Starting from Douluo

Chapter 319 behind the scenes? ?



Even if the

The entire snow extinguish is a dramatic tremor.

As for how many soul beasts in this explosion, no one knows.

The Snow Emperor just hiding, the four soul beasts that Iso had already been thrown by Tang Song, but I didn't dare to smell, and I didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction.

Even if the Zhu Xian sword disappeared after the release of the sword, the death crisis that caged the heart was gradually returned, and they still stayed in place.

Until the shocked explosion and the thunder in the sky were calm, the dignified atmosphere was suddenly broken by the voice of Tang Song.

His eyes swept through the ice emperor who was protected by the horrible height of Titan Blood, and suddenly laughed.

"Reassured, the sword just is not for you, you don't have to be afraid."


Can you be afraid?

Just now, the horrible sword wiped our head, who didn't feel it, and he would continue to live!

I heard the call to Tang Song, I couldn't help but hurt myself.

But she is just a young and lovely scorpion, even if the disgusting human beings are dissatisfied with the sorcerer, I can only think about the opponent's mobility, I can only think about it.

At this time, Tang Song, just mentioned in the half air, has once again taken the Dagan Bright Ship.

As he re-boarded the ship, the direct opening invitation: "Let's go, you will work with me to solve some of the enemies, and then talk about your future things."

In the face of Tang Song's invitation, the three kings plus a bear without a decision.

Finally, the Big Vatican is carrying Tang Song, Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor, and the Titan Blood Devil and Ice Bear King continue to walk forward, one person four soul beasts directly, moving towards the front direction of the sword go with.


The land of Nibei, in depth, hundreds of miles away from the hinterland.

Here, the original snow-capped snowworm has already taken great changes, and the number of rounds is in the fangs. If you suffer from the transpiration of the sun, the snow in a dot is not seen.

The fly-out black frozen soil, from the southwest to the northeast direction, there is a huge crack that is tight and outward.

This crack is width of ten meters wide and a few more meters.

Focusing on the rich sword in the crack, gathering for a long time, so that the air is constantly oscillating.

In the depths of the crack, there is a rare existence of a large number of underground buildings, and it seems that it is obvious for a long time.

Only these underground buildings seem to have been ruthlessly destroyed by terror, all collapsed into ruins, and it can also see one or two broken human bodies in the ruins.


A sound of "" The voice of the dragon, followed by the ruins of the crack side under the huge power of a huge power, it was scattered.

Then a huge figure tattoo time to rush out and supported outside the crack.

Herone is a blue-power tyrant with a thunder and lightning, a pary.

If there is a family member of the Blue Power Bayon Dragon, I will definitely recognize this dragon in the ancestors of the ancestors of the Snowland.

But now, the blue power of the ancestors should not only ran here, but also see the obvious weakness.

At all, I can't show up the momentum of the millennium soul.

And just flew from the crack, this Blue Power Dynasty Wanglong had to fan the wings, and wanted to escape towards it.

But it hasn't come to a huge body, and suddenly there is a silver-white meteor to rush out in the crack, and smash it on it.


Dragon scales are broken, and the dragon blood is suddenly turned out.

Strong drape pain directly lets the blue power tyrants have a painful scream. The whole huge body fell from half of the sky, and smashed a deep pit on the ground.

In the same time, it was another picture from the crack.

And the silver-white meteor who had just fell the ground in the ground, also fell in the hands of this figure, and finally showed a hammer!

The right hand holds a silver white hammer is a middle-aged man, an ordinary, but it looks very strange, as if it is forced by countless faces.

And he is a cold breath.

However, this middle-aged man is obviously hurt, and the face is slightly passion.

And when I saw the Blue Power Battle Dragon, who was smashed by her hammer, his original pale face became ugly.

"This death! It is a little bit to swallow this dragon. I will have the soul of the two top Wuhun's soul!"

But now, everything is ruined!

I hardly work hard for so long, the results are all in white, can be evil, it is really evil! "

But at the same time, while suddenly, the middle-aged man who has suddenly destroyed all the swordsmanship that suddenly destroyed his layout, the middle-aged man could not help but show a strong fear.

That sword is far super, like the hit of the god!

If you don't have your luck, the middle-aged man absolutely understands that he will be like the buildings and buildings!

"No! Can't wait here, you have to go!"

A strong death crisis began in the heart.

Even if the middle-aged man is unwilling, I can only choose to give up my own plan for such a long time, and get ready to leave here.

As for the Blue Electricity, if I have a chance, I will not come back next time!

But he just turned, this film was thoroughly purified in the empty area of ​​the snow, and he suddenly decreased sharply, and the transstature has become cold.


And with the sound of the ethereal sound, under the expression of the middle-aged man's giant change, countless cold weather is quickly gathered together to form a layer of ice.

It seems to be aware of who is, the middle-aged man holds the silver hammer, and the impulse is strong, and the sound will open.

"Ice Emperor, I am inadvertently with you, please let me leave!"

"Let you leave? Who let us leave?"

The sound of the empty spirit sounded again.

But this time this sound is a bit of a bit of a moon and a murder.


With the void vibration, a flare released by the Rich Yang is far from the far and near, the blink of an eye has appeared in the jelly land.

When this fire saga, I suddenly exposed the whole picture.

It is a Dagan Bright Ship.

On the head deck of the Dagan shine boat, Tang Ge and Snow Emperor, the ice emperor is standing in a row, quietly looking at the middle-aged man in the ice.

Among them, the brown yellow borne of the ice is full of strong murderous killing!

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