Starting from Douluo

Chapter 370 for two years

"How? What is it feeling uncomfortable?"

Looking at Tang Song opened his eyes, I have been tight next to Wan Tian Road, and I asked some concerns.

After all, the scene that has just been far beyond his imagination, plus itself, it is not understandable to the chaotic opening, any situation that can appear can be status.

It is good to make Wantian Louis.

I heard his inquiry, I woke up Tang Ge suddenly shook his head.

"Master, I am fine."

"It's okay."

Wantian said there is, then I am very curious: "Since you have already seen the jade silk, you should also practice it, what is difficult?"

Tang Song smiled slightly, said: "Master, what you said, this chaotic will be prepared for people who have chaotic spirit.

Although I just used it to practice it, the inquiry is all transformed into chaos, and it is clearly enhanced to my body! "

When it comes, he suddenly stretched his right hand.

I saw his right hand's hand, a spiritual group that did not belong to a golden water.

This resolution is presented in chaos, although there is no attachment of any crafts, but has revealed a compression.

Even if Wan Tiandao is using his own mana to try it, it is actually suppressed by the spiritual group.

This makes him feel some incredible.

The power of chaos is so strong?

"Hey! Congratulations to the host, shocking 10,000 points, gaining shocking 80,000!"

There is a system prompt sound again.

Tang Song heard the eye could not help but be bright. I didn't expect myself to show the power of chaos. It can actually be shocked by this master.

That if he said that he has a chaotic stand, can you still have more shock?

However, Tang Song is just thinking, and there is no really doing it.

After all, he just came to Haizong. It is not a matter of understanding for many things; and it is still far away from the fifth year and does not urgently completed the task.

So Tang Song no longer pays attention to the system's proven.

At this time, Wantian Road also took a deep breath and recovered calm.

He nodded: "The power of chaotic is exceeded in the world. Everything includes a known power, and if someone is fighting with you, it will be suppressed by your chaos, this is your advantage!

But at the same time, this is also your defect! "

My defect?

After listening to Wantian Road, Tang Song stunned, suddenly understood what happened.

He tested his way: "The Master means that I will dragging my cultivation speed because of the power of chaos."

"Not bad!"

Tan Tiandao nodded: "After all, the power of chaos is high, and others can transform a spiritual force, and you need hundreds or more aura.

In addition, your tribute is higher than others; you want to use liquefied chaos to accumulate the Dragon Pool, which is longer than others! "

Finally, his face could not help but show.

However, Tang Ge is not worried, but also laughs.

"Master, did you forget the practice of disciples just now?

There is a faster and more violent in the chaos, and the spirit of transformation into chaos is, it can improve the speed of disciples.

Besides, if the disciples have no four-nine festivals, but the same words as ordinary people, will the Master you will see the disciples?

Just because of the chaotic spirit root?

If so, the disciples do not help inherit this so-called Xian Gu mainland strongest practice! "

During the words, the Master of Tang Song did not disappear with an incomparable confidence from the inside to the outside.

His words seem to have been infected to Wantian Road, and after a slightly, the whole person suddenly couldn't help but send a big laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ... I really didn't expect that the old man lived for thousands of years, and there was no teenage little doll with a teenage!

you are right!

If you don't have the fairy capital represented by the sky, what eligures is the old man's disciple?

The genius is originally something that ordinary people can't do, breaking the common people can't break; the kid, try hard, the old man is looking forward to that moment you really grow.

At that time, this imperial continent may have a gods, come down that the cage set in our head!

The sea is a fish, and the sky is high.

It's a look forward to the future! Hahahahaha ... "

With a laughter, Wantian Road is just ahead, and the whole person disappears in the big array.

When the Tang Song reacted, in this big array, he only left him alone.

Looking at the place where Wantian has disappeared, Tang Song is a face.

That's it?

Don't give me something?


Tang Song couldn't help but shouted.

But there is no reaction.

He is really determined, his own cheap master is indeed, and there is no such thing as a manner.

Walking clean!

Go all right!

For a time, Tang Song couldn't help but sigh: "Forget it, this time is a lesson. If the teacher is coming again, it is absolutely no longer saying that I have just what I just almost."

Because Wan Tiandao left the mad words, plus the chaos of the day, and the people of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Song had a lot of doubts to ask for an inquiry.

But now I want to ask no one asked.

In desperation, he can only press these doubts in your heart and continue to practice.


Next, after it became the disciple of Wantian Road, Tang Song left in a big array of the old temple of the Hai Fengfeng.

Because this big array is under Wan Tiandou cloth, it is connected to the Haizong's underground, and the aura is far from the spirit.

So Tang Song is hereained here.

Coupled with him has been improved to the roof period, there is a sudden tear that is constantly released under the compression of the chaotic holy, fully reaches a long time.

Even if you don't eat for a few months, there is no more important to Tang Song.

However, during this time, Wantian Road has appeared once. After the Tang Song left the Valley Dan, he left again, and there was no appearance in a hurry.

He seems to have something important.

Tang Song completely careless, just concentrate on cultivation, a heart thought of continuously running the hell furnace, and constantly swallowing the rich atrial origin around.

Then he will then pass through the ingestion of the phagrad into the power of chaotic, and the liquid is condensed into the pool.

Chaotic liquid in the Pool is getting more and more.

Waiting until, in the big way, Tang Song's figure has completely disappeared, and only the elliptical object is completely condensed by the aura.

Under a rhythmic undulation, more aura sources are constantly incorporated in this group of elliptical objects.

that's it.

I don't know, I have quietly passed the two years!

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