Starting from Douluo

Chapter 361 He actually did it!

Although the refining period is only the first stage of the monk step into practice, it is easier than the subsequent realm.

Most of the talents will not stay too long in this realm.

Especially the top three layers of the refining period, as long as you work, it is not possible for a year.

but now!

In front of the newly entry, the newly introduced brother is sitting on the knee, but also puts a strong fog, but also has broken three small realm in just a short time, reaching the four floors of the training.

Even the breath on his body is still enhanced with extremely fast speed.

This can scare a big jump in the two thousand people discounted in the scene, and directly widened, and looked at the Tang Song that was covered by the fog.

Take a foundation one day?

Don't he really do it?

For a moment, these paramenities who have also doubt that Tang Song's brain have problems, and the other party is not a talented person.

This practice will have a good behavior of the fog that is a enchanting level.

Therefore, in their hearts, they have begun to panic, and then think of the various ridiculous words that they mentioned before, they could not help but all the eyes on the body, and they were full of help.

"Yu Hongzhu, the heart suddenly smoked.

The situation in front of him is how did his core disciple I haven't thought about it. If you know so, you will not run here.

Now I am fine, I feel to be faced!

Even if you want to sneak away.

It is stared at too many people, and there is no chance to go.

Under the helpless, Yan Hong can only snort to scream.

"Even if it is now improved, it is so easy, if you are so easy, there will be no so many seniors in the past, and there are also tens of refining!

What's more, as he focuses on the behavior of the inner, eager to seek, the resulting result is that the foundation is not strong.

Want to break through the 10th floor?

Hey is difficult! "

At this time, there are still some panic disciples who have already heard it after listening to it, and the calm is restored.

Among them, Yunhai has an open mouth to defend the Tang Song.

But seeing so many brothers and sisters, teachers and sisters, are all invasive, one, don't want Tang Song to break through the root period.

He felt that he would be able to be drowned by a mouthful of a tantuma.

So the clouds can only choose silence.

Deng fairy.

Although the Tang Ge in the fog is cultivated, the perception is not completely immersed, or it is still able to hear the audit outside the outside.

In addition, it is constantly bullied by the system prompt before the mind, and he feels necessary to make the atmosphere be tense.

Therefore, Tang Song deliberately slows down the speed of the inquiry, and the soaring small realm seems to fall into the bottleneck, no longer lift.

See this scene, an internal and external disciple is completely relieved.

Core disciples, Yan Hong, shackles, can not help but show a smile.

He said that it is true, and the newly introduced teenagers in front of you must have used a means to cause this scenario, but unfortunately, it seems that it is not possible to maintain long-lasting.

Thinking of this, Yan Hong is ready to let the teacher of a law enforcement to testify the elders on a main peak.

It's just that he didn't export, and someone suddenly exclaimed.

"It's up! I started to rise again!"

This should be shocked by everyone.

However, no matter what Yan Hong is still a disciple of other inside and outside, the Tangge in the fog has already stopped improving the breath, and this moment suddenly soared.

And in the next day, this situation occurs.

Everyone's mood is like a flying sword during the newcomer, up and down, and the spiritual high concentration is forgotten to leave the idea.

So until the next day, nearly two thousand disciples staying in the playing Family have a dark eye, the dark circles are strong, and the spirit is exhausted.

You must know that they are a monk, even if it is the bottom, there is no problem in two days.

But now ...


But look at the end of the day, these clearly have to fainting the inside and outside of the past, not only did not leave, but also widened his eyes.

They died in the fog to sit down in the fog in the fog, and they feel that the other party has completely stayed in the realm of the refining, and there is no change in the heart, and constantly pray in my heart.

Don't change again!

Time is over one minute, and the distance agreed in the day, only the time left.

Don't say that there are those internal and external disciples. Just even the Jin Dang, the Jin Dan, couldn't help but wipe the sweat, and began to relax slowly.

He didn't feel anything happened.


Thunder is willing to violate.

Just when everyone thought that Tang Song would not break through, the Tang Song face sitting under De Dengu is revealing a smile, and finally choosing the barrier in the body.

One instant.

In his Dantian, the boundless space is opened. Under a great role, a tall is slowly condensed.

This tone is a trip base, which is a sign of the success of the branch.

The higher the Kaoji, the more spiritual power that can be loaded, the detachment brought more than the other than other monks with the realm, but also more opportunities to successfully condense Jin Dan!

It can be said that the strength of the Kaoji has directly determined a monk's potential and future.

Therefore, when the Tang Bi is condensed, the Tang Song is swallowed to increase and reinforce it by means of the source of the source.

Waiting until, this Daji has been upgraded by Tang Ge to Nine Family!

But this is only for the limits of ordinary people.

And Tang Song and very people.

So with the rush of the rush to holy blood, some restrictions in his body have been reopened, and the limit of the kinema nine is broken.

Ten feet!

Eleven feathers!


Until the moment of seven or ninety-nine fertilizers, almost like Tongtai Tongtai's road base stopped continued to grow.

Feeling a difficult barrier that is difficult to be broken again, Tang Song knows.

The limit belonging to him is finally arrived.

But forty-nine fenguo's roots have made Tang Song satisfaction.

So when he smoked a sigh of relief, he will gather in the spun of the whisper to devour the thin layer of the thin, stand up, stand up from the ground.

On the same time, a far super refinement period is even a horrible momentum that is a horrible momentum is directly out of the Tangge.

This momentum shocks, hit the drums in the air, and the hearts of all those who have been in the scene are shocked.

Then they went a lot of eyes and looked at the Tang Song stood up, and the eyes were shocked and incredible.


He actually ... I really did it!

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