Starting from Douluo

Chapter 415, ask the benefits!

Although Wan Tiandao lifted up, Tang Song didn't see it, and his master is not looking at the roof.

He not only felt the imitation from the other party, but also saw the opposite side of the opponent and the eyes of the void.

hard to imagine!

What existence is that the virtual situation is, why is it in the virtual situation?

The strong man who buffered the robbery is because he can't avoid thunder to enjoy the treatment of the fairy order, but is also worried?

Still, this also hides other secrets that are not known?

Tang Song wants to understand what is born in the martial arts.

He also did not speak, just waiting quietly.

After a while.

With a long sigh, Wantian has received his attention, and the breath of the body suddenly calmed down.

Seeing the doubts and worry in Tang Ge Eye, he couldn't help but smile: "Hey, there is a big age, this person will start to think about it.

Well ... Which is we? "

Tang Song over white eyes.

Master, I know that you must deliberately want to open a topic, but don't use it obviously?

I will not ask you!

This is dark, he is still a way: "Say that the Shengxiao Order and the Monk of the Maharae are not the same."

"It's really different, but this doesn't require you now know, you only need to remember whether it is our Haizong, even other immortal and the demon will also want to get a decoration order."

Wantian Road has recovered calm.

Tang Ge is nodded and asked: "Listen to Master, this time, the disciple is recalled, I want to let the disciples enter the virtual situation, looking for the sect of Xian order?"

In the face of Tang Song's guess, Wan Tao's face is rare to show a smile.

He looked at Tang Song with extremely satisfied eyes.

"You have a good performance outside this time, although there is some recklessness, but it is still misunderstanding and destroying the conspiracy of the devil, and it is true for me.

So in order to reward you, I decided to let you bring the team to the virtual affection of a month after a month.

With your current strength, it is enough to deal with the possible crises that have encountered.

If you can get some gains in the virtual situation, you have great help to your future to enter the Maharaeian or even flying.

Of course, under this premise, your primary purpose is to be dominated by the promotion of the fairy order; remember, other things can be discarded, but the promotion of the decoration order must bring it out! "

In the end, the voice of Wantian Road became serious.

Although Tang Song feels a bit awkward, it is also guaranteed: "The Master is relieved, this month, the disciple must work hard, break through the Yuan Ying period.

When I arrived in email, my disciples also had a bigger grasp to get rising order. "

At the same time, he also released the breath of his Jinan peak.

However, this breath is too strong, and the performance of the performance has exceeded the Golden Dan, and even the cyber infants cannot compare with it.

Therefore, the Tiandao has changed directly.

He couldn't help but leave, stepped out of the Tang Song, reaching the shoulders of Tang Song, explored a mana into the other party.

When it was determined that the chaotic Jin Dan in the Tang Song is still, Wan Tiandao is only a breather.

"It's almost, it's okay!"

Tang Song: "..."

What do you mean?

I didn't break through the yuan baby or a good thing? Is there any other teacher who didn't want to make your disciples?

At this time, Wan Tao seems to have discovered his discovery, and noted the skeptical light in Tang Song's eyes, suddenly coughed two times, covering his own embarrassment.

After he recovered the mana, he exposed a smile and took the shoulders of the disciple before the eyes.

"Don't think too much, the master is praised you. After all, you are full of full-time, only two years, can break through the golden Dan during such a short period of time.

But I don't know if it is, sometimes it's too fast, it's not necessarily a good thing, staying in the goldenan period. It is still good for you for a while.

Of course, the most important thing is!

Because of the restriction of the emotion, only the monk of the Jindan and the following modes can be entered, so once you break through, you can't get it. "

The other party said for such a half day, but the last sentence is true.

Tang Song has some speechless.

However, the restriction of the emotional to Jin Dan or more is to let him be surprised, and it is no wonder why not send a stronger monk to go in and explore.

It turned out to be this reason!

But since the important importance, Tang Ge suddenly is not polite.

After all, if he entered the virtual situation, if he entered the empty body, he didn't say God and kill the Buddha. At the very least ten people, eight people were not his opponent.

The rest of the two people will barely open their five-five even genius!

Therefore, even if the Tang Song herself enters the virtual situation, you can also grab it from other people in the case of finding the order!

At this moment, Tang Ge suddenly held his face: "Unwrice of disciples have suddenly stopped breakthrough, it is a good sacrifice that the disciple needs me. It is also worth it.

However, the disciples have already sinned the demon, they are afraid they know the length of the disciples, will definitely launch disciples in this virtual experience.

The disciples sacrificed were small, and the mission that did not complete the gate. I don't know if I have a way, let the disciples can save more means of life.

such as? In these three magic weapons, leave a few summoners in your intention. "

Said, there have been three magic treasures in the hands of Tang Song.

It is chasing the dragon sword, Tiandao Zhong and Dry Bracelet!

Wan Tiandao saw that the face suddenly twitched, and I didn't know how to take the urge to take out this kid.

But I thought that the other party's importance of the virtual affairs, he was still not willing to start.

Finally, Ten Tiandao can only snort, directly to take the dragon sword, and have successfully remained a soul imprint in the flying sword at the pale price.

Obviously, this kind of thing is not as easy as his Monk.

So after returning the dragon sword, after Tang Song, looked at the appearance of the other party, Wan Tiandao suddenly opened.

"Okay, the two-piece general spirit is sitting, unless there is a large number of monks or scattered fans, otherwise no one can threaten you; as for the bracelet in your hand, the quality is too low, you can't afford my body!

Also, after you enter the virtual situation, there is no problem with the best use of the best, but the summoned things that I am coming to the body will not think. "

Although I didn't reach the expectations of my heart, I can restore the imprint of the dragon sword for Tang Song, it is already very satisfied.

So he thanked the Master, and suddenly the three-piece spirit will retest.

: "Why is it possible to use it, is it because of the restriction of emptiness?"

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