Starting from Douluo

Chapter 325 of the Daming to the Human World

At this time, the teenager sitting here is not someone else, it is the Tang Song who left from the north.

Because the private matter has been, plus the way, so he first returned to the Holy Village, and he passed through the Tiangou Empire to the Wushu City belonging to the Wushu Temple.

The distance from this distance came to Wu Sheng City, has passed for two days.

Although the Soul Competition has not yet ended, Tang Song did not meet with Tang San, and rejoin the game, but in the glamor of money, I found a deluxe room in this hotel.

After all, in his current strength, it is no longer suitable for the competition.

Otherwise it is not bullying!

Of course, Tang Song will pay attention to the game even if he does not participate in the competition. During the period, I also went to the game on the scene and watched Tang San.

It can be said that these students are pretty good!

But let Tang Song didn't think of it, he did not participate in the game for more than a month, and some people still remember him in this martial art city.

I even gave him a "Tang Shen" title.

It's really a look!

After a smile and a sweet wine in a cup, Tang Ge directly got up and left the restaurant, and the top floor was returned to his room.

The door is closed.

Tang Song Dish sat in a soft and comfortable big bed, recalling the discussion of the diners, not murmured.

"It should be over now."

When he was directly closed, after the "Listening of the Listening" soul skill, only the whole consciousness quickly rose, only a tremor, the scene of the whole martial art, showed in front of the eye.

However, because it is not a full force, "Listening", this soul technology is not big for Tang Song.

In the essays in the body, he directly locked the horizon to the soul of the competition, and the coming is the voice of the excitement.

There is also on the fighting table, the two sides are fighting the soul of the competition.

One of the people is the three seven people who represent the Slack Academy, but because of the finals, Lin Yueqi, who has thousands of soul rings, has replaced the karaoke.

And their opponents are the golden generation players of the Wushu Temple, and the strength is more powerful.

If you change the soul of the Soul College, in the face of these seven souls of the Wuhun College, there is absolutely no hope.

But the Slack Academy is different!

Therefore, over time, in the case of each section of the two sides, it is rare to enter the plastic state.

The rest is to see who has a bottom card, you can stick to the end!

In this case, Tang Song is not worried.

Because the ending has been destined when the game begins.

His eyes began to remove from the game, and observed the situation around the audience, this is the pope, the talents of the thousands of snow, the title of the Wushu Temple.

The masses of the majority of the family members have also come here, waiting for the results of the competition.

"In this case, I want to have a shock value that I have just lost, I should have to grow."

Seeing so many strong people gathered once, even Tang San's father Tang Hao is also hidden in the audience, and the Tang Song's face suddenly showed a smile.

However, at this time, he seems to find anything, suddenly "".

"Listen to the ground" Soul skill, all the souls on the soul of the Soul are in the eyes of Tang Song, and even their strength cannot be hidden.

However, there is a middle and middle-aged Han, a middle-aged man who is born like a cattle, has attracted his attention.

Perhaps others don't think this middle-aged man has any problems, and the breath is also hidden, and it is impossible to see the soul level.

In the eye of Tang Ge, the true identity of the other party is a dragon!

The soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul is like the sun, and it is completely hot, and it is completely unable to escape from his eyes.

Is this guy not staying in a starry forest?

He actually sneaked to the human world?

Tang Song's face was surprised.


Fully closed soul beast contest.

Damage is hidden in a group of humanoid sitting in a group of human audience, because of its own strength, he is not worried that there will be a real identity of him.

And even if you are seen, Daming is also confident to retreat.

However, the reason why he left the Star Big Forest came to the human world, not to experiment with his own concealment, but to find a small dance.

Because the body of 100,000 years of soul is selective for human re-cultivation, if its own strength does not reach a certain realm, it is very easy to be developed in humans.

This is very dangerous for the little dance.

What's more, Daming actually heard that the small dance sister participated in the soul competition in the humanity, and finally came to the martial art city that gathered many people's title Douro.

Especially in the only one symbolized to the high seat, the breath of the human woman emitted by the human woman felt a threat.

He knew that the other party was the pope of the Wushu Temple, and the other party also killed the murderer of the little dance sister mother.

In the face of such dangerous human, Daming even gave birth to an impulse who wanted to take the little dance sister immediately. He was afraid that the little dance sister was hurt here.

Just this time to secretly mix into the human world, Daming learned about the significance of the Senior Soul of Souls in China.

Xiao Dance Dangering Danger is in the danger of identity to participate in the finals, must be very looked at this final.

After this point, Daming saw this, because he was afraid of the little dance sister, he only gave up the plan to leave the other party.

But he also chooses to stay here.

Therefore, from the first day of the final, Daming has never left from the small dance. If you are afraid, you will miss the opportunity to save each other.

Nowaday, the final championship is coming soon. While the fiery atmosphere of the game reaches the peak, a strong crisis has gradually began to linger in your heart.


Daming is also able to feel that there is at least two times in the presence of the Wushu Temple during this period.

Perhaps a small dance does not know.

But Daming is a tight body.

He didn't dare to relax, and the whole process stared at the little dance in the player, a pair of deep eyes were full of worries.

"Little Dance Sister, what is good in the human world, why do you don't care about your life?

However, you can rest assured that as long as I am still alive, I will never let anyone hurt you, you will protect yourself! "

In the end, Daming suddenly held a fist, his face was full of firm.

And he didn't know, in this competition, there was a person who was holding with him, silently hiding his figure waiting for a hand.

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