Starting from Douluo

Chapter 293, Salas, etc.

Although it was half a year ago, there was a scenario in the King of Tang Song, who had already seen the King of Tang Song, alone in the sunset forest.

Although he was shocked, he was also within his space.

After all, the soul ring!

His solitary alone is late, but not only, but also five.

But now!

In front of me, the fourteen-year-old Tang Song not only raised the soul from the soul of the soul in two years, but even the sixth soul rings became red.


This is the color of only 100,000 years of soul rings!

Soap, even if it is already a title, you can also think about yourself, you can also have a 100,000-year soul ring, because all the title of 100,000 years of soul rings is uncomfortable!

Now, the 100,000-year-old soul ring that he thinks on the day, actually appeared on a 14-year-old boy who knows himself.

For a time, a pair of green eyes are not big, and I look at Tang Song with an incredible look.

"You ... Where is your kid, where is this soul ring?"

"Hey, congratulate the host, shocking solitary, gaining shocking value of 555!"

In the mind of Tang Song, the system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

I heard this prompt, Tang Song brows, secretly surprised: ? It seems that this old venom is really shocked, and the shocking value provided exceeds Tang San him!

I thought in my heart, and his face was revealed a smile and couldn't help but reply.

"Can I say it is given to me?"

The result is not only non-refuted, but I still take a deep breath and take a little bit. I'm very serious: "I believe it is given to you!"

So, if you can, you can also help the old husband to ask for your feelings, so that the old days will also increase the old man's soul ring to 100,000 years? "


Tang Song almost stimulated the blood of this free!

He didn't expect the other party to answer himself, watching the opponent's appearance, people who couldn't know who would know that this old poison is playing!

Also want to let God send you a 100,000-year soul ring?

Come beautiful!

Therefore, with the depression of a scent of the heart, Tang Song looked at the blink of the eyes when he lonely.

"Sorry, the old man in the old man only only this 100,000-year soul ring, gave me, so you don't have no one again."

"That is really a pity, since this, the old man does not disturb you, this will leave one step."

I heard the answer of Tang Song, I couldn't help but shook my head.

Speaking of him, turning around with the martial arts and with the nine soul ring.

Tang Songs saw it, and the eyes were full of weird, open reminded: "That ... alone, what is important thing?"

"Is there? Why don't I feel?"

The doubts of the solitary look.

Tang Song can't see it. Directly poke the other party's installation, righteous words: "Grandpa will teach me from the small man to be straight, said to do it, can't be stupid; especially to you The predecessors should be by example. "

So did you say that you have to have a trick with me?

I feel that we should continue this topic! "

After that, Tang Song lifted his palm to prepare.

The original installation is blurred, and I am scared to stop.

"Wait! Wait! The old man did that he did to talk to your boy, but it was also because the old man worried that your strength is not afraid of provoating the disaster.

But now, after reading this dazzling red rays, the old man is not as good as it is, so the old man is worship! "

Even in order to dispel the heart of Tang Song, he still stared at the huge pressure of the four parties, and directly returned the martial arts and soul rings.

To this end, the face of solo is pale.

As a result, Tang Ge saw, suddenly anxious.

He also recovered the martial arts and the soul ring and waved his fist.

"No, I don't have the lone life, I feel that you can still try again, it is not allowed to be in this dazzling red ray is in the middle?"

Do you want to use it as before, just use my pair of fists and you? "


No matter how the Tang Song is weak, there is no longer no longer.


Although he admitted that he was much higher than the Tang Song, the 100,000-year soul ring on the other party could offset the gap between them.

And I want to fuse the ethnary rings, I have a great requirement for physical fitness.

Not to mention, is still a millionth year of the soul ring.

Tang Song can integrate five thousand years of soul rings and a million-year-old soul ring with such a small age, don't worry about his soul, but this body is already horrible!

Solitary is a good boy, this is still there.

In addition, he doesn't think that the soul of the 100,000-year-old Soul ring is to resist it.


Sometimes I have to recognize it, otherwise I will wait until I want to beat the face!

Instead, I now see the Tang Song, who is suddenly got, and I am so angry, I solve the alone in the original depressed mood.

He couldn't help but laugh, said: "Kid, you are the forser genius I have seen in this life; so the old man is also worried about a fart, you go to the game to let go.

As for the old man, it is really looking forward to the so-called golden generation of the Wushu Temple. "


Tang Song is depressed.

If you know this, he just said nothing else to expose the whole soul ring directly for those more than five thousand shocks.

As a result, now a child is in the body, but I wanted to explode.

It's really uncomfortable!

Who can let me vent!


Tiandu City, the Muslim Temple.

When Tang Song and solitary life are still outside the city, the golden empty hall of this Temple, Salas finally waited for the people he thought.


As the sole is tapped with the ground, the footsteps sounded, and a tall figure slowly walked in front of a face.

As soon as I saw this figure, I showed it on the face of Saras.

"Adult, you are finally here!"

"Hey, my Salas is bishop, I can still see the traces of injuries on your face, this is really unique!

how? And people dare to fight the white gold bishop in the Soul Hall? "

After the come, a pair of eyes swept from Saras, suddenly issued a glorious ridicule.

If the voice does not listen carefully, I thought it was a woman sent.

but in fact.

The other party is male!

Salas is in front of the people of people, not, but they don't dare to be angry, but they have to respect the low voice: "Salas is low, so that adults laugh."

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