Starting from Douluo

Chapter 424 Feyun City! meet!

For this speech of this roof, Tang Ge is calm, but the heart is very surprised.

He originally thought that it would be so precious, and if you have to be too empty, you know that there are very few people.

As a result, it is actually known as a monk.

Is it because it does not open nine times before the limits?

In addition to this.

For the mysterious words of the sacrifices, Taifu and Taicheng, etc., Tang Song is equally curious and doubtful, I feel that the world is more unlikely.

However, he did not hurriedly, but retransmitted to the old man behind him.

"Do you want to explain?"

The cold is out of Tang Song.

The old man who kneeling next to the teenager trembled, and his face became extremely pale, and it seems that he has guess his own fate.

He suddenly hugged a boy, he would take the opportunity to escape.


Seeing that Tang Song did not stop, the middle-aged man who was built on his face and the middle-aged man built was suddenly angry: "Kill them!"

The spin is the seven people directly rushed.

Tang Song did not stay in the place, but rigging from the flying sword, let the two sides under the following sides have just fallen into the killing.

The roar continues to ring.

For a long time, accompanied by a burst of snoring, and killing finally ended.

The lower valley below.

After a tragic killing, it has already become a plywood, there are several bodies to fall on the ground, and the blood will completely dye the ground.

This is lying on the land of the defenders.

And the other side, in addition to the middle-aged man who has also had a mid-term monk, only two of the refining period came with him.

And these three people are hurt, pale.

However, I think that this mission is finally completed, they can't help but breathe, and I also revealed a touch of joy.


Tang Song witnessed the whole process, but there is no feeling for the death of the two people of the owner. After all, he is now not the ordinary person who has just went to the mainland.

Life and death, do not say numbness in your heart, but you will not touch this feeling.

And if he does not appear, it is also the result of this.

I thought about it, and there were three stars in the following sidelines.

It is the three monks who live down.

When they see the flying sword of Tang Song, the heart is envious, but she does not dare to have other thoughts.

After all, this is a golden Danqiang, killing yourself as simple as a dead flies!

So don't use Tang Song to open, there is a middle-aged man who built a foundation period to take the initiative: "Seniors, my name is Sun Cheng, from the flying clouds outside the thousands of miles away.

If the seniors need flying order, they can go to Feiyun City with us. At that time, the monks of the city will definitely regard the predecessor as the Feiyun City.

And the predecessors want to know more things, you can also ask the city owner! "

a long distance away?

Feiyun City?

When I heard Sun Cheng's invitation, Tang Song felt that if the other party said, maybe in the early stage, the sect of the Zongmen, the teacher, who should be separated, should not have any danger for the time being.

And he can now use the city of Feiyun City, determine the ceiling power of this world monk.

So I thought for a while, Tang Song nodded.

"So, take the way!"

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

After getting the consent of Tang Song, Sun Chengtun was big.

If you can invite a Jindan-level strong to join Feiyun City, it is definitely a great effort in him, and it will definitely get the reward of the city owner.

The other two companions are equally excited.

In this way, the four people did not stay in the valley, and they directly rushed to fly in the direction of Feiyun City.


Feiyun City is a magnoliated city, the city is built, the city is high, and a line is also portrayed on the wall.

Due to the line of floating clouds, it is no longer flowing on the wall, so it is one of the reasons why the city name "Feiyun" City.

As for why "Feiyun City" is Lone City?

It is because of its centered, thousands of miles away from thousands of miles, and there is no so-called village town.

After listening to Sun Cheng, Tang Ge knows that this is too bad, but the total number is not much.

Plus every hundred years to open once, in addition to the foreign monks enter, there will be a hundred-year horror beasto.

The animal can appear, countless monsters will actively attack humanity until it is too virtual city.

So I have experienced the millennium, there is only a city in the same virtue, and everyone lives in the city.

And in order to divide the beast, there will be no existence of two cities, which is also the reason why Tang Song just came in and didn't see people.

As for why a beast can be taken every other year?

What is the sacrifice of the sky?

Where is the virtual sky?

Sun Cheng is naturally impossible because of its strength and status.

Therefore, Tang Song can only hope that the city of Feiyun City mentioned in the other party.

that's it.

Under the drag of Sun Chengan, Tang Song used two time to use the two hours, and finally arrived in the Yuyun City in Sun Chengkou.

Because Feiyun City is banned, the four people enter from the city.

Tang Song also urgently wanted to know the information he wanted, but he didn't feel the same in the wall of Feiyun City wall.

They walked all the way and quickly came to the deepest place in the city.

A majestic house is located at the end of the central axis, and the soldiers who have been cultivated during the refining period are guarded in the gate, and the door above the house is engraved with three words.

City owner!

When Tang Song direct visual door, this "city owner" triparton passed a single, unpredictable breath, like a thousand-changing white clouds.

It also contains a pressure of a shocking soul.

However, Tang Ge did not have an impact. After receiving his eyes, he looked at Sun Cheng.

At this time, Sun Cheng has also been greeted to guard, and I feel the eyes of Tang Song. I quickly respect: "I also ask the predecessors to wait a moment here, Sun Cheng is going to report to the city owner."

"hurry up!"

Tang Ge is not angry, just urged.

Sun Cheng did not dare to waste time, immediately and two companions were almost small, and they came out of the city, and their figure quickly disappeared.

But didn't have a long time.

The departure of Sun Cheng returned again.

But this time, in addition to him, there is still a young woman wearing a light blue row dress with him, and the face is exquisite and the temperament is extraordinary.

See also Sun Cheng's respectful attitude towards this young woman.

The Tang Song's eyes are not surprised.

Is this woman a city owner of Feiyun City?

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