Starting from Douluo

Chapter 355 Yuan Ying period!

In the face of Zhu Xuetun's breath, Tang Ge is a wrote: "Sister, you are really embarrassed, I just didn't think so.

I just want to say, if I really start, I can help you drag a person. "

"Little girl in your arms?"

I heard the explanation of Tang Song, Zhu Xuetang's eyes can not help but fall on the girl of Tianyinzong, still in Tang Ge.

At this moment, she suddenly suspected that the other party left this little girl, it would not be prepared for this situation.

If so, then this is too deep.

I thought that Zhu Xiyu, who was a peak-made peak, and didn't help but hit a chilly. When I looked at Tang Song, I was a little vigilant when I was alert.

Tang Song is observed that this is almost vomiting blood.

I want to help you, but you doubt me?

People are in ancient times!

For a time, Tang Song couldn't help but angry: "Teacher, how can you see me? Although my age is not big, it is also understandable to make a reason.

The little girl trust me, so I took her with a trial examination.

But if she is threatened, even if you agree, I will not agree. "

When it comes to, he directly put the arms and put it on the ground.

After waking up, I saw a few fairy people, as well as my own immortality, the little girl is a confused and .

She couldn't help but look at Tang Song, weak: "Don brother, where is this?"

"Stupid, here, the end of the trial point."

Tang Song smiled and knead his girl's head.

The little girl first was puzzled, and then the little mouth suddenly became a "O" type, and a face is incredible.

"We have passed the trial assessment?"

Not far away, as a monk, even if Tang Song deliberately lowered the sound, Tian Yinzong's female doctor still heard a dialogue between the other party and Xi Taoist friends.

Originally, her impression was very bad for this little guy who hookped his new disciple.

But now I listened to the other party, such generosity, this Tianyin Zong's monk suddenly felt that the other party did not have a place, and at least the heart was not bad.

So Tang Song can't help but get better in the bad impression in her heart.

Just look at my new disciple's new disciple, the Tianyin Zong Men felt that the headache was extremely bad, but I could sleep until this time.

She didn't know that it would praise the new disciples who choose to choose, or the other party is stupid and stupid.

For a time, the Tianyin Zong Men's monks did not help but sink, open.

"I still stand where to do, don't help your family's Tang Ge? Hurry up!"


The little girl was shocked. After returning to God, he quickly ran back to Tianyin Zongwu's monk.

However, after such a fight, the original tense atmosphere is eased.

However, the middle-aged man of the Flame Zone obviously remembered Tang Ge, still reluctant to give up: "Since some people have passed the trial assessment, it is also the final step.

If we start now, let's test. "

Obviously he wants to further determine the situation of Tang Song through the spiritual root test, and when he says this, there is a jade simple.

Whether it is Yunhai or Xuetang, I recognize this jade is a news , it seems that the other party has been causing the beginning to notify the truth.

So both of them have a gloomy.

Just, when the situation is deadlocked again, the Yunhai and Xuetang, who are anxiously waiting, suddenly lit up in the waist.

When they gotten, the old worried face suddenly showed a smile.

Tang Song met this scene, instantly understand, it should be that the person mentioned before the two brothers and sisters appeared to have arrived.

as expected!

I just had a few breathing time, and I have a horrible momentum to stir sincerely, and there is still a big laughter.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyang, An Shu did not let you wait."

I heard a laughter, plus the aging horror momentum, except for the cloud sea and Xi Xi, the other four immortal faces suddenly changed.

In particular, the middle-aged monk that is just aggressive, is more ugly, can't help but the opening of the teeth.

"It's just a good Haizong. I didn't expect to be a small Shengxian Conference. It was worthwhile to have a monk of Yunyuan."

"Don't think that I don't know, don't you notify you the monk of Zongmen? Unfortunately, I am here, you will take your heart, your heart!"

Zhu Xuezi is proud, and suddenly it is reversed.

In the distance, there has been a figure in the horizon, which is completely flying, and the heaven and earth aura becomes active and rich.

In the end, this figure falls directly from the sky, falling to the middle of everyone.

It is a middle-aged man who is wearing a black robes, the cuff embroidered is a golden side, and the momentum is drumming. It has not been handled to the fire, the middle-aged men's unsurcited.

I saw the black robe monks, and Zhu Xiyun ran in the past.

"An uncle, you can finally come; if you don't come, Xi Xi is not easy to recruit new disciples to be taken away!"

"Well? Is this red-haired disciple? Do you want An uncle to help you with a gas, kill him directly?"

This domineering, from the mouth of the black robe, the temperature of the surrounding temperature suddenly decreased.

The other three monks said, but it was obvious that the Middle-aged male monk who was smashed by the

He couldn't stop the trembling, and the rich killing made his face more pale.

In the face of the suppression of the realm of the , this moment, the middle-aged men's doctor, where there is still the aggressive, and it is almost asking for effort.

"Before ... predecessors, Xi Xi Yu You must definitely ... I misunderstood me, even if I gave me a hundred courage, I don't ... I don't dare to grab the disciples of Guizong."

"Hey! Look at you, spare your dog life!"

The black robe is revealed.

When his eyes were repeated to Zhu Xuetan, the original icy expression was replaced by a smile, while kneading the other's head, he urged.

"Now there is an uncle to sit in the town, the four small guys in the district to build the base period, dare to make a slap in the hands of a slap!

So, hurry!

Let An Shu is so good, what is the genius disciple, it is so anxious to put your uncle, I will call you from Zongmen. "

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