Starting from Douluo

Chapter 328, except me, who is eligible?

With this unruly laughter, the piling is originally denied to the extreme atmosphere before the Pope.

Whether it is than the East or Daming and Tang Hao, they all do not help but look at the direction of laughter.

Then, everyone saw a white cloud in the sky.

On the white clouds, it is even standing on a green dress, and it is supporting both hands. It seems to be free.

Until this green dress passed through the white clouds appeared in the Pope Hall, his appearance was completely revealed.

It is Tang Song!

Seeing, Oscar on the Square, Ma Hongjun and Ning Rongrong are first, and then shouting out.

"Tang Bao, you finally come!"

"Tang Song, we are here, the little dance is dangerous, you will save her soon!"


Among them, even because the karaoke is preparing for the Tang San, which is desperately desperate, it is, and it is full of hope.

As if in their eyes, Tang Sang is the same as the world.

As for the Daming of Tang Song, Solitary and Ningfeng, Jian Dou Luo did not help with a breath.

This kid ... disappeared for so long, it will eventually appear again!

Just Tang Yu is not informed.

So he was very surprised by this way of Tang Song, but it was thought about the status of this moment.

"When you are doing this time, don't hurry!"

"Tang Shu, I am coming, or wait for it."

What's more, Xiao Dance is now dangerous! "

I heard Tang Hao's swears, Tang Ge suddenly laughed.

Tang Wei is not convulsted in the face, and it is dark in his heart.

Since this kid knows that there is a dangerous stay, it is difficult to think that it is the woman's opponent?

Who knows him to be horrified, and the Zhenlong, which is next to him, has also considered Tang Song.

Seeing Tang Song, this dragon is a very anxious opening request.

"Tang Song, save the small dance sister."

"Is Daming you! Rest assured, I am, will not let your family's little dance sister is injured."

In the face of Daming's request, Tang Ge smiled nodded.

Just listen to the soul of the soul of the Wushu Temple, but the ridicule of red fruit.

Suddenly a burst of anger sounded.

"Let's go! Dare to say so much before the teaching of the passion, you are looking for death!"

"Where to run, I don't know how to leave, otherwise I will stay here with them!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, first take him again!"


Among them, as the left right arm of the Pope than the East, the ghost fight is more difficult, ready to relieve the martial arts integration skills, directly to the semi-empty soul of the white clouds.

But he just had actions, I feel that my arms seem to be caught.

When Ghost Tun Run, he found that Jiou Luo grabbed his arm.

He couldn't help but frown: "Moon, what do you mean?"

"Don't go, don't say it is you, even if you are two people join hands, it is not the opponent of this person, or even lost very miserable!"

In the face of ghostavar, the jewelry smiled and shook his head.

As in that, he really didn't say it.

But after the ghost is listened, it is shocked.

He knows that Ji Paul will not say this easily, but since the other party said, it will not be lie to himself.

It is really not so powerful that the young soul teacher is still so powerful?

For a time, when Ghost Dou Luo looked at it, the heart suddenly was amazed.

And he faintly felt that "Tang Song" said that there seems to have heard of the same.

However, when I thought about the Bun Luo Mutu, the ratio of the Biomei standing around the little dance thought that the list of seed players from the Soul Sacchai came from the Sheng Tournament.

Among them, in the Slack College, in addition to the Tang San, there is indeed a teenager genius player who is shocked by the soul of the soul of the soul.

The name of this boy is also called Tang Song.

Is it difficult for this person?

It's more eyebrows, but then he snorted.

"Tang Shen? In this world, this is still still do not refer to this supreme word, how do you have a child in your district?

Maybe you think that you have achieved the soul of the soul in this young, but it's just that you can pinch the bug in front of this seat! "

Say I am a bug?

Standing on the white clouds, Tang Song is highly seen at this year's more than 30 but still as a girl, with a peerless face, can't help but reveal a weird smile.

Also said that the other party is not just a color or the temperament, which is simply like a mold.

It is a mother and daughter!

But saying that he is actually a bug, it is a bit too much.

Therefore, even if the other party is the pope of the Wuhun Temple, the mother of the thousand snow, Tang Song also bullied the other party.

So in the eyes of others expect, he looked at the ratio of frost, and smiled confident.

"His Majesty, if I am not worthy of God in this world, who is eligible for God?

So this person, I always thought she was standing in the mountain, in fact, it is just a piece of stone in the well! "

The momentum, the momentum is released from Tang Song.

When the martial arts "Mountain River Society" appeared, a soul ring came from his feet under his feet.

The soul rings have a total of seven, representing the cultivation of the soul.

Perhaps this kind of strength is not what is in the scene of the episode of the episode and the title.

However, the black red glasses that were released from the seven soul rings, the most souls of the scene were pumped, and they became stunned.

This ... this teenager is a enchanting?

How big is he, there is a five-year-old soul ring and two 100,000 years of soul ring?

Especially before I plan to see this scene to Tang Song, I was frightened and cold.

Don't worry about the soul of the opponent's soul, single is the two hundred thousand years of soul ring is already enough to crush him!

For a time, the ghost can't bear to look at the next next to Jukouro, trembling.

"Month ... monthly pass, you will remind you, otherwise I can die here today.

However, how did you know that this teenager is very powerful? "

Originally, Zhima Luo felt that he was a friend who worked for many years, so he reminded the other party.

But now he suddenly regrets reminding each other.

Is this guy deliberately?

I saw the curiosity of the ghost paleolous face, and I couldn't help but twist the head.

Ghost Road: "???"

Do I say wrong?

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