Starting from Douluo

Chapter 432's bait ending

The five Jindan-level black feather eagle appeared suddenly, so that hundreds of monks and other hundred monks and other hundreds of monks have not reacted at all.

So when countless black feathers are wrapped by the wind, they are wrapped in impact.

After Suddenly there were more than a dozen monks screamed, it was torn into a crush.

Although the nearby companions are lucky, they are directly sprayed.

Then they came back to God, and they fled all around.

"Yes ... is the monster of Jindan!"

"Retreat! Return!"

"Ah! Save me, I don't want to die!"

"Don't panic, there are more people, everyone concentrated, these five Jin Dan monsters can't stop our attack!"


After Zheng Han reaction, although it was frightened, it was still trying to appease the companions.

Unfortunately, no matter how he shouted, the nearby monks nearby not only stop, but fugitive faster.

Flying five golden Danwl demon in the air, grabbed the human monk was scared to escape, and waved the wings again, and the invisible air blade was killed.

For a time, the sky outside the North City wall becomes more confusing.

But good.

Yu Feiyun in the town of Feiyun is naturally impossible to sit on, any foreign monk who is useful to her continues to lose.

Therefore, five Jin Danying demon outside the North City wall appeared, Yu Feiyun immediately seized the opportunity, and mobilized the city's big array.

With the five white lights, they flew out of the clouds, and they were on the five golden Danwl demon.


Under the scream, the five Jin Danwl demon in the eyes of a foreign monk did not stick to the moment, and they were directly broken.

The huge bodies suddenly fell down to the bloody flying down.

But very fast, there is a white light appearance, and the five eagle demon corpses are rolled back to Feiyun City.

Such a change, suddenly caused the chaos of the Beachen Wall, and its offensive to Feiyun City is directly suspended.

At this chance, Zheng Han immediately reached the team and retracted to more than 100 meters.

It's just that Yu Feiyun in Feiyun City is secretly unfortunately.

Although I just killed five Jin Dan Eagle demon, it grew up the strength of the monster group.

But unfortunately, the monsters hiding in the monster group have never exposed them from beginning to end.

This makes the feathers fly to the brow, and I always feel what she is difficult to control.

"No matter, since it is not open, then continue to attract!"

She muttered, she once again under the hundreds of monks outside Zheng Han and other instructions to kill the command of the remote monster.

Instead, I went to the Tang Song of Tang Song, the whole process of the city, and Yu Feiyun did not pay attention.


Although Zheng Han, these monks are unwilling, they are reluctant to continue to stay outside the city.

It can be thought of the scene of the five Jin Dan Eagle that have just been killed, and they become cold in their hearts.

Everyone understands that their own little life has completely fell into the hands of Feiyun City.

Do not execute the command?

I am afraid the next moment is shredded by white light!

"Go! Go to the west direction!"

Harcy, I saw the West direction of the Tang Song's five people, Zheng Han suddenly biting his teeth.

Didn't reason, who have hundreds of people more than five people?


It seems to be the thoughts of Zheng Han and others.

Therefore, when Zheng Han with hundreds of monks, killing the monsters, when they arrived in Xicheng Wall, Tang Song had already taken four Zongmen brothers in advance to the Nancheng wall.

In addition to the Nancheng wall, one of the disciples of Haizong can't help but live.

"The teacher is too bad, they obviously want to introduce the disaster to us!"

"What should I do, a teacher? Isn't we change place again?"

"Hey! The teacher is not shot, otherwise will it make them so mad?"


Finally, there is also a difficult color of the Yahai Zong disciple Lin River in Jin Dan.

His eyes showed a murder and said: "The uncle ancestors, it is better to take the initiative, kill the sharpness of these people."


In a point of view, it is easy to kill a slam monster that tries to sneak attack.

Tang Song fell to the group of flies that have just chased it outside the West City.

What did he have noticeable, suddenly laughed and shook his head.

"Wonderful! They are chasing!"


When I heard Tang Song, the five people in the Linhe were secretly confused. Suddenly, I suddenly became awkward.

When the five people look at the direction of the scream, they are directly scared.

I don't know when.

In addition to the Xicheng wall of Feiyun City, hundreds of monks and other monks such as Zheng Han have been surrounded by a large number of flying monsters.

Most of these monsters are rooted, and Jin Dan is also reached seven.

They seem to have ordered a death charge for hundreds of monks such as Zheng Han, who were surrounded in the middle.

There is no accident.

This fierce kills, continues to have the monster and human monks killed by an attack.

Even from the direction of other walls, it comes to the monster of more than 30 Jin Dan.

Even if there is no other monster, the four hundred golden monsters are enough to die enough for hundreds of monks such as Zheng Han.

This allows the surrounded Zhengan and other monks to expose the color of desperation.

"No! I don't want to die!"

"Yucheng owner, save me, I don't want anything, save me!"

"Han brother, think about it, otherwise we must die here!"


With the frightening roaring, Feiyun City did not have any movements.

Even Zheng Han, who is Jin Dan, is constantly resisting the monster attack, and wear a heart by a hunted monster hole.

At that moment, he finally realized that his foreign monk was completely flying in the city as a bait.

The other party didn't think of them to save them from beginning to end.

"Hahaha ..."

Finally, Zheng Han went to the golden Dan Monster of the other flying back by the other.

As he died, the remaining foreign monks were more powerless.

Just a short time, just have more than ten people left.

However, in these more than 10 monks thought that he would also die in the mouth of the monster, a thorn white light is high.

The spin is a burst of shock explosion as the void is vibrating.

When the more than a dozen monk came over, he found that the white light just now was once again launched a big array again.

A beam flew out of the clouds in the city, and killed the more than forty golden Dan repairing the world that had already been locked.

At the same time, there is more monster-based monsters in white light, and they have turned into the corpse.

I have a chance to escape the remaining more than a few foreign monks who have escaped a robbery.

After hiding in the shroud of Feiyun City, they cried directly.

"Alive! I finally lived!"

"What opportunities! What is too bad! I don't want it, let you give you, as long as the time arrives, I will leave here!"

"woo woo woo woo……"


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