Starting from Douluo

Chapter 434, I will shot!

Although the happening of the beast, the residents of Feiyun City are highly nervous, and they don't dare to relax.

Even the monks stationed in the city walls in the city walls are also restoring spiritual power, while constantly attacking the monsters.

But regardless of how the war is grim.

As long as the city's large array of guardianship is still there, as long as the city owner is still there, they are always stable.

Can now.

When the three powerful monsters have destroyed the guarded light.

Then the glass fragmented voice passed to the ear of the mousse monk, it was like a natural collapse, and instantly let their hearts sink into the bottom of the valley.


The guardian light is broken!

Even the ordinary people waiting in the city, this moment, a face is also unparallel.



After the guardian light curtain is broken, the flying clouds of Feiyun are originally blocked outside the flying monsters to grasp the opportunity to dive.

As they waved the pawl, or spit out the spiritual group, the large number of houses were destroyed in an instant.

More many residents screamed directly to swallow the flying monsters.

In the face of this sudden change, I went back to the gods to go to the city, and I immediately issued a tragic roar.

"Blocking! Even if you use your body, you have to give me these monsters outside Feiyun City!"

In the first hand, he was first held in the nearby monster.

After other soldiers reacted, they also chose to kill them with the monsters.


In the face of the minimum emservatory, these soldiers will be sent to the martial arts, but they are also sent to death.

Striked, constantly there is a residual limb break.

In the same time, there was also a fierce killing, and there was a team of Feiyun City, who was stationed in the city wall.

Because of the break of the protection light curtain, plus the control of the three demon king, the monster group of the city that became chaotic will come together again.

With the roaring roaring, such as the sea, the same kind of human attacks come on the face, and the hard-student has a beast bridge under the city.

With the use of the beast bridge, the monsters that have been placed in the base period will be boarded a hundred meters high.

Time, Feiyun City's defense is directly broken.

Under the close range, there are constant monks to die in the siege of the monster group.

From beginning to end.

Three monster kings who broke the Yuncheng's protection light curtain did not shoot.

Their cold eyes stared at the sacrifice flats floating over Flying Yuncheng Zhengzhong Square, and the eyes were greedy.

But if you carefully observe, you can find that these three monsters are also in each other.

This is also why they don't make it again in order to attack the protective lights.

However, the emergence of these three monsters, but the pressure of Yufei clouds that have been stationed under the sacrifice.

If it is said that the murdered scorpion beast is repaired in the Yuan Ying electricity bill.

That's another three demon king absolutely half-step!

Just just the atmospheric lock, it will only be cold-sweating that only the Yufei clouds that are repaired in the years.

Especially in the case of the big array to see that Feiyun City is in dangerous situation, her face is pale, full of unwillingness.

"Can be evil! Why is this?

Is it necessary to have the existence of Yuncheng after this city owner?

Do not! If you can't give up, you should have a chance, just give me ...

Yes, there is still one! "

At the time of desperation, Yu Feiyun seems to have thought of, a pair of dark eyes once again bright.

With a big array, she saw the monk called "Tang Song" in the world from beginning to end.

Even the emergence of the monk of the monster king, and did not let the opponent's face on the face of a fear and fear.

On the contrary, Yu Feixun see only surprises.

This is not forbidden to let her feel hope.

Even if the opponent's enemy is only three demon kings, but just give her a chance to start the big array again.

At that time, Feiyun City still can reverse the Qiankun, crossing this treasure crisis.

When you think of this, Yu Feiyun did not dare to have any hesitation, and immediately resorted to the Tang Song outside the city.

"Tang Ge Da friends, I know that you hide the repair, and there is also means to escape the monster group.

But the goal of these three monsters is obviously a sacrifice, if Feiyun City is broken, the sacrifice will be destroyed.

So even if Tang Daoyou is just to get too bad order, please also help fly to block these three monsters.

Only to restore the power of the big array, fight the monster group, thank you Dangdao. "

Feiyun City, Nancheng Wall.

Although the appearance of the three demon king has risen to the monster population.

It can be seen because of the deterrence of Tang Song chaos. The mousse of the monster has no dare to get close, and they have turned straight to the clouds.

This makes the scared forest river and the other four Yahai Zong disciples have no unclear.


The head of the head and the peak is the safest, and it is the safest in the uncle.

Just watching the three Zhenghu vision staring at the flying clouds that were destroyed from the protection light, the five people were still full of worry.

These three kinds of monster kings have reached a half-step tempering, is the uncle ancestors?

"Don't ... the uncle, let's leave?"

The Lin River tangled for a while, or couldn't help but propose.

Other four people have also fell on Tang Song, waiting for Tang Song's decision.

As a result, the Tang Song's face suddenly exposed a smile.

"It's going to be too disabled, how can it be so removed?

The monsters of the three half-step temperatures in the district are there, you stay here, I will go back!

Waiting for such a half days, I also shot. "

After finishing, he slept straight toward the three monsters in the distance.

Such decisions are really unforeseen.

When they reacted, where can I stop Tang Song, I can only look at the other side to the three monsters.

"This ... is the teacher, he won't do something?"

One of them is full of concerns.

The Lin River is about to open, but it seems to have seen anything, a pair of eyes, and suddenly it is incredible.

It turned out that when Tang Ge was flying towards the three monsters, the three monsters also saw Tang Song.

Although the breath of Tang Song makes them feel uncomfortable, it is unwilling to contact it.

But seeing this human beings dare to fly, the three monster Wang Dynasties were provocatively challenged.


With the eggs roaring, one of the white tiger demon kings who binds my faces directly moved the huge body, and the Tang Song, who took the initiative to fly.

It is a paw to die this dead man!

Just just in Feiyun City, the monks who are killing with the monster group, think that Tang Song is sent to death.

The Tang Song face flying over is revealing a smile, and lifts his right hand.

Virtue is secret!

Infant finger!


The spatial dramatic tremor, a godding that is condensed by chaos, suddenly bursting out of Tang Song right finger.

The white tiger demon king just rushed yet had no time to be sent, and it was directly broken by this god.

Continuously with its soul is also annihilated in God light, thoroughly is swallowed by Tang Song's hell furnace!

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