Starting from Douluo

Chapter 302 is good, meet again!

Wu ... Wushu Hall?

Bibi East?

When I heard Yushu just said this, the original curious Flander was also scared directly from the chair.

He couldn't help but glare, and the face was shocked to look at Jade Xiao Gang.

"Little Gang, you said that the snow thousand teachers is Bibi, your old lovers?"

"Fran, don't talk!"

I heard Flandy to mention the three words of "old lover", Yu Xiaogang's eyelids were uncontrolled, and they glanced directly at each other.

Flandy knows that it is wrong, not a smile.

"Little Gang, don't be angry, I mean that you are not having to know, isn't you sure that the snow thousand teachers really not?"

"If you really do it, do you feel that we can sit in safe and sound?"

For Flanders, Yushu did not help but snort, asked.

Then he once again: "If I don't guess the wrong, this mysterious snow is not only from the Wu Shu Temple, but also the legendary young master.

At the same time, she is also the daughter of the Pope of the Pope in the Wusian Temple, a genius that has passed on the angel family's top Wuhun's six-winged angel!

Her name is thousands of snow! "

Wushu Temple Lord!

The daughter of the Pope than the East!

The first day full of 20th soul, and has the genius of the top of the Wuhun Six-win angel!

When this one represents the identity and glory, after Yu Xiaogang, even if it is already the fland of Lu Luo Xiu, it is not allowed to pour a cold.

He didn't think of snow thousands of snow ... No, it should be extraordinary, but it is not expected to be a daughter of the Wushu Temple in the top of the mainland!

Thousands of snow ...

Snow thousand ...

It's a pity because there is not much to understand the temple of the Wushu, or Flander should think of this.

However, at this moment, he finally realized that it was so fast that the cultivation speed of the thousands of snow that couldads into snow was so fast.

Poor Qin Ming this kid actually dare to pay attention to the paternal daughter, isn't it afraid of death?

Thinking of this, Flander thought of the relationship between thousands of snow and Tang Song.

For a time, his face couldn't help but show worry, and Zhizhen just said: "Xiao Gang, then you don't know the true identity of this Pope's daughter.

And even if the talent of Tang Song is excellence, this pope daughter is high, how can I know and Tang Song, and I still have a Tang Song in two years?

It's hard to know that I know the true strength of Tang Song, and take this opportunity to approach Tang Song, the purpose is to pull Tang Ge into the Wushu Temple? "

The more I want to go, Fled will start to worry.

At this moment, he even wanted to hurry to catch up with the Tang Song left before, then told Tang Song in the true identity of the thousand.

In case this kid is not careful in the beauty, I am afraid I don't know myself.

It seems to have seen Fland's mind, Yushu just smiled and shook his head: "Fland, so long, don't you understand the kid?

According to me, the kids are spirited, I am afraid we first know the true identity of the snow.

And even if he doesn't know, how can his current strength be dangerous? "

After Jade Xiaogang said, the Flander's eyes also worried that the eyes were not only slammed, but they couldn't help but laugh and took the thigh.

"Hahaha, Xiaoji you said yes, I am really worried!

According to the character of Tang Song, he does not take advantage of others. Others want to take advantage of his cheap, it is difficult to get asted.

Instead, I am looking forward to this kid to take the Snow Thousand teachers, but the daughter of the Pope of the Wushu Hall; after the Snow, the teacher succeeded in the new Pope, then I am not the teacher of the Pope?

No, I have to remind Qin Ming's kid, I can't make him confuse! "

After that, Flander can't wait to leave the office.

Time is only one of Jade Xiaozhi.

The pain that was hilarious, also gotten directly with Fland's departure.

As Flanders said, although the thousands of snow concealed the true identity, the facts of the other party and Tang Song did not change.

If you add the talent of Tang Song's enchanting, it is said that it is the relationship between the Wushu Temple.

She not only stops two people, but they will try their best to combine it together.

In this way, the Wushu Temple will be a strong soul teacher who will be super-sealed in the future. At that time, the entire continent will be probably no forces to block the ambition of the Wushu Temple.

And this is not a place that Yu Xiaogang is really worried. He is actually the most worried about Tang San, because the father of Tang San has a difficult hatred!

After Tang San knows that after knowing this matter, it will be hostile to the Wuhun Hall.

So once Tang Ge joins the Wushu Temple, how will two people who are students will face this problem, is it ignorant, still anti-eye revenge?

Yushu just didn't want to think, and he didn't want to continue to think.

He can only sigh, muttering: "I hope that these two are still ridiculous to opposite a certain day, but also remember the love of the same village and classmates."


Time is very fast, the blink of an eye is the past.

After leaving the Shrake Institute, I didn't know that Tang Song, who had happened, did not have a full rise, but it returned to the Kingdom of Barak.

If you encounter the soul of the Balak College who went to Tiantou City to participate in the way, Tang Song is in the way, and these souls are cooked.

Originally he wanted to put the soul and teacher of the entire Balak College, but thought about it or left to Tang San and Mu Bai and other students to solve it.

Just the other side this miserable look can also show a clown on the soul of the Soul.

However, this delay is slow, and the speed of Tang Song is slow.

Otherwise, he can reach Soto City earlier!

And in the evening, Tang Song thought that in this Soto City also had his own little thoint sister, he couldn't wait to go straight to the Summer Field.

Just just arrived in the big swallowthrough, it was preparing to enter it.

Suddenly came in a cold, but also mixed with the girl with a silk: "Tang Song, you are so eager to go in, who is waiting for you?"


Familiar sound!

I heard this girl, Tang Song is doubtful, and I can't help but move.

But when he saw the figure that was slowly coming, his face suddenly revealed, couldn't help but vent.

"So how are you here?"

"Yeah, we can meet again!"

When people walked to Tang Song, she looked at the handsome teenager who had always occupied important positions in her heart. The thin red lips could not help but show a bright smile.

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