Starting from Douluo

Chapter 436 Change! End!


There are countless monks in Feiyun City full of horror.

Then, the two half-step gods in their eyes were in the same way, and as a wind blowing, suddenly it was a powder smoke.

There is no bone!

No flesh!

Nothing left, as if there is no existence.

Two half-step demon king's strange death law is like deeply impressed in the mind of countless monks, making them extremely pale.

It is still a strong strength, but the body is also shaking in Sen.

The weakness is directly on the ground, and the cold sweat is like a rain, so soon, I will leave a water in the ground.

Among them, only the Yuan Yuncheng City, the Yuan Yuncheng, the Miyun City, who was repaired, was captured to Tang Song just shot a trajectory.

It is because of this.

She knows more clearly than all monks, what is the demon king of the two half-step gods?


Two boxes!

the only!

But the two simple movements have shown the power involving space and time, and the overbearing fist like a championship like a sky.

In the face of such any one, it is unable to force, and it seems that the only ending is death.

Even if there is a big battle in Feiyun City, Yu Fei Yun also fully understands; if this is called "Tang Song" to kill her, I am afraid it is just a thing.

Maybe you can live now, but just all the sacrifice.

For a time, Yufei clouds were full of bitterness.


In addition, Tang Ge naturally did not know the idea of ​​Feifei.

However, after seeing their own direct use of chaos, "Heavenly Boxing" and "Bank" keys, the flying clouds caused by countless monks, the flying clouds.

He is not too happy, but his heart is secretly dripping blood.


It's a pity!

It is necessary to know that just just the shocking performance just now, Tang Ge absolutely believes that he can harvest the shock value of massive volume.

However, all this is all over the water because of the upgrade of the system!

The kind of supplement is not coming back!

If it is finally, the sacrifice of Feiyun City can't condense the golden too false, that Tang Song is really going to vomit blood.

So in order not to happen this.

Tang Yang did not resume the strength and chaotic power consumed by the two artificial powers, immediately issued a big drink of shocking soul.

"The monster king has been killed, you still do what, go out, hunting the residual monster!"

He is already a first step to "chase the dragon sword" first, and the "dazzling sword" is urged to differentiate countless swords.


With the Tang Song all the way, Chasing Long Jian Yingsheng into a sword domain, directly throughout the monster sea, countless monsters instantly become shredded.

The vacuum belt of the film is outside the city of Feiyun City.

At the same time, Tang Song's big voice has also passed into the ear of every monk in Feiyun City.

Especially when Feiyun City, the city will still order the city to meet the monsters, these because the monks who have been forced to defend seem to have found the path of venting, they followed them.

"Out of the city! Killing!"

"Go to him, it is not a group of demon beast, Laozi is not a three-bowl of pasmons!"

"There is a senior shot, the city owner also speaks, if we are still hiding behind this protective light, it is really too gains!"

"Four monsters are killed, and there is also Hefei to block me Hu Han 4!"


For a time, Feiyun City gate opened.

Under the leadership of a large number of monks, the construction of the martial arts in the city also came out with the fish, and directly took into the residual demon group of the already chaotic.

If she holds the past, even if the monster king is killed, the remaining demon group is not so clear.

But this time is a lot of people like Tang Song!

Have him to show the "chasing dragon sword", plus the unsatisfied atmosphere of chaos, making the countless monster as thin paper.

Fortunately, the monster that hid a robbery was also scared by the Tangge, as "Tianwei", but only panicked.

So this gave the monks and city guards of Feiyun City, just like hurting the monster, which constantly hunting the monk.

And like Feiyun City has not been a small number of cities that are about to end the beast.

Owar continues, is working hard in countless monsters, and striving to fight for only the opportunity to fight.

However, there are still many new urban ponds or because of the intensity of the beasts, or because of unlucky, it has not been turned into a crushing in terror, and it has become a history.

Only one place, from the beginning to the wind calm.

That is the three ancient citys that are seen around Taifu Tiancheng and the Toou Tiancheng that is covered by Hongmeng Ziqi.

However, just, Hongmeng is suddenly tapped, and the vain of the vain of the city is even more than the hidden.

call out! call out! call out!

Along with the harsh, the three shadows flipped from the three ancient city below, gathered together.

These three people are not someone else, and it is the city of three ancient citys that have been dialogue with another black robe.

They appeared, and they gained their eyes on the top of the world.

"Can you feel it?"

"Feel, it seems to be urgent from the inside, but is limited to it."

"This is what it has emerged before the end of the sacrifice, is there anything to attract him outside? Is it because the monks come in outside?"

The three-person dialogue, the original city in Hongmeng Ziqi, the vain of the vain in the tremor, suddenly resumed calm, and disappeared.

Hong Meng is also stopped.

However, despite this, the three ancient city city owners are more dignified.

This is the change they have never been expected!

"No matter what is going on, just to sacrifice the sky, the four parties will be gathered here; when they don't want to turn over."

"Let's continue, wait!"

After finishing, one of the city owners fell.

In addition, the two owners also knew that there was no problem left here. They can only look at the high-altitude Hongmeng, followed by disappearing in the same place.


Feiyun City.

The same should last for at least six or seventh day, will be defeated by Feiyun City or Feiyun City, and the result is only a day of time.

Wait until the next morning.

The monster group that gathered in Feiyun City had long been exhausted, and finally, in addition to the body, it couldn't see a live monster.

The blood flow is full of blood, flowing along with gully, it is generated into a piece of Lake, the rich bloody flavor is filled with the wind.

But the whole flying clouds arrived at the city, down to ordinary people, not only did not exhale after a whole night, but they all gathered in various streets in the city.

Especially the number of people in the Square in the sacrifice is the most, and it is basically a modified monk.


Yu Feiyun sitting on the high platform fiercely opened his eyes, and the hot radiant from her never seen was taken from her eyes.


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