Starting from Douluo

Chapter 331 What did he do to her?

Compared with the past, the Wushu Temple at this time passed the wave of war, which was obviously damaged, and many places were broken.

Even the statue of the angel broke a wings, and the majesty is not.

If it is not because one person suddenly appears, one person who has moved the tide blocks Daming and Tang Wei, making it incorporating the fight against the Wushu Temple gradually fall into balance.

The whole Wushu Temple is probably no longer existed!


The battle did not last too long, as a burst of space fluctuated, the three shadows appeared, it was Tang Song, Xiao Dance and the ratio.

However, after coming out of the mountains and rivers, the mood is not good than I have seen this scene in front of the East, and the beautiful face has become ugly.

She couldn't help but drunk.

"In addition to the people of the Wushu, all the people who have nothing to do now have rolled out the martial arts city, with your 100,000-year soul beast, hurry!

The farther, the better, it is best to let this seat again! "

This angry burst contains the soul of the fight against the East Seak, and the sound is formed to form a burst of sound rolling.

The two sides who are fighting are instantly scared, and they stopped and retired after the condition reflection.

When they looked at the direction of angry, I found out that the three people who disappeared before actually appeared here.

Among them, the Wu Shu Temple, Luo Luo, and the ghosts, they saw them there in their own pope, and they were still unable to surprise.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty, you are fine!"


As for Daming and Tang Hao, Drugs I saw that the same appeared Xiao Dance, I found that this girl didn't have a more than the ear of the east, I'm going to save people.

Bisong saw the shape, ignoring the image of his pope, once again.

"Don't you understand this seat? This is letting her, so you have left the martial arts city with her and other unrelated people!"


It seems that there is a woman who is venting, Daming and Tang Hao, who are vented, and Daming and Tang Wei come to the Tang Song.

Tang Ge laughed, Xiao Dance to the side: "Go, don't let Xiaosan and Mu Bai worry."


The little dance is todped, and then she will leave tears and run to Tang San and Dai Mu.

During this period, the Pope of the Wushu Temple did not stop the eastern than the East, as if there was no previous thing.

This makes Tang Hao, the solitary and Ningfeng caused by the original.

They look at Tang Song with a smile, and then look at the ratio of Bi East as if I have been wronged, and I suddenly start uncontrolled.

Tang Song is male, long and handsome, strength!

The ratio is a woman, as a pope of the Wuhun Temple, the status is high, and it is a beautiful face, and there is nothing wrong with your posture.

and so……

During the time of the two people disappeared, Tang Song did what is done in the East. It turned out to give more than 100,000 years of soul beasts that were willing to give up.

Even Yu Xiao Kong has caused the heart because of his mind, and it is directly from three integration.

The golden holy dragon in the sky disappears unchanged, turned into a fat model.

"Xiaogang, what happened?"

Looking at the sudden lifting skills and the face of the face, Flend can't help but ask.

It is also a color of the Liu Dynasty.

Yu Xiao just took a sigh of breath and drove the uncomfortable picture in his mind, barely revealing a smile and shook his head.

"I am fine, just a lot of soul power consumption."

Although Liu Dilong and Flanders have some doubts, they have not continued.

At this time, with the order than the Bi East, the soul of the Wuhun Temple is not willing, but she has to retreat to the road to leave.

Ning Feng caused Jian Dou Luo to take Rong Rong and her classmates began to pay here.

The three of Flanders have returned to the side of the student.

Solitary and renewed Daming in the middle-aged big man is also there.

Finally, only Tang Yan stayed in front.

Although he does not understand why this woman suddenly compromises, he is not to revenge.

Therefore, Tang Wei's eyes fell to Tangge here, wrinkled with brows.

"You don't walk with us?"

"Tang Shu, you will go first, I still have other things to handle here."

Tang Song smiled and shook his head.

In this regard, Tang Hao suddenly found that he has already seen a child who has leaked his butt before himself.

Is this all mysterious fruits that I have eaten when I am a child?

Originally, Tang Hao is suspected.

But reality, he believes!

Otherwise, a child with a child is still in the legs, just eight years, it becomes a soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of the soul of 10,000 years.

Even, this moment also has a strong concern.

He feels so late, he will have a battle with the other party.

Thinking of this, Tang Yan couldn't help but look at Tang Song.

"take care!"

After finishing, he turned around to chase it up towards the Flanders who have just left.

From the beginning to the end, the people in the Wushu Temple did not stop.

But when there is only one person in Tang Song here, their eyes are all moved to Tang Song.

No killing!

No resentment!

Some is just a strong jealous, and the worship of the mixed silk!

Yes, Tang Song can become the soul of this strength with a weak crown, and it is worthy of them to respect and worship.

Even the old man who is standing in the statue of the big angel statue in the distance is standing in the Tang Song.

He is full of appreciation in his deep eyes, and as if you look like your loved ones.

After the Tang Song was observed, I couldn't help but turn to see the old man and smiled and opened.

"Seniors, since this appreciation of the younger generation, can you please take a seat in this Pope?"

"Hugh ..."

One of the ratings, I don't want to refuse.

Her face today has lost this teenager, how can I still hope to continue to face this stinky face that I want to make?

But unfortunately.

If it is not equal to the East, the old man is still a little bit.

"Since the child wants to sit in the Pope Temple, then the old man naturally can't refuse.

Bibi East, let people prepare the food, the old man wants to entertain this personally friend. "

When he was, he laughed and turned to go to the Pope of the Pope.

Tang Song couldn't help but made a ghost than the East, followed by quick walk.

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