to test it himself, but Tang San resolutely refused because he had only this set of hidden weapons!


It's nothing more than not giving him things, and wanting him to continue spending money, Tang San is not stupid!


Under the guidance of Tang San, and under the extremely distressed gaze of Dugu Bo, Tang Ge began to harvest the cherished herbs for this valley.

Among them are the Qiluo Tulip and the Eight-petal Immortal Orchid that can play a role in the Shrek Nine Monsters.

Of course, these fairy grasses have become Tang Ge's, and he has the final say on who should use them!

As for Dugu Bo's refusal to move the eyes of the ice and fire, Tang Ge is not anxious; after all, even if the other party agrees, he can't remove the entire eyes of the ice and fire.

There are chances to come here again in the future!

Soon, under the harvest of the two, the precious herbs that had been intensively rising in the valley became sparse.

The rest is basically because the year is too short to avoid the bad luck of being picked.

Seeing this scene, Dugu Bo felt that his heart was bleeding.

You know, it took him decades to manage this valley, but it ended up in someone else's pocket in the end, which is not uncomfortable.

But thinking about using these herbs in exchange for the sequelae caused by Wuhun for himself and his granddaughter, Dugubo felt much better immediately.

After a while.

Seeing that the two had picked almost the same, he walked over.

When he came to Tang Ge, Dugubo said indifferently: "The old man counts his words. Since he promises you a condition, he will naturally not break his promise. Come on, what do you need the old man to do for you?"

A condition?

Tang Ge thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing for Dugu Bo to do.

After all, with his current strength, he can basically do what Dugu Bo can do, and he seems to be able to do what Dugu Bo can't do.

So what's the use of Dugu Bo?

I don't know if he noticed Tang Ge's thoughts, Dugu Bo couldn't help but annoyed, and said angrily: "What? Look down on the condition of the old man?"

I don't look down on your condition, I look down on you!

Tang Ge couldn't help but think to himself.

But on the surface he smiled and said, "Senior, don't worry, I just can't remember it for a while."

Soon Tang Ge seemed to have thought of something again, and his heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly said to Tang San next to him, "Little San, would you like to mention something for Senior Dugu to do?"

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