Starting from Douluo

Chapter 335 Xiaoyou, congratulations!

For this tenth drawing result, Tang Song is really a bit less than.

Although he does not refuse to cultivate the resources, he does not want ten draws to be occupied by cultivation resources.

And this is still a lot of spirit!


The system feels that I have more than a mountain world that consumes great resource, so I gave me this out?

After returning to God, I looked at the remaining more than 30,000 shocks, and Tang Ge suddenly sighed.

"Forget it, anyway, I am not missing the magic weapon. It is not a bad thing.

And in addition to the Lingshi and the source of the stone, the water of life is a great help to the gimmick of the moon, and the two array is not a bit. "

What did you think of, he is a slightly helpless face, it is finally exposed a smile.

Inspiring, Tang Song did not continue to draw, but after learning the two kinds of array of newly pumped, there was another way with Daming, Xiao Dance, and left the starry forest.

After that, he returned to the Holy Soul Village, and the only one of the only one-to-Kaunan succeeded in Jack, making Jack's body improved again.

And taking into account the probability of Jack, the probability of the second spring, Tang Song also left the Song of Jack from Jack.

This thing is basically no help to him, but it is better to inherit the future generations of grandfather.

It's just that Tang Song didn't know. After he left, he stood in the village and looked at the old Jack he left suddenly issued a sigh.

"I really didn't expect that my Jack has been so lucky to pick up such a child. Is it a blessing of my my essay?

Unfortunately, even if this is over, it has already recovered most, and it can finally miss the best time, I can't help this child.

Forget it, the children are self-sufficient and Sun Fu, I hope that this child will go so smoothly. "

The sound fell, and the old Jack returned to the Holy Soul Village.

In the sunset, the light of the orange red fell.

After faintly visible in his body, it turned out a vain, but it quickly disappeared.


Because of the dark, Tang Ge, who left the Soul Village, did not rush back to the Shrek Academy, but stayed overnight in Soto.

This night, I haven't seen it, I have enjoyed the service of him all night, until the next day, I can't get the bed.

However, Tang Song's face is that, the supervisor of the Strip Soul Center will not blame the crime.

Moreover, plus the thousands of gold souls left in Tang Song, and it will not be hungry even if it is not working.

Just when she woke up, she looked at the place where she was in the side, and the a pair of beautiful eyes were full of observations.

"Is it not worth having to accompany you?"

If Tang Song can hear, it will never hesitate to nod.

That's right!

Don't do it more!

However, at this moment, it has already been out of Soto City, and it is emptied to fly in the direction of the Tiangou Empire.


The next day, morning.

After a full continental Senior Soul College Competition and returned, Dai Mu and Oscar have been eaten after breakfast, and he was recallped by Flanden to the woods behind the college.

Just because of a small dance, Tang San did not come back, so everyone's emotions were very low.

Fland did not open comfort, this kind of thing is that these children need to experience.

There are more experience, the mind will mature, will understand that this life cannot always be smooth, separation is just normal.

And he summed these children today, which is for their respective developments.

Thinking of this, Flande took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

"Okay, there is Tang Song, you don't have to worry about the safety of the little dance and Tang San, and they should not return to the college again.

Therefore, considering that the soul of the Soul Competition is over, your cultivation is still in the college, I have learned, I am going to graduate in advance.

After all, if you stay in the college, just a student, only go out of the college, you can learn something that is really useful to you.

If there is nothing tonight, I will hold a graduation feast for you in the college, I hope you can cherish this last day. "

After that, Flander turned directly to leave.

The next thing does not need him to participate, everything is handed over to these children to deal with it.

I hope they can adjust their mentality.

With Fland just left, Oscar left here suddenly screamed.

"Hey! I finally graduated, I finally gave birth to my girlfriend, but I am so sad?"

Fat, I am not sick? woo woo woo woo! "

The fat man Huang Jun was still strong in his heart, and the result was so stimulated by Oscar, followed by uncontrolled tears.

He cried while couldn't help but kick an Oscar.

"Yes! You are sick, and the disease is not light!"

"Do you dare to kick me?"

Oscar, who is crying, widened, and his eyes were red and dead stared at Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun stretched his hand and pulled his scorpion.

"What happened to me? I have to hit you, you are harmful to me, so much, how much water can I make?"

Then, before the Oscar has not reacted, he directly hugged the other party to get down on the ground.

There is no big force, but a loud look than a cry.

So, next to the mood, the mood is still crying, Lin Yue, Zhu Zhuqing, two women, after seeing this scene, and sketching.

Dai Muhu is even more shaking: "I really don't know if I graduate, there is no chance to see these two live treasures."

"Certainly possible!"

Lin Yuezhao bite the lips and the sound is heavy.

Zhu Zhuqing did not say, but the beauty is full of firm.

At a time, the woods of the woods were paused by a separate sadness.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar are like a child who has not grown up, and she is constantly torn while holding, and she is constantly crying.

Suddenly, there is a blank sound.

Then, it is a familiar laughter from the outside of the woods.

"Hey! I really didn't expect to know for so long. On the eve of graduation, Xiaoyao and the fat man finally came together.

Little Olympics, fat, congratulations!

It seems that in addition to the graduation dinner tonight, I have to put a table alone for these two newcomers. It is a double happiness! "

Is Tang Ge!

Tang Song he came back!

I heard this suddenly arrived, I was indulge in the sadness of Lin Yue, and Zhu Zhuqing, first, first, then pretty faces were exposed and excited.

When they looked up in the direction of the sound, a very straight figure was from far and near, blinking appeared in this empty space.

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