Starting from Douluo

Chapter 349 is really fairy in this world!

The scream of the female monk cannot be said that it is blunting the blockade of the whistling cold wind in an instant, and the whole cloud mountain is open.

Then, it is a figure "", I got out of the deep pit, and I came to the female monk.

It is a men who accompany the female monk.

When the men's doctor came back and went back and forth, he went back and forth, asked in a hurry: "Sister, the treasure is where, come out and let the brother to see."

As for Tang Song, although this male monk saw it, it did not take a moment.

As a result, he didn't expect that he just asked, his own teacher pointed to Tang Song, excited: "It is him!"



Can this two other numbers?

The male doctor is a face, I can't help but look at my sister, and if I want to say, I am out of mouth.

"Sister, what should I fall from the sky? I should be a brother? I'm going to break my brain, and I should also turn to the brothers, how have you been stupid?"

But just finished this, he suddenly regretted.

as expected.

It is also a white long-range flying, and fly out of a hilarious men.

And the long-range female doctors are biting teeth and angry: "The smell brother, forced the teacher, I am angry, harming my lady's image is not guaranteed!"

after awhile.

The men's doctor flying back and flew back.

Although it was more than the poison of teachers twice, he did not only be injured, but even the green tirts on the body did not have dust and pleats.

It's just a gentleman's majesty, it is completely lost.

However, men not only can't be angry, but they have to open their mouths: "The sister is not angry. It is the mistake of the brother, so the teacher can talk to the brother, is this?"

If you hear a male monk, the female monk snorted a white long belt after receiving the apology of the male monk.

When she turned his attention to the Tang Song, she suddenly became excited, and I will directly say that I have pricked the situation and the men's doctor.

After the men's doctor heard, he immediately came to Tang Song, and reached out to see someone in Tang Song.

Then his face is also an incredible color.

"No! I really can't! For the sister, if this little guy is brought back to Zongmen, then paying in your father's pulse, I am afraid that it is necessary to take off in place!"

This is not exaggerated at all.

Although in the eyes of men, Tang Song is just a 14-year-old ordinary teenager.

However, the pounds of vitality in his body and the same blood like a flame flame, so that men's doctor seems to be like a strong refining monk.

Therefore, men's unscrupulous believe that this teenager is afraid that there is no qualification of the root, but once this strong body is going to cultivation, its achievements are absolutely low!

Is it just a person who is so physique?

For a time, when I looked at Tang Song, the male doctor was like watching the treasure, and the , .. .

Next to the body, the female monk saw, not from the opening of the proud.

"Brother, I didn't lie to you."

"Yes! How can the teacher lie to me? This teenager is not only treasure, but also a living treasure. If you can bring back to the Zongmen, the primary and the elders will be very satisfied."

When I heard a female monk, the men were busy nodded.

And he feels that even if you give up the next task, just bring this boy to the Zongmen. Zongmen will not only punish him, but also reward him a lot of contribution.

After all, a genius in the future is unlimited. For any one, it can be encountered without quick.

Now I can encounter, male doctor is naturally unwilling to let go.

So he immediately looked at Tang Song and gentle: "My name is cloud, famous sea, you told me a cloud brother.

I have seen it in the sky before, if the fairy is coming, is you coming out? "

"Well, what is the legendary immortal?"

Tang Song nodded excitedly, and it was more curious in his eyes.

When I heard Tang Song, the men's doctor did not consciously tall the chest.

"I am not a cacto, but I asked the immortal who asked Xianxiao; but for the brother, you and the people in life, we are indeed different from immortals.

And in our paramen, it is a real cactus. "

Finally, a single arrival of the pride of Zongmen was discounted from the Yunhai.

It turns out that this world is really fairy!

For the answer to the cloud of the cloud, Tang Song eyes are bright, full of expectations.

And he is determined that if the other party is not as good as a fake, the world's world is also not low in this world.

Therefore, after Tang Ge took a sigh of relief, immediately put it as a saying: "Can I follow you?"

"Hahahaha, of course, no problem!"

After getting the consent of Tang Ge, I was happy when Yun Hai was laughed.

Even the beauty of the women's monks has become a moon.

However, although it is not a problem with the case of Tang Song, it is still necessary to take a time according to the process of the disciples.

Just in the Yunhai and his sister left the paramen, it was to go to the secular world to choose a new person with a spiritual root qualification to supplement fresh blood.

So in order not to delay, I will leave the Tang Song with Tang Song with Tang Haibei and the teacher, and I will go to the direction of the "big green country" direction.

During the period, Tang Song also finally knew the name of the female monk from the Yunhai's brother, and the case of his body.

The name of the female monk called Zhu Xuetang, and Yunhai is from the five sects of the Haizong.

And the two are the interior disciples of Haizong.

Only, the only difference is that the Zhu Xuetan's identity background is stronger, there is a father who serves as the Lord of the peak.

Tang Song already knows that if he will not be unexpected, he will join the Hai Zong, it will directly become the disciple of the father of Zhu Sister.

This is a lot of Tang Song.

At least one, join the Zongmen, there is such a strong mountain, enough for him to avoid a lot of trouble, can concentrate on the shock value of the gains.

As for more questions about Xianxian, the strength of the two brothers and sisters, two people have temporarily selled a climate, and they did not speak with Tang Song.

Tang Song could not help but secretly.

If he is full of outbreak, plus many martial arts, absolutely believes that these two cultivators can be done.

So this kind of strength is used to sell Guan Chi?

Thinking of this, Tang Song is a good baby to look at the beauty of the sky, while this opportunity looks at the shock value at this moment.

Three hundred and twentieth points!

That is often no longer zero!

But so few shocks really let Tang Song suspect that he does not encounter a fake cultivator.

It's hard to do this two brother sisters than a big soul.

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