Starting from Douluo

Chapter 368 Chaos!

When I heard the words, Tang Song was also very unexpected.

He didn't expect that the other party was so overbearing, directly grabbed by the Hantuth Peak of the Peak, and there was no room for discussing.

However, Tang Song does not feel in a little bit of this behavior, but I want to give each other with a thumbs up.

It's so good!

After all, the big tree is so cold.

Tang Song came to Haizong and also wanted to find a source that was able to stabilize the shock value. Before agreed to join the vast and to reduce unnecessary trouble.

Nowadays, this Wan Tiandao's uncle's uncle is clearly high, the strength is strong, and it is better to go to Haizong Nature.

Tang Song's heart suddenly decided to agree to the other party's proposal.

However, when I promised in verbal, he found that the five peaks had a bitter look of yellow and looked, and suddenly I wanted to tease these five future teachers!

So, watching Wan Tao, Tang Song can't help but put a strange look, open.

"The Master's uncle, is there any good treatment after your disciple?"

Good treatment?

I heard Tang Song's inquiry, Wantian Road seems to haven't heard someone asking himself for a long time, so it will be slightly stunned.

But after I came back, he suddenly laughed out.

"Ha ha ha ha ... benefits?

The old man is the old and old, the status is much higher than the five peaks in front of you, and the host is much higher.

Didn't you hear that they have to be a uncle's ancestor?

So if you become an old man's disciple, this first advantage is that there are five teachers who have a cultivation of chemical gods.

And as long as you don't commit a unbearable mistake, this is almost completely walking in this ; how? Is this good?

In addition to this.

Become an old man's disciple, you can also enjoy the resources that are more than the true disciples, exempt from the paradise tasks required to complete the disciples.

the last point!

The old man knows your spirit root is a chaotic spirit, it is hacked that the law that is suitable for you is in the hands of the old man, so you should become a old-son disciple!

After all, here, no one can compete with the old man! "

In the end, a powerful momentum was directly burst from Wantian Road, and the wind blowing hooded.

But the five people in the sky have been listened to, the expression is bitter, and the spirit has become more sluggish.

Tang Song no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed to Wantian Dao.

"Disciple Tang Song see Master!"

"Hahaha! Good! Very good!

Since you have worshiped the old man as a teacher, it will be the old man's pro-disciple. Let's go, first take the teacher back to take out the legal agreement with you. "

For the consent of Tang Song, Wantian Road is very satisfied.

Even if the capital is extraordinary, what is the ranking of his debut? Finally, isn't it also a disciple of Ten Taiwan?


Even if you can't do the first place, the first teacher is not taste!

Finally, with a happy laughter, Wan Tiandao is just a wave of manager to condense a manager cover Tang song, and directly disappearing in the spatial cracks that are torn open.

After a while.

I have been staring at the cracks that have already closed, the five talents have been returned.

They looked at each other and sent a sigh.




Among them, the peak owners of Tianming and the other three peaks also said that after all, it is only a uncle, and it is too long to go out later.

But the peak of the peak of the peak, Zhu Linfeng is really uncomfortable.

Obviously, the ducks have been cooked, and they can still fly away from him, and they don't dare to stop.

It's so bad!

Therefore, after waiting until the array of the surroundings, Jhu Linfeng's face is a bit ugly.

At this time, I have been able to see Zhu Xueyu, who has been changing the place, I found that Tang Song didn't, I couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, Xiao Tang Song? How can I only have this for a while, people are gone?"

At this time, Si'an, I'm not a bit, and I can't stop the situation.

and so.

The Julnfeng on the air head broke out.

He also had nearly two thousand disciples on this play, and directly came to Zhu Xuezhu's lesson.

"Little Tang Song! Little Tang Song! You know Xiao Tang Song every day. Do you have anything in your eyes? All day does not practice well, you will know that you go out, go out!

You see how much you are, only there is a top-top peak; if you are my daughter, I have long been going out from the vast peak.

Cry what crying, don't go back to practice!

There is also you, Yunhai, don't think that I will bring a good disciple to Zongmen, I feel that I can't afford it. You look at Tang Song, then look at you, do you feel that you can't afford it?

Humph! I will dare to accompany the Xuetang in the future. I will even pack it together!

And you, what are you doing here? Hurry, go back to practice! "

After the jade, Jul Linfeng left directly with a vast peak.

The peak of the day and other three peaks can not help but cry, but they have not continued to stay, followed by people to return their own peaks.

As for nearly two thousand disciples that have been brought together, they have been scared by the peak of the peak.

Finally, I only have two people from Zhu Xuetang and Yunhai when I played.

When Yunhai came to Zhu Xuezi, looked at this eye-catching teacher, suddenly opened comfort: "The teacher, the peak owner does not blame you, you don't ..."

But didn't wait for him to finish, Zhu Xiyu shook his head and interrupted.

"No! I am sorry, I have been too much, so that slacking.

So I am going to return to the peak, and I don't break through the goldenan during one day.

Dish, can you accompany me? "

Finally, she also looked at the Yunhai, and the popular eyes revealed a trace of expectations.

Yunhai has never seen the teacher's so weak side, so he heard the request, he didn't want to nod to promise.

"Good! Teacher" with you! "

Rotate, two people left here.


, go straight into the mountains of the cloud.

In addition to sitting outside the old long-lasting house, there is still many areas that are covered by large array.

Among them, in the air-based big array, just felt the rich aura far with the exceptional extraordinaries.

it's here.

He can feel the increase in physical strength in the body!

For a time, Tang Song had to be amazed.

The place where the old, lived is really extraordinary, and even the air is sweet, it is definitely used a lot of best spiritual stone to create this environment.

Because on the ground, he saw a lot of shadows of the best spirit!

However, I am observing the situation in the big array, and a shadow appearance appears in front of the eyes, I have left the Wan Tiandu for a while.

And a jade simple is also sent to his face under a power package.

Tang Song has passed the jade, and asked in confusion.

"Master, this is?"

"Chaos is open, completely fit the only legal trick of your spirit, is also the strongest cultural law on this fairyland!"

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