Starting from Douluo

Who is Chapter 400? who is it!

Blood light!

The original sunny day turned into a blood red, even the hot sun was blocked, so that the entire fairyland continent is in the same blood sea.

And this countless blood column seems to be a big array, and it will be continuously connected in a void.

There is still a rich filth, natural, blood ghost, etc., screaming, as if you want to tear a hole in the sky.

Just continuously in the blood column, it has been extended to the same integration from the sky, but it suddenly can't move.

Because the Nago Town of the fishing lake has just been destroyed by Tang Song, there is no bloody sky.

The result is this notch, so that the blood column of the blood is caught together.

Therefore, there is no number of blood columns that continue to take a moment, after all, they have not been satisfactory and directly crash.

A thorny sunshine reminded blood, making a few points of golden rays in a bloody fairyland.

Finally, the sky restored the past and blue.

But even so, the people of the entire fairy continent, the demon people are in a fear and uneasiness.

what happened? What is the blood of the sky?

This ... Is this big thing to happen?

Is it going to be destroyed by the world?


Not only the ordinary people who have not stepped into practice, even the cultivation of the cultivation of the mainland is shaken.

Especially when these sects have been inspected by Zongmen data, it is determined that the bloody light column suddenly dyed in the ancient Chinese sky is actually the legendary funeral day, suddenly anger.

It is necessary to know that the burial is the evil outside, with blood, once in one, it is necessary to cause unimaginable damage to the imagination of Xianca.

This will also be a difficult disaster in the Xianca's fundamental Xiancai, which will be difficult to estimate!

So the three, the five, the three, all three of the people, the disciples, the disciples, and thoroughly investigate the matter.

They vowed that even if they turn the fairyland to the bottom of the sky, they must put out the behind-the-scenes of the burial in the sky.

For these movements, the five people who stayed outside the fishing lake are not known, but they also see that the blood color is not a good thing.

So after the god came back, their five people were relative, and they were all fortunate.

"Let's go, let's leave here!"

Finally, the Tang Song is open.

When I heard Tang Song, Qi Hong and the ring tones did not have any objection, directly flew in the direction of Lin Qingcheng together with Tang Song.

But just on the way to the Qingcheng, the ring tone came from the news from the Zongmen, and the long-lived life of one of the Yuan Yingfeng cultivated.

Dumps, it represents the fallen of their owners.

Such a huge change, there is really a few people who are shocking.

I have a serious thing that is serious to get far beyond your imagination, and add a call for the Zongmen.

The ring tone can only be bidding farewell to Qihong and Tang Song in advance, and Lin Jiuyi, Miao Ke Ke, with a coma, Li Xiaoyu, and another teacher, returned to Tianyinzong.

I looked at the Tongyu's Daoyou left, Yan Hong couldn't help but look at Tang Song.

"Tang Dynasties, this task is compatible, and there is a bloody day, I have to go back to Zongmen to report this.

Do you want to go back with me? "

"Teacher's brothers go back, I will stay in Linqing City for a while."

Tang Song shook his head.

Although things reveal, even if there is something big, it will not be handled in his golden Dan monk.

So in his heart, the most important thing is the most important thing to complete the system task.

Yan Hong did not know the mind of Tang Song.

But I thought that this brother's hand has mastered two best spirits. I am afraid that it is difficult to hurt each other.

So he didn't persuade, and then nodded and he was separated from Tang Song.

Tang Song continues to go to the Qing Dynasty.

However, whether it is Tang Song or Yan Hong, the ringtone three women, I don't know if they leave, in the outside of the fishing lake, there is two stones.

Herone is a glorious blue robe and the blood demon of the monk of Yinzong Yuan Ying Mono.

Experience this short-lived, the blue robe monks breathed a mess, but did not hurt.

However, the opposite blood magic old magic is drafled, and the raise robe is dyed, and the left arm is lost.

However, after the emergence, they did not continue to make hand, but moved their attention to the destroyed fishing lake.

Just now the blood column ...

Although the space is temporarily separated, the blue robe man still sees the scene of the blood.

Only in this way, because of the lack of corners, it eventually caused blood to dye.

"Is it a burial day?"

Recalling the inheritance from the brain, the men of the blue robe wrinkled.

The old magic of the opposite blood is a giggling that is biting with the teeth.

"Waste! All are waste!"

He suddenly looked up to block his blue robe monks.

"Okay! It's really good! Your mermaid family dares to step on the ground, and also shot to destroy my bulletin, wait for your mepadian family to pay for this!"

"court death!"

I heard the words of the Blood Devil's old magic, the blue robe monk is cold, and the palm should be attacked.

However, the opposite blood demon is suddenly suddenly burst out of blood, and it is not visible to a bloody to disappear.

The blue robe monk saw and did not continue to pursue.

He finally looked at the fishing lakes below his eyes, suddenly turned around.


The ancient continent, a slogan mountain range.

Stones and plants are all dyed.

In the bloody center, "" "" rolls with the blood lake of the bubble, a body of the magical moiston is floating on the lake.

This is an old man with a cold, both blunt.

Just now, the plan was prepared for a hundred years under his handling.

Bloody sky! Bloody sky!

As long as all the big arrays are integrated and gathered to this large array of core blood lakes, they can make a hundred years of big stalks completely released.

This world will completely fall into their control.

One time.

The born blood red old man has evenness, and the strength is terrible. At this moment, I finally couldn't help but feel excited, and I sent a lot of laughter.

"Hahaha ... ..."


Just in his happy laughter has not yet passed this mountain, the slightly the blood column that should be even together is disabled, and finally the loss is directly collapsed.

Even this old man is involved, and the blood spurted out.

However, he did not have to be injured by anti-anti-alive, a pair of bloody eyes were circularly circled, and the dead staring at the hematography in the horizon of the hematology before the collapse.

Then, the

"Who is it? Who! This must be died! The land of death is not buried!

what! what! what! ...... "

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