Starting from Douluo

Chapter 263 The competition begins!

Who has such a big tone?

How to look down upon the Elite Contest of the Advanced Soul Master Academy of the whole continent so much that even the four words "one time" are used?

As the confident laughter came down from the sky, everyone who was listening to the master's arrangement couldn't help being curious, and they all looked up and looked in the direction of the sound.

On the contrary, Yu Xiaogang seemed to have heard the identity of the person from the voice, and was not surprised, even a touch of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

He suddenly felt that the arrangement he had just now really seemed to be useless.

At this time, a burst of air-breaking sound followed the light laughter from far to near.

When Tang San and the others raised their heads to look towards the sky, two figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was Tang Ge and Ning Rongrong who were originally absent.

Although everyone was very curious about why Ning Rongrong would come with Tang Ge, they didn't ask too much, and they couldn't help but wonder.

It turned out to be what Tang Ge said just now!

This is not surprising!

After all, Tang San and Dai Mubai had seen Tang Ge's abnormal sixth spirit ring with their own eyes, and the crimson light of one hundred thousand years was almost blinding people.

Especially the opponent's terrifying strength of a ten-thousand-year spirit ring, once the game is off, it is afraid that the light will be able to win the game.

What more is needed than fighting?

You said Tang Ge is too strong?Have reached the soul emperor, can't participate in the competition?


Just now, the master said that the only limit for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is age, but there is no limit on the level of soul power!

So if you really think about it this way, it seems that it is really just a match.

In the end, even Dai Mubai couldn't help but said, "You said, this time the dean's customized championship mission for us is too simple.

If Tang Ge is with us, will we just stand behind him and cheer for him?"

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Tang San and the others only rolled their eyes.

But they agreed with these words in their hearts, and they even thought of the scene uncontrollably, and they couldn't help showing weird smiles on their faces.

Even one of the other four new faces nodded in sympathy with Dai Mubai's words.

When the other three people saw this, they suddenly turned their gazes to this companion with some curiosity.

One of the beautiful girls couldn't help asking: "Tyron, don't you think they are right?"

Not bad!

The new face that just spoke was not someone else, it was Tyrone who had a powerful orangutan spirit.

Moreover, as one of the subjects of a family of three who were all beaten by Tang Ge, he heard the question from the girl student next to him, and inadvertently recalled what happened in his mind.

So when Tyrone looked at Tang Ge in the sky, he smiled with fear and pride in his eyes.

"Hehe, if that person really wants to participate in the competition, I dare to promise with my heart that, with his strength, there are really few soul masters of the same age who are his opponents."

It's so amazing?

Hearing Tyrone's words, the female classmate and the other two male classmates were even more surprised.

At this moment.

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied with Dai Mubai's words, his originally serious face couldn't help but snorted.

"If you don't plan your tactics well, you will think of such good things. How can it help you!"

After the training, he called Tang Ge again.

"Tang Ge, bring Rongrong down, just to introduce the four new companions for you two."

These words were extremely gentle, which made Dai Mubai and others envious and jealous.

Sure enough, without strength, there is no human rights!

Tang Ge smiled faintly, holding Ning Rongrong and fell from the sky.

As soon as he landed, Ning Rongrong blushed and broke free from his arms, ran to Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing's side, and began to whisper, not knowing what he was talking about.

And Yu Xiaogang introduced the four new companions to Tang Ge.

Although the Soul Master Academy Elite Competition only requires a team of seven people to participate in the competition, the competition time is long and various accidents are difficult to prevent.

Once there is a loss of personnel, it will have a great impact on the team's next game.

So the backup personnel is extremely critical.

It was for this reason, and in addition to the fact that the Shrek Nine Monsters had two more people, Yu Xiaogang arranged four more companions for them from the academy.

This is no different from the original plot known to Tang Ge.

And among the four new companions, except for the old acquaintance Tyrone he had known before.

The other three are respectively Huang Yuan, the thirty-fifth level assault-type war soul statue, the thirty-fifth-level sensitive attack type war soul statue Jingling, and the thirty-fifth-level healing weapon soul statue Jiangzhu.

Among them, Jiangzhu is a rare beauty. In addition, she is good at treatment, and her skin is fair and attractive.

So her joining immediately made Oscar and Ma Hongjun extremely excited, and a pair of peach blossom eyes and a pair of phoenix eyes moved frequently towards her.

If it hadn't been for the master to be here, the two of them would have been tempted to run over and ask warmly.

It's just a pity that with the arrival of Tang Ge, the curiosity of the beautiful women they were thinking of was suddenly attracted by Tang Ge.

No, just after Yu Xiao finished the introduction, Jiang Zhu couldn't help but look at Tang Ge and ask.

"Tang Ge classmate, can you tell us what your spirit power level is now?"

When the other three heard it, they stared directly at Tang Ge, wanting to know the answer.

But unfortunately.

Even if Jiang Zhu is a beauty, Tang Ge didn't intend to tell her, smiled and shook his head: "This is a secret, you will know it after the game starts."

Jiang Zhu was about to continue to ask, but Yu Xiaogang suddenly said, "Tang Ge, it is no longer necessary to participate in the competition with your strength. Are you sure you want to continue to participate?"

"Master, as I said before, it's just a match. The reason why Shrek Academy participates is mainly to win the championship.

That being the case, why waste so long in this game, isn't it good to cultivate to improve soul power?

Besides, I want to participate in the competition, but not every game is worth my end; in this case, the juniors still have a lot of opportunities to exercise."

For Yu Xiaogang, Tang Ge is very relaxed.

Moreover, with his current strength, he is not afraid of anyone at all, so how can he easily miss such an opportunity to harvest a large amount of shock value?


After Tang Ge said these words, Yu Xiaogang was speechless, and with his current ability, Tang Ge could not stop Tang Ge's decision.

Just do whatever the other party wants.

After thinking about it, Yu Xiaogang suddenly stopped persuading him, and after explaining the specific situation of the game again, he disbanded everyone and went on their own.

In this way, another two days passed without knowing it.

Two days later.

Under the anticipation of all soul masters and ordinary people, the mainland senior soul master academy elite competition finally opened as scheduled, and the opening ceremony of the Tiandou Empire Division held a grand opening ceremony in Tiandou Imperial City.

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