Starting from Douluo

Chapter 440 conspiracy! Blood sacrifice!

Too virtually, center.

When other areas are troubled by the tide of the monster, there is a horizontal and somewhat terrible.

Because the three ancient citys built around the Taiwei Tiancheng who are shrouded by the high altitude, there is only the first three mysterious city owners who have started to end.

It seems that there is no living in the ancient city in addition to these three people.

And the three-character flock-shaped ancient city center, Hongmeng violent shrouded too natural city, is a huge empty area.

However, at this time, all the tranquility was broken.

Along with the space, a road is like air, and the time has appeared in this open area.

It is a burst of screaming.

"Is this the top of the world that I live in such a long time? I heard that the three ancient city in the distance is more than a thousand years!"

"It's too incredible. I only transfer me from Feng Yuncheng from Feng Yuncheng, and I don't know what opportunities I can get!"

"The city owner, see us over, is it in the purple fog?"


Many of the exciting and arguments are too virtual, the strength is uneven, and the city owner of Yuan Ying is repaired, and the scatter of refining is repaired.

Perhaps if there is no such monster's tide, they may even have a life will not appear here.

So when I saw the Taifu Tiancheng sent by the ancestors, these people were naturally difficult to cover and surprised, and they couldn't help but discuss it.

Of course, there are also monks from the outside world.

But there is no exception.

None of them are weaker than to build, the King Dan monk is not a few.

Only because of the limitations of the heaven and earth rules, these foreign monks have got a sacrifice feedback, but they still stayed in the realm of Jindan.

of course.

Their own truth, only they know themselves.

Tang Ge is naturally here.

In addition to the Linhe outside his side, the rest is the other Feiyun City monks who come from Feiyun City, and other flying clouds that have the ability to get too bad.

At this time, a dozen surprise shouts suddenly came from far away.

"The uncle ancestors!"

"The uncle ancestors!"


When I turned around Tang Song, I suddenly saw the familiar figure to come quickly.

There were ten people who came in with him, while the seven people were Tiang Yinzong, who was interested in Haizong.

Tang Song knows the songs.

Moreover, the other party clearly also got the benefits of the sacrifice ceremony. The original Jin Dan has been cultivated in the peak of Jin Dan.

However, more than two hundred people come in with two people are really a bit too much.

Tang Song couldn't help but brow it, and he had a worry in his heart.

What are the two people who have two people and Zhu Xi's two people?

I was thinking, the two more than dozen monks have gone.

Because I saw Tang Song, they were difficult to cover their faces, and the seven Tianyin Zong monks of the woman were also slightly sighful.

When such a situation suddenly attracted the eyes of other monks, the eyes were full of curious and vigilant.

Another old coin that is returned from Yuan Ying period?

Many people who hide the true power of the truthfully saw that Tang Ge, who was not performed, was compliment with a golden Dan monk, and the heart was dark.

Tang Song is a viewer who is ignored to other monks around him. Directly asked: "Do you have you? Do you see Yun Master and Zhu Sister?"

In order to keep the status of Tang Song, the ten Hazong monks came over, did not call Tang Song "The Uncle Zu", but called the teacher.

Today, I heard the news of the Tang Dynasty asked the other companions of Zongmen, and many people had dull.

The monk of Tianyinzong's spirit and other monks are also low.

Obviously after experiencing a lot of beasts, even the five monks are also unsaptible, there have been a lot of casualties.

In this regard, Tang Song is also unable to force.

After all, in accordance with the original plan, he brought the team, and then with his strong repair, it is entirely guaranteed that most of the disciples are lived.

Unfortunately, no one thought that after entering too virtual, it will be transferred directly to various places.

Don't say that it is a Haizong, even if other sects are also suffering because of this situation.

Otherwise, it will now hold too much or not, there is only a few hundred people, and most of them are all monks in the territory.

But good.

I learned from one of the Zongmen's brothers, and the Yunhai and Zhu Xuetan who came in with them did not get too false, but they did nothing.

This is to let Tang Ge suddenly rest assured.

It is talking about that the sky in the sky suddenly begins to dramatically tap, and the vain of a Tiangong is displayed.

The too false order in the hands of everyone in the same time also lit up purple light.

"Is this? To start?"

"Don't talk, you are gathered together, too vacant Tiancheng is going to open; wait after entering, be sure to hurry to grab the treasures that may grab it!"

"Remember, the purpose of our coming in this time, you must get the supreme order!"


Feeling the connection between Taihang, and the high-altitude violet, Tiangong deficiency gradually established, listening to the arrangements of other monks.

Tang Song knows that it is impossible to act with others with the golden nature of his hands.

So he can only remind: "After you go in, your primary task is to save life, then try more to make more opportunities to you.

As for the supreme order, I will give it to me. "

"Well, the brother should pay attention to safety!"

I heard the arrangement of Tang Song, the monks of Haizong and Tianyinzong have nodded.


Tang Ge founded that Yu Feiyun has a changing, and it is a matter of cooperation between the two parties.

In this regard, don't say that Yu Feiyun expresses the consent, and the other Feiyun City monks who come together are two hundred percent no objection.

After all, they have seen the scene of Tang Song only to the Tang Song only.

In this way, the flying cloud city monk and the two monks have been temporarily reached.

There is no time.

With purple light, under the role of a road, all the monks held by the Shengxian Order, all entered the Tiangong vain that was covered by Hongmeng Ziqi.

In an instant, the originally lively empty area becomes quiet.

But these monks don't know.

They have just entered the Tiangong vain before they are standing in their places, and a bloody is slowly coming out.

At the same time, the lines on the large array continue to extends extension, and are connected directly to the three ancient citys distributed from the distance.


The void tremor, the three-tangled blood column suddenly rushed from the three ancient city, and the whole sky was dyed into blood.

And this blood red rays are also spread outward at very fast speed.

If you are in this trend, I am afraid that I will not have a long time. The whole is too deficient to be completely infected by blood.

"Hey! Blood Festival, finally started!"

Finally, the laughter that is difficult to listen is gradually open in the air.

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