Starting from Douluo

Chapter 283 I fall?

But considering your place at this moment.

After the thorough absorption of the soul of the sharp evil spirits, Tang Song did not continue to cultivate, directly from the conscious sea.

As he opened his eyes, he re-mastered his body, and suddenly saw the snow night emperor who was poured on the ground.

Tang Song's eyes flashed in the eyes, there is a kind of impulse to kill the emperor directly.

After all, he has already seen the trend of the dark magic evil spirits, which seriously suspects that the soul of the absorption that I just refined is not all of the murderous evil spirits.

If you really kill the snow, maybe you can completely pull it out from the secret.

But finally thought about it, Tang Song still didn't do this.

He couldn't help but hear himself: "And no matter if you have a complete death, I dare to come to me, but still being swallowed up again!"

In this way, Tang Song directly lifted to the dark night in the coma.


He first took a few slaps on the opponent's face, and then shouted: "Your Majesty, wake up! Come wake up!"

After a while, the snow in the coma woke up.

After he opened his eyes, he looked at the Tang Song at close to it. In addition to his face as if it was in the face, the brain is also uncomfortable.

Snow Night Emperor didn't know what happened, couldn't help but confused: "Tang ... Tang Song, what happened? How can I fall on the ground?"

Asked, he is already struggling to climb it from the ground.

Then, in the process of moving the body inadvertently, the Snow Night Emperor saw a lot of broken furniture in this hall, and there was a depression that was obviously hit by the wall behind the wall.

He suddenly took a breath and looked at this scene.

See the ghost!

This ... how can it become like this? And my face ... Why is redness?

Through a mirror on the wall, the figure of the snowy night, it looks unbearable.

Especially the originally majestic face, it turns into a pig's head!

The night emperor still can't think of what happened to the end, and it is a blank in a head like a needle.

Tang Song saw the situation, he was seriously suspicious. The emperor was really stupid before the eyes, or was stupid?

However, he did not mention the things of the dark magic and evil spirits, just in the face to show an amazing look, said: "This ... Your Majesty, all this is yourself."

I fell myself?

When I heard Tang Song, even if the snowy night is not an emperor, I have been blown out at this moment, I can't help but go out.

He is a soul teacher, even if it is stupid, it can be seen. In the past, this crowded living room is obviously the battle that has just been unclear.

Combined with your injuries, the depression on the wall is definitely hit by yourself.

And your hurt on your face ...

Thinking of this, snowy night can not help but look at the innocent Tang Song on his face, and the eyes are suspected to be hit by this kid.

After all, in addition to his and Tang Song, there is no one.

However, in addition to the pain in his mind, it is entirely lacking a memory that you will come behind Tang songs. It doesn't come out that it is the evidence of the other party.

This makes the snow night not from an angry, I want to do my hand and I don't dare to do it.

So he once again stared in Tang Song, Shen Sheng: "Tang Song, the child is not good, I am doing this, is it my own? Isn't you play?"

"Your Majesty, how can you say this? I ... how can I dare to hit you, this is your own fall!"

Tang Song was put away, and suddenly his face wrote.

He immediately described what happened, its process is: Snow Night Emperor suddenly trembled, mad, in the room, and finally his face hit a wall.

After listening to the description of Tang Song, the Snow Night Emperor has been a bit a little.

See this, Tang Song has quickly opened again.

"Your Majesty, I have heard a disease from my hometown, it seems to be called lamb disappointment. After committing a disease, I will hit like a mad lamb. Wait until I wake up, I don't know what happened during the time.

You see, you have to find a doctor quietly, will not be because of the lamb ... "

"Stop! Don't say anymore!"

As a result, did not wait for Tang Song. After the words, the ends of the Snow Night Emperor immediately interrupted his words, swayed: "Okay, come here today, the emperor is not suitable, you go back."

He is really afraid that this kid will talk about it, and you will not take more problems anything.

Bened by the coupon, Tang Song didn't care, "respect" is a gift to the snow night, and turn to the top floor living room.

People just walk, the face of snow, redness, gradually, gradually.

He frowned, muttered in his mouth: "Why will I miss a memory, this is what happened, is it really the lamb crazy?

And I am hurt in me, is it really my own? "

In the heart, the snow night is ready to ask the following Soul Emperor to ask for the movement that occurs during the period.

As a result, he has not come yet, and the whole person is shaking, and then it is replaced by a wipe and resentment in a pair of eyes.

The eyes were dead and stared at the direction of Tang Song, and the snow night was almost biting his teeth: "The dead man, I won't be so much!"


On the first floor of the hotel, when Tang Ge is going down, he will come down.

Whether it is Ningfeng or the royal family next to it, it is a breather after seeing Tang Song.

Ningfeng caused a quick step to come, and asked whispers: "Tang Song, okay?"

"Ningshu, you have worked more, I am coming to see you, how can there be something!" I heard the words of Ningfeng, Tang Song couldn't help but laugh.

Ningfeng did not nod.

"It's okay, since this, let's go back."


Tang Song has no objection.

After the royal family next to him, two of them left the hotel and walked toward the direction of the Speluded Academy.

During the period, Ningfeng did once again asked the hotel's top floor.

Only Tang Song feels that things about the darkness of the evil spirits are still can't say, so I will find a reason for the past.

Ningfeng is very good to know that things cannot be so simple.

But since Tang Song did not want to say, and the other party did nothing, so he no longer continued.

Waiting for the other party back to the college, and said with his daughter, after I have to prepare the game, I will leave again.

same time.

The night emperor stayed in the hotel's top floor, perhaps it is also afraid of the cause of the face, and directly ordered anyone to board the top floor.

So, this only thing that Tang Song and Snow Night, I can't do it!

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