Starting from Douluo

Chapter 268 The Tragic Heaven Dou Royal Second Team!

Not to mention the thoughts of Bishop Salas, the second team members of the Tiandou Royal Academy on the stage of the competition are now dull.

The mockery on their faces had disappeared completely, replaced by a thick panic.

What's going on in Shrek Academy, why even the ten thousand years spirit ring appeared?

But after a while, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the seven members of the Tiandou team.

In the sky above the competition platform, the referee in charge of the match finally recovered from the shock just now.

She couldn't help swallowing and spitting, and said in a trembled voice: "Before... the game begins..."

Just after the announcement, for fear of being implicated, the referee hurriedly flapped his wings and retreated outside the competition platform.

Only after hearing the start of the game, the seven members of the Tiandou team hesitated.

Among them, the female soul master who was still scratching her head and mocking the Shrek nine monsters was even more nervous: "Captain, the six opponents are all soul sects, and there are two others who have ten thousand year spirit rings. We really want to do it. ?

And even if we do it, maybe we can't beat them, right?"

Hearing the words of the female soul master, other teammates also turned their eyes to the short youth captain.

The short youth captain was moved, but he didn't dare to agree.

Not to mention that the seven of them are all representing the Tiandou Royal Academy. If they give up like this, I am afraid that they will lose the face of the Academy.

What's more, there is still His Majesty Xueye watching on the VIP stage.

Once your majesty is angered, shame is a trivial matter, and you may lose your life in the end!

It's just that the people in the Tiandou team were hesitating, but the Shrek Nine Monsters did not continue to wait.

And in order to make a quick fight, they didn't have the slightest reserve of strength.

At the very beginning, Ning Rongrong snorted directly.

"There are colored glazes in the transfer of Jiubao, one said: strength, second said: Min, third said: soul!"

Suddenly, with the consumption of a large amount of soul power, the three-color halo that replaced it was released from Ning Rongrong's martial soul.

These three auras did not fall on all the Shrek Nine Monsters, but were selectively absorbed by Lin Yuechan, Tang San and Dai Mubai.

Obviously before the start of the game, they already had a clear tactical arrangement.

The contestants watched the channel, and Tang Ge, who was not on stage, suddenly smiled when he saw this scene.

"The ending is set, we can wait for them to come back."

When they heard Tang Ge's words, Jiang Zhu and Tai Long couldn't help but stare at Bidoutai, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

And in their hearts, they were even more curious about Tang San and Lin Yuechan's fourth spirit ability.

Even the nearly 10,000 spectators on the audience stage held their breath involuntarily.

"Blue Silver Cage!"

Because of the increase in Ning Rongrong's three spirit abilities, Tang San suddenly felt that his spirit power had almost doubled.

So after shouting loudly, he directly used his fourth spirit ability.


Along with the vibration of the air, purple-black vines formed from blue silver grass continuously emerged from the platform.

Then these almost thick blue silver vines were like pythons, and under Tang San's control, they quickly rushed to the opposite Tian Dou Second Team.

And under the support of the huge spirit power, the entire Bidoutai was surrounded by Tang San with blue silver vines.

In such a tight siege, the seven members of the Tiandou Second Team had nowhere to evade.

At the same time, Lin Yuechan also activated her fourth spirit ability.

"Thorns entangled!"


Accompanied by the sound of the air being beaten, a series of thick, long and hard roots emerged from the ground.

The two 10,000-year spirit rings suddenly exploded, and a dazzling black light suddenly appeared on the platform.

What's more, what these two ten thousand year spirit rings released was actually the most precious group control spirit ability among the control system spirit masters!

Suddenly, exclamations came out again from the audience stage.

All the audience looked at the two figures on the competition stage that released group control spirit skills, and their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

In their eyes, the Tiandou Second Team was completely out of play.

If this can be stopped, the audience will definitely queue up and stand upside down!

as predicted.

Even if the seven members of the second team of Tiandou on the opposite side of the platform reacted in time, they immediately stimulated their spirit abilities, wanting to rush out of the blue silver cage first.

But it is a pity that the toughness of the blue silver cage is extremely extraordinary.

Facing the combined attack of the four beast martial spirits in the second team of Heaven Dou, the blue silver vines not only remained unbroken, but quickly formed a chain of prisons.

At the same time, the rapidly ascending tree roots were like ten fingers clasped together, turning into a giant net and shrouded in vain.

The combination of the blue silver cage and the thorny entanglement completely trapped the seven members of the Tiandou Second Team to death in it.

No matter how they roar and explode their spirit abilities, they can't break free from it.

Seeing this scene, Tang San immediately shouted.



As soon as Dai Mubai, who was already ready to go, heard Tang Ge's greeting, he screamed and exploded with his soul class aura.

With the continuous concentration of soul power, his whole body muscles swelled up.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Mubai rushed directly towards the trapped Seven of Tian Dou Second Team.

Ten meters away in an instant!

Seeing that he was about to hit the cage made of blue silver vines and tree roots, behind Dai Mubai, the white tiger with evil eyes of Wuhun suddenly raised his ears to the sky and let out a loud roar.


Then, Dai Mubai didn't have any reservations, and directly activated his fourth martial spirit.

White Tiger Meteor Shower!

Suddenly, on the top of Dai Mubai's head, clusters of white light quickly condensed.

Then these white light clusters were directly like meteor showers falling from the sky. Under the horrified gazes of the seven spirit masters of the Second Team of Heaven Dou who were trapped in the cage, they crashed down towards them.


Suddenly, bursts of deafening explosions swayed directly on the Bidoutai.

But Tang San and other members of the Shrek Nine Devils retreated quickly, avoiding the impact of the aftermath of the explosion.

They didn't make another move, but just stopped, with a triumphant smile in their eyes quietly looking at the seven spirit masters of the Heaven Dou Second Team swallowed by Dai Mubai's fourth spirit ability.

If you look closely, you can find that at the moment when the white tiger meteor shower fell, some of the vines contracted and deliberately exposed some gaps.

Then the power released by the white tiger meteor shower rushed into the cage along these gaps.

Then came a sorrowful scream.

At some point, Prince Xue Xing on the VIP stage had already stood up.

He stared fiercely at the Spirit Master of the Heaven Dou Second Team who was submerged by the explosion on the Bidou platform, his eyes were extremely red.

And in his heart, it is constantly roaring.


You must die to me!

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