Starting from Douluo

Chapter 298 You have to throw us?

When I heard Tang Song, I was going to have a moon. The original dull eyes appeared in the darkness of the darkness.

He just lifted half of the right hand stissible, and he used to look at Tang Song and trembled.

"Really ... really will not let other people know?"

"Do you think that you are in my eyes, worthy of me to treat you with some means that you don't order your grade?"

In the face of the suspicion of the moon, Tang Song faintly said.

Listening to the month, I really want to say that this is the case, then why did you shoot at me?

Just, he really didn't dare to say this, and even if the other's words were obviously ridiculed, it did not have any complaints.

After all, he is really too weak!

Whether it is on age, or in strength, the monthly relationship is not as good as the Tang Song.

But he still didn't rest assured, referring to the solitary life of the show.

"What about this guy? He won't say it?"

"Hey! You a chrysanthemum, I am free to be shameless than the serious injury behind it?"

I heard the question of the month's relationship, I don't wait for Tang Song, I can't help but snort.

But his voice just fell, and the monthly passed nodded directly.



Solitary biting teeth when you are alone, you want to rush over the other side.

However, Tang Song will stop him, and the moon. "Ok, you won't say anything else, you can walk with peace of mind.

But I remind you in advance, this time I can spare you. But if you have dare to find things next time, I will let you experience the feeling of pink bones! "

I have fallen, but I see Tang Ge raise the right hand. At the right hand, the countless temptation time in the sea flouries from the body.

However, in the eyes of the solitary and the moon, these flourish patterns are born, like the heavens and earth chains, "" collided with a hill on the right side of the valley.

Then, it is a big sound of "Bang" "Bang".

The hill is even more in an instant!

See this scene, solitary and moon-pupil holes suddenly tightened, and the heart is shocked.


What is this soul?

Until the gods were re-attacked by Tang Song, they had come back to God.

Especially after the month's passes feel that the crispy feelings from the lower body is, it is also immediately guaranteed: "As long as you are in Tang Song, I am going to avoid the three houses, I will never be right to be right!"

"Retovating three needless, as long as you continue to make it up again, you will go. Let's go, don't let some people wait."

When I heard the month, Tang Ge put it in trouble.

The month will be seen, and I have left here.

As for him, it will not find the trouble of Saras, that is not the matter of Tang Song.

Soon here, there are only two people left and alone.

Thinking of what happened just now, I can't help but look at Tang Song, and I'm lucky.

"I really didn't expect that two years less, your parents have become so horrible, even the 95-level title Douro can be so easily defeated.

Fortunately, I rejected your struggle before, or I don't know how to be bullied by your kid? "

Speaking here, I did not continue to say.

But in fact, there is more words in his heart, that is, the strength of Tang Song is currently not said to be a title.

Even those who have already entered the peak, I am afraid it is difficult to be the opponent of Tang Song.

It is also until this time, solitary priests completely suddenly Tang Song not deliberately hidden the real reasons for their talents.

If you have such strength, don't say that it is bullying, even if you stand in the gate of the Pope, you dare to do it!

However, the only thing that is unique to doubt is that the color of the soul ring of Tang Song will change.

There is also a clear understanding of the other person, and how can the actual strength will be weak? Can Douro can be killed?

Of course, everyone has their own secrets.

Solo-Bo minus, if you still want to continue to maintain this close relationship with Tang Ge, you can't explore things that you shouldn't know.

So he strongly pressed the curiosity of the heart, I thought about what, my eyes suddenly lit, open mouth.

"Tang Song, you should know that I still have a granddaughter, or do I meet you? You should have seen it, my granddaughter is very good, if you are together ..."

"Stop stop! Do the lone life, I am now heavy, I don't want to consider the relationship between men and women.

So my predecessors your heart I got, or you should take a look at others. "

After stopping the solitary life, Tang Song wants to go up and fly away from it.


I Tang Song took you a brother, but you think about my grandfather?

My Tang Song looks like the kind of person who likes the old cattle eating old grass?

It's really beautiful!

Solitary don't know the idea of ​​Tang Song, but I saw that the other party was directly scared. After a moment, a old face suddenly turned off.

"This little child ... actually dare to abandon my granddaughter, is my granddaughter so ugly?"

No, you must catch this kid and say it! "

I have fallen, and I have been vacated, followed by Tang Ge, just left.


Time is very fast, I don't know if the whole mainland Senior Soul College Qualifier has ended the time of the past week.

With this week's trim, the promotion will be started tomorrow.

As a champion winner of the Safety Different Selection, the Shrek Academy is very beautiful.

Frand, who is the dean, is also worried about Tang San will attract unnecessary trouble because of this matter. Specially requested that these students don't leave Tiancha City.

However, with the college consultant alone returned, Flend's original all worried instantly walked.

There is a title to Town, only those who don't have a long-awache, dare to enhance the Speck Academy.

Today, it is the last day of repair.

Therefore, in order to meet the promotion of tomorrow, Fland and Yushu have once again convened all the students to the trees behind the college, ready to make arrangements in advance.

It's just that talents have just gathered, and the Tang Song in this is just one step.

After his eyes surrounded by a circle, he looked at Flanders: "Dean, with the current small three and Mu Bai's strength to say that it is a winning season, even if it is a big champion, it is also a big chance.

So taking into account the situation in my own strength, I am going to continue to participate in the next game, and I should leave the college. "

At this time, everyone has gratified, and I didn't expect Tang Song to suddenly make this decision.

In particular, Ning Rongrong went back to God, he couldn't help but urgently said: "Tang Song, do you want to throw us?"

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