Starting from Douluo

Chapter 374 This is the genius of treatment!

When Tang Song integrates the last chaotic liquid in the pool into the golden Dan, the whole golden Dan is instantaneous, and from his body.

On his head, Jin Dan, which is completely condensed by the chaotic liquid, is completely called chaotic Jin Dan.

Unlike someone else's golden water-saving, Jin Dan, Tang Song's chaotic Jin Dan fluent chaos, like a unmisting universe, giving people a virtual, deep feeling.

The chaotic Jin Dan floats in the air, and the drizzle turns.

Tang Song knows that if you want to be a real golden monk, you must experience the final rope baptism, leaving a remark mark on Jin Dan.

So he did not recover the chaotic Jin Dan.

"Come on, I want to experience how much your purple thunder robbers!"

Looking up at the sky, staring at the strange robbery in the middle of the head, and Tang Song's eyes are full of strong battles, muttering.

It seems to hear his voice.

The robbery of the whole Yaoyong finally accumulated enough strength, accompanied by the loud noise of the soul, a close bucket of thick purple thunder fell into the eyes.

The purple Thunder landed, the horrible destruction is released, and the voids surrounded by the surroundings have begun to appear.

The trend of faintly collapse.

No matter whether it is a disciple or a deacon, it is a big jump.

On the one hand, they shocked the horror of purple thunder. On the one hand, they used concerns and sympathetic eyes to the figure of the purple Thunder.

So horrible thunder, he ... can you stop?

I don't know when.

There are hundreds of meters away from the internal door modifier, and the five shadows have gathered together.

They are the primary and other four peaks.

Because two years ago, I was in a peak of the disciples, Zhu Linfeng has been ignorant, and it can only put the sulking gas in the disciple in the peak.

Now that two years have passed, he did not expect that the teenager named Tang Song once again appeared again, as it would choose to break through the realm under De Deu.


Perhaps the other party is too strong, it has suffered from the sky, it has attracted the power of the powers!

Even with hundreds of meters away, Zhu Linfeng, which has been cultivated, and it feels a stunned meat. If you are in thunder robbery, I am afraid that I have to be forced to give up the fairy.

And Tang Song just just condensed Jin Dan, and the chance to live is minimal.

Thinking of the peerless talents of the other party, I have to be lost today, even if Zhu Linfeng has a mustard, I can't help but sigh at this moment.

"Perhaps this world should not have people who can cultivate chaos and open the sky."

"The main thing, is there any other way?"

The peak of Tianzhufeng is a bit unbearable, and I asked in the Qing Dynasty.

After all, the Zongmen will not be easy to receive such a good seedllar that can pursue the sky, if it is alive, it is too unfortunately.

And once this is passed out, he is probably a big laughter of the big gates.

Even the genius can not protect, is not qualified to stay in the genius.

When I heard the Yu Daozi, I can't help but shake my head.

"This purple thunder robbery is only nine robbery, but the power is not exposed to the body monk; not to mention the integrity of the body is more than the thunder, can avoid far away.

Otherwise, our husband's uncle will not show up now?

And if you know that this kid will experience such a horrible thunder, as long as you use the whole resources to prepare for him, it is not a chance to spend.

but now……"

When I said final, he did not continue.

However, the four peaks present were all understood. When the moment of violent robbery, there was no chance to ferment the robbery!

For a time, when they looked at the figure under the purple Thunder, they were full of regret.


Inner door playing method.

Fortunately, Tang Song took the heart to the robbery, so he did not hear hundreds of meters of foreign land and four peak owners' conversations.

Otherwise, if he heard these five people have not waited for himself, I will directly sentence the death penalty, and my heart is not wooffish.

Self-confidence is severely hit.

Even if the Tang Song can pass the thunder, I am afraid I will die!

But now, he does not know the five people's discussions.

So when I saw the purple Thunder who landed a bucket from the robbery, Tang Song did not hesitate, and immediately hit it.

The vast chaotic power of Yuanchao Jin Dan monk has poured out of his right box, directly condensed a chaos, and crossed the top of the top of Jin Dan hit together with the purple Thunder.

But the result!

Surprisingly, there is no dragon bursting to open.

Tang Song's full force, this punch is in contact with the purple Thunder, actually being decomposed in an instant, even blocking the purple Thunder a second.

How can it be?

See this scene, Tang Song has grown up in an instant, and his face is incredible.

But immediately, he will sink to the bottom of the valley.

I am afraid it is over!

Thunder, I haven't blocked the purple Thunder to fall in an instant, and the Tang Song will submerge the chaotic Jin Dan in his head.


The entire disciples who saw this scene were also closed by their own eyes. He did not only have the disappearance of a competitor, but it was full of uncomfortable.

But when a sad mood gradually spread, it is not just who suddenly exclaimed.

"Fast watch! He is still alive!"


Still alive?

I heard this exclaimed, just closed the eyes of the eyes and the elders and peaks, all opened their eyes.

When they hit hope to see the direction of the inner door, they saw the shadow of the purple Thunder, and suddenly became a good eye.

It's really alive!

At this moment.

The original water bucket thick purple Thunder is still spread, and the Tang Song and Chaos Jin Dan are all enveloped, and there is a purple fine thunder to go back to the chaotic Jin Dan and his body.

When I changed the Tang Song, I felt that I had a shortcomings of merits, and I was also a face.

this one?

This is the legendary purple thunder?

Ask not to fake?

Not only that!

In Tang Song, this purple Thunder shrouded, and he felt a feeling of comfort from the body, as if there was a sense of body massage.

There is no danger!

The road of purple Razers continued to enter and out of the chaotic Jin Dan, where is destroying it, clearly helping it get more and more.

Wait until the end.

With the first robbining of the first road, it has left a purple thunder mark on the chaotic Jin Dan.

Tang Song also felt the enhancement of his own chaotic holy.

So when I look at the majesty eye, he is not only worried, but I can't help but laugh.

"The genius treatment should be this! Come, let the storm are more violent!"

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