Starting from Douluo

Chapter 300, you will be a arm!


With a gentle footsteps, the rays showed a woman who was moving back from the main hall.

The woman wearing a white golden uterine dress, style is simple and elegant, golden standcases protects her snow white neck.

Skin is like a snow, a straight nose, slightly slightly framing, golden long hair is more casual, and after the shoulders.

But the most vivid thing is that her is a bit of a bit of a sense of danger, and there is no meaning of any embarrassment.

But if Tang Song is here.

He fixedly recognized this mysterious woman who suddenly entered the main hall was not someone else. It is the thousands of snow that have been exposed after the Slack Academy!

At the same time, thousands of snow is a daughter of the Wushu Temple, the Daughter of the East, is also the young master of the Wushu Temple.

As a bishop of Platin, Salas, the Shu Shu Temple, has naturally seen thousands of snow.

So when you see the appearance of thousands of snow, he only felt the collapse, and the whole person suddenly scared from the chair to sit on the ground.

"Less ... Leight ... How come you?"

Salas is dramatic, and the face is extremely pale.

The thousands of snow trails came to the front of Salas.

She is overlooking the other party, and she is not in front of this Platinum. It is just cold.

"Just now, what do you want to let?"

"Less master, I don't ..."

Salas wants to argue, and the result is only a horrible momentum that is directly covered.

Even if Salas has the strength of Luo Luo, it can't help but feel a strong pressure.

He is shocked in his heart. I didn't expect that this is already a powerful strength in the past 20 years old.

On the same time, the Sarasa's brain can't help but emerge, the same small age is strong but a strong Tang Song.

He couldn't help but started from the beginning.

Only, at this moment, in the moment, Salas did not dare to swallow vomiting, and quickly said that this time happened again.

More of these is about the strength of Tang Song and the experience of ourselves in the other party.

Waiting until, Saras can't help but say: "Leight, this boy is enchanting, belongs to the book to invite him to join the Wuhun Hall; but don't want the other party not only don't know the rejection, but also hurt the child and jewry Luo.

If the boy called Tang Song will continue to live, it will be a major threat to my Wushu Temple, and it will hinder the wins of my Wu Shu Temple.

So, please also ask the little master to tell the pope, cut out this person early, and never suffer! "

As the young master of the Wushu Temple, thousands of snow heard these things that were unfavorable to the Wushu Hall, it should be unpleasant.

At this moment, she is a bright light, muttering.

"These two years did not see, he actually became stronger than before."

It is looking forward to the little lord to hear the whisper of the thousands of snow, the whole person seems to be hammered by the hammer, and the body suddenly trembled.

This ... is the young master, is it not to know with the teenager ...

For a time, Salas couldn't help but swallow a mouthful, the original pale face suddenly became awkward.

He wants to open the words you just said.

Unfortunately, the thousands of snow that have been re-recovering their thoughts have no chance to give the Salas.

She looked at Salas with icy and ruthless eyes: "I read you for the Wushu Temple for so many years, I don't kill you today, only you have an arm, do you have any objection?"

"Leight, I ..."

The Salas voice is full of trembling.

But when I feel the killing that was gradually released from the snow, he could only bite his teeth and directly extended the left arm.


No, thousands of snow, only a golden light flashed, the left arm of Salas was broken, and it was completely shredded by Jin Guang.

This is obviously not the opportunity to re-connect the arm to Salas.

On the ground, it quickly left a bloody blood.

Salas did not dare to have any complaints, but after stopping blood donation at the broken arm, he suddenly went down to respectfully.

"Thank you, the older is not killing, just in this situation, I am afraid that I can't participate in the promotion of tomorrow, and I hope that I can be allowed to be treated."

"Treatment? A arm, you continue to participate in the promotion of tomorrow!"

After that, no matter the idea of ​​Salas, thousands of snow turned directly to leave the hall.

Time, only one arm is broken in the big hall.

He looked at the door of the temple that had already lost the Chunxi shadow. After a long time, he suddenly raised the only right hand slammed himself.

"How can I be so embarrassed!"

At this moment, the pale face of Saras is full of regrets.

As for the idea of ​​revenge to Tang Ge, he can only hide the deepest place in his heart.


On the streets of Tiandu City, with the beginning of the All-China Senior Soul Sacrifice, from time to time, he can hear people's discussion on the competition.

Thousands of snow is a person who is slowly moved towards the direction of the Shrake Academy.

Whenever someone talks about the contestants of the Speluder, especially when he mentioned the name of Tang Song, she stopped, and the exquisite face showed a charming smile.

For a time, the pedestrians passed by nearby have no attraction, and they reveal amazing and obsessed.

In this regard, thousands of snow are like not perceived, and they will not pay attention.

In this way, I didn't know that she has come to the Slack Academy.

Just as Qianxue is preparing to ask someone to ask Tang Song's situation, a surprise voice suddenly passed away from it.

"Xue Qian teacher, you are back?"

Thousands of snow stopped and turned to look.

An age looks more than 30 years, and the man who is wearing a college teacher runs over this.

I saw a smile on the opponent's face, and I was familiar with the snow, but I couldn't think of who the other person is.

So she whispered: "Are you?"

The man who has just ran to the thousands of snow and the front of Qin Ming is Qin Ming, and the laughter is suddenly solidified.

After a few seconds, he smiled and said: "I am Qin Ming, when I saw it at the Samuka Soul,"

"Well, I remember, are you still in the Shrek Academy?"

The thousands of snow, the face, finally showed a smile and asked softly.

Her smile is like a blooming flowers, and Qin Ming lost God.

"Teacher Qin Ming, what happened to you?"

Until the sound of the Snow sounded next to his ear, he suddenly turned over God.

For a time, Qin Ming had some embarrassment: "I thought about something, so I accidentally lost my god. After Qianxue, you just ask me?"

"Tang Song is in the college?"

Thousands of snowdrops.

Qin Ming: "..."

He clearly remembers that the other party is not asking for this problem!

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