Starting from Douluo

Chapter 274 Soul Emperor? Soul emperor!

For the first round of the first round, the audience in the field can be seen, and they have remembered.

After all, it is not only the first game in the Elite Competition of the Senior Soul of Souls, but also two soul rings in the Elite Fighting Division.

And the soul skills of the two thousand thousands of soul rings are also the most rare and precious group control skills!

This is a scenario that is difficult to see in the past contest.

So now in the Tiangou Venean, the sudden black horse that suddenly rakes, has already become a champion of all people.

The audience who came to watch was still looking forward to the first game in this second round, and the Shrek team was able to play again.

but now.

When I saw the seven contestants sent by the Shrake team, everyone was blinded.

what happened?

How did you suddenly change people?

They looked at Ning Rong Rong and Oscar in the first round of the competition, and the remaining five people were all new faces.

The key audience seems to remember that Ning Rongrong and Oscar should be auxiliary soul.

Two auxiliary souls have played again, it is difficult to do new five people more than the five people before, or how should I compare the two teams to be a horrible like?

Not only is the surroundings of the audience, but even the three tutories of the Snow Night, Snow Star Prince and the Tiangou Royal College are very indiscriminated.

But in this, the eyes of Ning Feng and the two people of the Rong Rong suddenly lit up.

When they saw that the Shrek team took the team, it was no longer worried about the security of Rong Rong, but also a look forward to the next game.

Even Tang Song, this kid is out of horses, what is it as a thing?

For a time, the two couldn't help but look at it. When I looked at the Snow Night Damei in the Damei of the Damei, when I was like the primary of the Azong, I suddenly had a touch of sympathy.

"Wind, is this new Slack contestant?"

On the one side, I made a change in the expression of Ningfeng, and the night emperor couldn't help but ask.

This time, Ningfeng did not use the means of forcing lines, but smiled and opened: "Your Majesty, the special place is not good, but the result of the game should be stable.

It is a strong debate in the competition in the Arabian, but unfortunately, I have encountered a small change, so I am relaxing my heart. "

"Oh? Listening to the wind, this is a big chance of winning the Slack College!"

After listening to Ning Feng, the Snow Night Emperor was very surprised.

However, his voice just fell, not far away, the image of the song that was like a mountain is like a mountain, suddenly snorted.

"Zelake College, how can I be compared with me? Ning Zong's words, I will not accept it!"


You are not accepted, the facts are all there, you are very miserable, you are like a team of participants!

Ningfeng laughed in his heart.

Therefore, for the refutation of the call, he did not speak again, but smiled and shook his head and re-moved his eyes to the lower counter.

same time.

In the other side, Saras, who has been low, is secretly looked at the fight, and the face that has been hidden by him is also smoked.

This is evil kid!

I said why you didn't have to change the plan, and continue to send an example of the people in Act. I actually shot!

Do you want to face!

However, I am afraid that my face has been shameful by Snow Night and Ningfeng. After Salas, after stealing, after the fight, it quickly lowered his head.

And the king sitting in the next layer is do not know what happened in Saras.

So he looked at this game was like the Azure to the Strainelet Academy, his face suddenly revealed a smile.

"You are a small animal, waiting for death!"



Do not say the audience's ideas, after the information of the Slack Academy in advance, I learned the information of the Slack Academy.

Seeing that five people in front of this seven opponents are new faces, and it is very doubts like the seven people in Azong.

How suddenly?

Is there any other five new faces before it still don't have it?

Thinking of this, the seven songs of the soul of the Acta have become dignified.

Among them, the call of the leader is even more low: "When the game is starting, it is stable, according to our previous discussion, it is not anxious!"

"Don't worry, the captain."

I heard the reminder of the call, and the other six people nodded.

At this time, because the team of participating teams have been boarded.

The suspense and viewing of the competition are also mentioned.

Seeing that the audience in the scene is something for can't wait, the referee over the ring is finally no longer waiting.

She suddenly announced: "The game begins, the two sides are bright, the soul of the soul!"


As the referee is just just, the seven souls of the Actus show their respective strengths.

Under a burst of "Ang", "Ang", "Ang", a representative of Wu Sheng "Diamond Sweet" suddenly turned out behind the seven people.

The huge diamonds are fascinating, and the thick forelimbs are lifted, and they can spread the powerful momentum that can be trampled.

In the same time, there is a circle of yellow purple soul rings rise from seven people, surrounding the body.

As the soul of the soul is in the center of the team, it is more conspicuous.

But weird is.

All the audience on the game at this moment did not pay attention to the call of the extension and his team, but put their attention on the Slack Academy's participating team.

They have all revealed curious colors.

What is the strength of this Slack Academy?

In the Slack participating team, Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Pearls, they did not release the martial arts and soul rings, just staring at Tang Song.

"What do you do?"

Tang Song couldn't help but ask.

After hearing, he suddenly smiled: "Anyway, Tang Song, you can, we don't have to do it, just stay here for you."

"Come on! Tang Bao!"

Oscar on the side follows with a very cooperation.

Tang Song saw, could not turn over the eyes.

Actually, I really regard myself as a member of the Lara!

But because the dialogue between them did not deliberately suppress the sound, so I was all in the ear.

For a time, seven people have grateful.

As the call of the captain, it is even anger, and the big road: "Where is it nonsense, there is a courage to brighten the soul, no courageous and hurry!"

"Oh ... If you are willing!"

I heard the roar of the call, and the smile on Tang Song, who turned it, gradually disappeared.

Then, with the thorny yellow, purple, black three-color rays intertwined, and a soul rose from his feet.

One, two, three ...

When I saw the soul ring surrounded by Tang Song's body, when I was more than six, everyone was not worthy.

Soul Emperor?

But immediately after these viewers came back, and then pumped a cold air.

It turned out to be the soul emperor!

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