Starting from Douluo

Chapter 421 gathers! Open!

On the first floor of the restaurant, these four Jinan monks who are talking about in the corner don't know that someone is listening to them.

With the most powerful young male monks opened, the other three have fallen to this person.

Feel the doubts and curiosity in the eyes of the companions, this male monk is not worthy.

However, on the surface, it is modest and coughing, and then lows the sound opening.

"This matter is also passed down from my ancestors, and it is still strictly of our future generations.

Ok? Why is there a wine? Nothing to eat? "

As a result, the words go to the critical place, this male monk suddenly turned the topic to eat.

And he also put it up to stand up to the wine building.

However, the other three monks present are not idiot, when seeing the other party, I don't understand the meaning of each other.

No, no wine is no dish!


So he greeted the restaurant Xiaoqi quickly on the wine, one of them urged: "Lotus, you can continue to say."

The young monk called the lotus brother nodded, and the face suddenly became serious.

He lowered his voice as much as possible: "If you are not bad with me, I will not tell you.

So after you know, you must not tell others anywise, otherwise you will not blame I don't blame you! "

It's just that the more serious this person, the more curiosity in the three people.

Some people are impatiently urged.

"Don't mother's mother, the lotus brother, even if you do something, you will not blame you, so you still say it!"

"Don't worry, I am not talking about it."

The monk known as the lotus brother, did not dare to talk nonsense, and then said the news they know.

It turned out that after the first time in the millennium was opened, some people came out from the virtual situation.

In order to determine whether the Shengxian order is useful, the Spirituality of the top three and the Taiqing Zong have walked out of the upcoming Mahaardian Monk.

These two major monks have selected traditional flying lifting methods and subtranes.

As a result, finally, the smooth flooding of the fairy order.

When the spirit of the traditional flying mites, the big multiplication will be separated from this world after being attracted by the fairy, and suddenly I have a horrible happiness.

"Don't fly! Don't fly!"

Then, a dark vortex is directly swallowed directly.

So scenic, the two monks who were scared were unbelievable, and it was unbelievable.

At this point, they found that the world's flying rising channel seems to have changed.

Only holding a sustain order can get rid of the big horror and flour.

This news is a hidden, coupled with the deliberate concealment of Spirituality and Taqingzong, so there is only the details of the three domains.

Now this is called "Lian Brother" monk knows that it is because he is also a disciple of spirituality.

Although the monk of the family is very confused, this spiritual disciple has always passed the situation of the ancestral passage.

However, the millennium has passed, and the imperial continent has not happened.

In addition, the big monk is high, even if there is any flying, it is not known.

Therefore, in fact, this monk known as "Lotus" is in the Spirit Town or many monks know.

Only, they all treat them as a story, and they will listen.

Only people who have heard this rumors from the outside will only feel that they have their own things.

as predicted.

After a while, there were other local monks sitting on the side, laughed and poked the "lotus brother" trick.

It turns out that this guy has always used this so-called "rumor" to cheat and drink.

Just, he has a golden cultivation of Jin Danfeng, plus the monks that will only be weaker than him.

So now, the people who are being cheated are only when they are insepack, but they never find a "lotus brother".

For a time, the "lotus brother" who was poked broke the mind was incomparable, and after the person who gave an idle, turned to escape the restaurant.

And the three companions that have just been listening are not as pairs.

It's a fake!


Upstairs, Although Tang Song did not expect this ending, you can't think that this rumor is fake.

Because he thought of the words that the Master told him to tell him.


This world's flying rate is really problematic, and it is necessary to fly to solve it.

Just for the forces outside the three-domain 15th, don't know much!

"If this is the case, this virtual situation trial is probably more cruel than I imagined."

At this moment, the smile on Tang Song disappeared and became lifting.

After a while, after the last cup of fairy on the table, he directly got up and left here.

Thereafter thereafter.

Back to Zongmen Temporary Station Tang Song did not go out, but continued to be familiar with the three laws that did not have more time.

As for the other, the sects of the Zongmen, the teachers and sisters who came in the city two days, and they also started to prepare for their hearts.

However, during this time, an acquaintance came to visit.

It is the ring tone of Tianyinzong.

As a teammate who destroys the Magic Bar, Tianyin Zong Leader, Tian Yinzong Leader, immediately sent her to take the initiative to make a request with Haizong.

In this regard, Tang Ge is pleased to agree.

After all, Tian Xianzong is good at helping auxiliary law. If Haizong and Tianyinzong alliance, it is a good thing in two major doors.

Besides, Tianyin Zong is still a one-piece beauty monk.

No one will refuse.

In this way, the two hundred disciples participating in the trial of the trials have begun to wait for the empty opening of the emptying day after mutual communication.


Five days later, early morning.

The original lively Spirit City suddenly became quiet.

In the early morning, I saw countless figure After leaving the Ling Denal City, I dutied directly to the rainy mountains flying outside the rain outside the country.

During the period, there is a huge pilot boat in high altitude, and the momentum is awkward.

Soon, these trials from three domains have come to a valley in the spiritual mountain range.

In the valley, a hundred trial disciples as the landlord have come, and they are quiet to stand in two green robes. They must be sent to the old people.

However, they have not paid attention to the city of all squares, but will focus on a altar outside more than ten meters.

The altar is circular, with a diameter of about ten meters, high as two meters.

A large number of patterns were burned on the entire altar, and it revealed a powerful force.


Two spirits in the blue-white robes seem to be aware of what, the brow suddenly condensed.

One of the people is even more exciting: "To open it, pay attention to it."

He just exported, he saw the void of the naked eye on the altar of more than ten meters.

Then there seems to have a pair of invisible big hands to make the power after the void, suddenly the oscillation of the voids open a huge gap!

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