Starting from Douluo

Chapter 190 Girly Heart, Give Immortal Grass!

After half a year of cultivation, with the energy supply of the two ancient dragon corpses, Tang Ge used the best spirit stones and meteor tears to cultivate at the same time, and his spirit power quickly increased to the sixtieth level.

It was just that because he had not obtained a suitable sixth spirit ring, he could only terminate his spirit power cultivation.

Therefore, the steady flow of energy was tilted by Tang Ge to the elder eucharist again.

In the end, if it weren't for considering that the eyes of the ice and fire are still useful, it is estimated that the two ancient dragon bodies will be swallowed by him.

There are only less than 500 pieces left of the three thousand best spirit stones.

However, with such a huge resource price, Tang Ge's harvest is also very great.

Not only did his ridiculous ancient Eucharist awaken from 6% to 19%, he was only one step away from reaching the Eucharist.

At the same time, a vision that belongs to the ancient eucharist, "The Immortal King Lin Nine Heavens" also initially appeared.

It is by virtue of the ridiculous ancient Eucharist that is approaching Xiaocheng and the vision "The Immortal King Lin Nine Heavens" that Tang Ge can challenge Dugu Bo head-on when he exits the pass.

If he is serious, he will have full firepower, and he can even directly kill Dugu Bo!

This is the horror of the ancient Eucharist!

The only thing that made Tang Ge uncomfortable was that at this point, he no longer dared to continue to improve the progress of the Ancient Eucharist.

Because when using the ancient sacrament, Tang Ge could clearly feel the jealousy of this world of heaven and earth, and a faint threat had hung over his head, as if it would come at any time.

This is the thunder robbery belonging to the ancient sacrament is coming again.

And it is more terrifying than the previous Thunder Tribulation!

Without full assurance, Tang Ge dared not risk his life to overcome the catastrophe.

As for whether or not to use the Zhuxian Sword to cut through the thunder tribulation, he also thought about it; but after thinking about it, let it go.

Who knows if other moths will appear at that time.

Thinking of this, Tang Ge couldn't help but sighed.

"It seems that we have to find a chance to cover the world. If we can obtain the sky-blocking method to open up the sea of ​​suffering, and then choose to cross the calamity there, we have a greater chance of success!"

Fortunately, in addition to going to the world of the sky, there is also a chance for the lottery of the sky!

Looking at the shock value of over 100,000 on the system panel now, Tang Ge suddenly felt very comfortable.

I can finally have another ten consecutive draws.

But at this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, followed by Ning Rongrong's anxious urging sound.

"Tang Ge, are you awake? Come out quickly! If you don't come out again, we'll just go in!"

"Come out, Tang Ge, everyone is waiting for you outside!"

Hearing the urging sound, Tang Ge shook his head and had to temporarily put away the personal information panel.

Soon after he got out of bed, he casually washed his face with clean water, and went straight out.


Outside the room, when Tang Ge came out, in addition to Ning Rongrong, Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing were waiting here.

Seeing that it hadn't been seen for half a year, Tang Ge was not only taller, but even more handsome, and the three girls were dumbfounded.

"Why? Don't you recognize me?"

Tang Ge couldn't help laughing and teasing.

After Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing came back to their senses, their pretty faces suddenly became flushed.

On the other hand, Ning Rongrong ran directly to Tang Ge and hugged his arm and complained: "Huh, look at Tang San, who came back yesterday to find Xiao Wu.

And you didn't go looking for us when you came back, and you went straight back to the room to sleep. It's really disgusting. You know how worried you are that I and Sister Yuechan and Sister Zhuqing are?

And what exactly did you eat? Why did you have a boy's skin better than our girls' skin after only half a year?"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch Tang Ge's body here and there, rubbing it, revealing a look of envy.

If it hadn't been for Tang Ge to hide fast in the end, it would be hard to escape the bad luck of being touched in important places.


Is this girl crazy?Even dare to touch my place!

Little did he know that at this time, Ning Rongrong, who realized that he had almost touched the wrong place, made his face flushed and even his neck was dyed red.

If there were any holes in the ground at this moment, she would definitely not help getting in.

What a shame!

But this is all to blame for Tang Ge, who made him look so good and handsome!

Finally, Ning Rongrong gave Tang Ge a fierce look, his eyes filled with complaints.

Tang Ge saw this with a dazed look.

What am I doing wrong again?

However, he did not continue to struggle with this aspect, and he couldn't help but smile: "Let's not talk about the good or bad skin of my skin. I will bring you all good things when I come back!"

good stuff?

Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up when they heard Tang Ge's words.

Even Ning Rongrong, who was still shy, couldn't help but speak again.

"What good thing, take it out and let us see!"

Tang Ge rolled his eyes, and as expected, the girl's mind became the fastest.

However, he didn't play mystery and took out the gift that had already been prepared.

These were three jade boxes, and as the lid was opened, three plants of herbs suddenly appeared in the eyes of Ning Rongrong's three daughters.

"Brother Tang Ge, what is this?"

Lin Yuechan spoke for the first time, her pretty face full of curiosity.

However, because she has cultivated the spirit of the forest, she can clearly feel the surging medicinal power from these three herbs.

Hearing Lin Yuechan's question, Tang Ge smiled slightly and handed one of the jade boxes to her.

"Yuechan, it is filled with Nine-Rank Ganoderma. It will improve your body and soul power. You can take it here, and I will protect you."


Lin Yuechan nodded heavily.

And she didn't have the slightest suspicion about what Tang Ge said. After taking the jade box and taking out the 9th-grade Zizhi and taking it, she sat down and started to absorb it.

Looking at Lin Yuechan surrounded by purple light, Tang Ge couldn't help showing a smile in her eyes.

If it were to follow the original development, this nine-grade Zizhi would be given to Yu Xiaogang by Tang San.

Then with the help of this immortal grass, Yu Xiaogang will also successfully break through to level 30, so that he can merge with the third spirit ring to become the soul sovereign.

But now, with Tang Ge's intervention, none of this will happen again.

If Yu Xiaogang knew, how would he feel?

Just thinking about it, Ning Rongrong's urging sound came from my ear.

"Tang Ge! Where's mine? Where's mine?"

Tang Ge retracted his thoughts, and after turning his attention away from Lin Yuechan, looking at Ning Rongrong who was anxious, he couldn't help but squeeze her soft cheek.

"Don't worry, come one by one!"

As he said, he ignored Ning Rongrong, who was pouting and dissatisfied, and directly handed Zhu Zhuqing another jade box.

"Zhuqing, there is an immortal grass called Narcissus jade muscle bone, which can moisturize the muscles and bones, and will greatly improve your spirit power. Take it here."

"This name is so nice, thank you, Tang Ge."

Hearing the introduction of Tang Ge, Zhu Zhuqing whispered.

Immediately after taking the fairy grass, she also started to practice.

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