Starting from Douluo

Chapter 337 Tang Song, you are a slag man!

late at night.

With the end of Dai Mu, Oscar, after the end of their graduation banquet, the original lively Shrike College restaurant is quiet.

Still in the small wood, a hillside.

There are four stones sit there.

One of them was Tang Song. He sat in the middle, and two sides were next to Lin Yue and Ning Rongrong; and Zhu Zhuqing was not allowed to sit in the opposite of Tang Song.

Originally, four people have finished eating, here is the moon.

But now no one appreciates, the three girls are all in the body of Tang Song, and the beauty is full of obsessed Tang Song.

And Tang Ge is also a no heart to look up.

Because the opposite of him is Zhu Ziqing, only the distance from half of the meter is not allowed to make the night cover the other side of the same age.

Especially the place is shaking, swaying is a Tang Yang's dizzy flower, and you can't wait to grow two eyes.

It seems to be aware of this situation, Zhu Zhuqing's pretty cold face is a red, then not only there is no back, but also quietly pour the body forward.

In addition, the Ning Rong Rong and Lin Moon, who are sitting on both sides, is not willing to show the weak arms of Tang Song, while blocking it in his arms, standing the body over the past.

This situation makes Tang Song have to doubt.

If he takes a big bed on the spot, will it be to lie down?

But good.

Tang Song still remembers what he has to arrange, and did not make this ridiculous move.

So look at a competent battle is about to break out, he quickly opened: "Okay, it is hard to sit together to watch a month, you are very honest."

"Tang Song, Tiandu Yin, where the moon."

After hearing, I couldn't help but slap the mouth and dissatisfied: "And so cold days are more difficult, do you want to go to my room directly."


"right here!"

As a result, she just fell, Lin Yue, and Zhu Ziqing attached to the sound.

It seems that I have lost their minds, Lin Yue, immediately opened his head.

And Zhu Ziqing said calmly: "I mean that Rong Rong's room is too small, we are sitting too squeezed together. So, I think it is better here.

And we are not ordinary people, at a little small wind, will not affect us.

Rong Rong, you will not mind? "

I certainly megadownload!

I heard Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong wants to say this; but because Tang Song is around, she can only hold great way: "Well, as long as Tang Song is not cold, I will not be cold."

Tang Song: "..."

Then he looked up and watch the sky. It turned out that there was a black cloud gathering, and the moon was blocked.

This makes Tang Song are quite embarrassing.

But in his skin, it is thick enough, plus darkness, and there is no change in his face.

"Isn't everyone you already graduated? Just, Rong Rong wants to return to Qibao glazons, the sorcerer and the bamboo clear you are also following the Qibao glazes.

There is a help of Ningshu and Jian Dou Luo, Kiao Luo, and the next cultivation should not have any problems. "

"Well, I have listened to Tang Ge."

Lin Yueqi has no objection.

However, Zhu Zhuqing seems to have been thinking about it. The look is not awkward, said: "Tang Song, I need to go back to the family, so I can't go to the seven treasures for the time being."

Tang Ge is like a preparation of the other party to answer this way.

He not only smiled, reached out and pinched the opponent's face, and opened again under the face of the opponent's shame.

"Stupid girl, don't worry.

Waiting for peace of the moon and Rong Rong, I will accompany you to the Xingro Empire, and everything will be handed over.

I am here, I will not dare to be a difficulty; I will take you back to Qibao glazed.

So you should be able to rest assured. "

When I heard Tang Song, Zhu Zhuqing had a deep look at Tang Song, and the eyes were full of gratitude and no hidden feelings.

"Thank you, Tang Song!"

But at this time.

Rong Rong seems to think about what, suddenly, I can't help but open.

"Tang Song, then you? What should you say before? Is it necessary to accompany us? Do you talk about it, and prepare to throw our own one?

No, I will not allow you to go out!

Even if you want to go out, take us! "

After that, she actually hugged the waist of Tang Song, and she took the first to the other party. I was afraid that the other party suddenly disappeared in front of her.

After Lin Yue, Zhu Zhu went back to God, it was also revealed.

Obviously they are like Ning Rong, do not want Tang Ge to leave them.

But is this possible?

Tang Song felt the body of the people in his arms, could not help but smile, and gently sighed on the other side.

"Rong Rong, I have promised you; but you have also seen it, with my strength is not suitable for a long time staying in a place.

On the contrary, if you are really with me, your cultivation will not only have too much improvement, but it will be more and more in touch with my gap.

This is not what I want to see.

I hope that if I am a god, I can continue to accompany me by me, not part of the three-legged loess as part of my memory.

So don't make trouble, leave the moon, Zhu Qing, in the Qibao glazman, strive to become a title to Bouura early one day. "

This Tang Song said that it is very straightforward and it is very cruel.

In particular, the word "chemical is part of the three-way loess", "

Until this moment, they suddenly realized that they were really bigger and bigger.

And in recalling the scene outside the Pope of the Wushen City.

Moon and Zhu Zhuqing deeply believe that if they can't keep up with Tang Song's footsteps, the terrible thing really happens!

One time.

Lin Yueqi and Zhu Zhuqing have seen the Tang Song, and it is full of firmness.

"Tang Song, we will be chasing you."

"Well, I hope that we have long been long, not this short companion."

For the consciousness of the second woman, Tang Song is very pleased.

The Ning Rong Rong, who is crying in his arms, does not seem to be willing to accept this fact, and suddenly broke away from his arms under stimuli.

"Hey ... I still want to throw us! Tang Song, you are a slag man!"

After saying this, Ning Rong Rong suddenly turned into the woods.

The Tang Song stayed in the same place looked at the clothes that he had been wet, and looked up at the figure of the girl who left, suddenly smiled.

"I didn't expect that I also had a day of being slapted male."

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