Starting from Douluo

Chapter 194 Look, my spirit ring will really change color!

Among them, Tang San, Flender, Yu Xiaogang and the others clearly knew the true strength of Tang Ge.

Because of their understanding, seeing Ma Hongjun speaking nonchalantly at this moment, the eyes of these three people suddenly revealed a touch of sympathy.

Fatty, you're done!

Ma Hongjun, who had just finished speaking, didn't know what the three were thinking, but he noticed the sympathetic eyes of the three when they looked at him.

While this made him wonder, he couldn't help but feel a little bit bad, so he couldn't help but tentatively open his mouth.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"You didn't say anything wrong, we were wrong and shouldn't know you."

Hearing Ma Hongjun's question, Tang San shook his head serious.

Then Xiao Wu beside Tang San couldn't help but laugh.

Xiao San would actually say such a thing.

The eyes of other people looking at Tang San were also full of weirdness.

"Third brother, you have changed. You are no longer the sincere and friendly third brother I used to know!"

After Ma Hongjun came back to his senses, he was even more aggrieved.

When Ma Hongjun said so, Tang San couldn't help blushing and couldn't help but look at the lively Tang Song.


What are you doing with me?I did not teach you to say that.

Tang Ge noticed the look in Tang San's eyes, his heart suddenly jumped, and he couldn't help cursing.

At the same time, he spoke on behalf of Ma Hongjun: "Fatty is right, Xiaosan, you are floating now, it is time to reflect on it!"

"Yes! Boss Tang is right. Third Brother, you are too drifting, so hurry up and reflect on yourself."

As a solid supporter of Tang Ge, Oscar also jumped out, and a serious duty became Tang San.

In the end, even Dai Mubai couldn't help but speak.

"Little San, I still hope that you can be sincere, friendly and humble."

Tang San:"(﹏)"

Ma Hongjun: "_"

At this time, the movement caused by the previous cultivation of the Shrek Nine Devils was so great that it had attracted the attention of many academy students.

Soon, dozens of people stayed around, and more and more people.

Perceiving this situation, coupled with Tang San being bullied by a group of people began to feel a little at a loss.

Yu Xiaogang still couldn't stand the sudden change of painting style and stood up directly.

"Okay, since everyone has finished their cultivation, hurry up to eat dinner and rest early, and try to consolidate your cultivation results in the next few days.

Tang Ge, come with me, Senior Dugu Bo wants to see you!"


Tang San had escaped from the depressed mood just now, and nodded immediately after hearing Yu Xiaogang's words.

Soon he and Yu Xiaogang left here first.

Immediately after Flander's urging, Dai Mubai and Oscar and others also went to the cafeteria of the college.

After a while, only Tang Ge and Flanders were left here.

Because they wanted to talk about things, they went directly to Tang Ge's residence.

As the door closed, Flender's eyes when he looked at Tang Ge were suddenly filled with relief and helplessness.

What's gratifying is that as the dean of his life, he can receive such an excellent student, so he doesn't have to worry about himself.

But precisely because of being too good, Flanders seemed extremely helpless.

After all, compared with the students of Tang San and Dai Mubai, Tang Ge has improved too quickly.

Even Flander's current soul power cultivation base can no longer afford to teach Tang Ge.

More importantly, he even suspects that if the two start their hands, he must be the loser.

This made Flender couldn't help being jealous. He looked at Tang Ge and said in a crooked manner: "You kid won't blame me for ruining your bi-pretending plan, right?"

"Oh, I didn't expect that the dean would know about even installing bi once, and it really made the students admire!"

Tang Ge raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but ridicule with a smile.

"Get out of here, kid!"

In the end, Flender couldn't help but kicked Tang Ge's ass.

However, he immediately returned to his previous seriousness, saying: "I learned from the child of the third grade, the combat power you can put down and fight Senior Dugu Bo really shocked me.

No matter how you do it, this is always your secret, and I will not ask more.

But as the dean, I hope you can remember that Title Douluo in this world is not invincible, and some people don't want a genius like you to grow up.

So you have to learn to hide yourself, don't tell us everything or your classmates.

This is not only good for you, but also a kind of protection for Tang San and the others.

Tang Ge, do you understand what I mean?"

"Of course I understand, isn't it just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Don't worry, Dean, I'm the best at this thing!"

After listening to the reminder from Dean Flender, Tang Ge patted his heart and said confidently.

It was just that his words left Flanders speechless.

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

I think your kid is a real pig, for fear that others will not know how fat he is!

Of course, Flander just dared to think about it in his heart. He was afraid that after speaking out he would be beaten into a pig by Tang Ge.

After all, the opponent even dared to fight titled Douluo, would he be afraid of him, a little soul saint who was not even a Contra?

Thinking of this, Flander couldn't help but sigh again.

Seeing this, Tang Ge asked with some doubts: "Does the Dean have other troubles?"

"After half a year, it will be the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition. I originally wanted you to lead the team to participate in the competition, but your spirit power increased too fast.

If it were not for the feelings of other students, I would like you to graduate now. After all, I won’t be able to win the glory of Shrek Academy in the competition if I keep you!"

Speaking of this, Flanders is wailing again for a while.

But after listening to Tang Ge, he couldn't help but raise his brows, a strange smile appeared on his face, said.

"In fact, it is not impossible for me to lead the team to participate in the game."

"How is it possible, your kid's spirit power..."

Regarding Tang Ge's words, Flanders retorted without even thinking about it.

But before he could finish speaking, Tang Ge suddenly showed the Wuhun "Mountain and River Sheji Tu".

Immediately below his feet, five dark spirit rings emerged one after another, and immediately dragged the entire room into the dark shadow.

If that's all, but what Flander saw next made him involuntarily open his eyes, his face was shocked and incredible.


Accompanied by a snap of Tang Ge, under his triumphant smile, the five thousand years that originally surrounded his body actually began to change color at this moment.

The first ten thousand years spirit ring changed from black to white.

The second ten thousand years spirit ring turned yellow.

The third ten thousand years spirit ring is still yellow.

The fourth and fifth spirit rings turned purple at the same time.

One white, two yellow and two purple!

At this moment, Tang Ge proved with facts that his spirit ring would really change color!

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