Starting from Douluo

Chapter 442's Situation

Although the five magic monks of this space appeared in the realm of China, the law has been refunded to the Jinan level.

Therefore, in the face of the end of the Tang Song, which is poor, they naturally have no chance to revenge.

Under the glare swords of the new society, Tang Ge is only used to use the best spirit "chasing the dragon sword", and directly kill these five people.

It's easy to easily!

But let Tang Song doubt, how is the Magic people avoid monitoring of the two top sects, entered this too nature.

And these people can still track him directly.

It's hard to be because of the golden too bad order?

In this way, Tang Song's huge knowledge has been released.

Under his knowledge scan, there is five stealth souls to escape space.

However, the filled purple mist in the channel is like a layer of barrier, and the five souls are blocked directly.

This is the soul of the five magic monks.

After all, they originally the monk monks, although the mana was refunded to the Golden Dan, but the soul was already successful.

So this body is dead, the soul is naturally alive.

As for why they don't win Tang Song, I will know if I still have a blind body broken arm on the ground.

See this, Tang Song is clear, and suddenly runs the hell furnace.

With the furnace being opened, a horrible swallowthrough directly enveloped the soul of the five magic monks, pulled them into the furnace.

Then, the lid is one, and the soul of these five magic monks begins to be refined.

For a time, the bursts of screams and rumors continued to come from the hell furnace.

However, Tang Ge did not pay attention, but walked to the straw arms to start checking.

From these residual limbs, he found five cavity of the storage ring.

After breaking through the imprints in the storage ring, the situation is suddenly present in front of Tang Song.

There is not much thing, in addition to recovering the Tan medicine and thousands of lilies, only the five golden is too delicious.

This makes Tang Song feel more, and there seems to have a big hand that is driving all this.

After all, the golden color is too disabled. It is already a top quality, not aware of the five magic monks who have entered the virtuality.

And before listening to them, it seems to not only only five of them.

If the special layout in the sky is not too virtual, it is necessary to face the siege of a group of magic monks who have just come in.

Is it related to the three cities?

Tang Song couldn't help but think of it, the three of the three seats of the vain Tianstrian City were full of quiet, and there were unscrupulous city ponds.

In fact, Tang Song really didn't want to be wrong.

After a while, after he was absorbed by the five prison furnaces of the five magic monks, he not only further strengthened his soul intensity.

Among them, it is useful to make Tang Song know a huge conspiracy that he seems to be the sky.

The Magic Monk has already contacted the three ancient city of the two ancient city.

This time they are in the inside and outside the reverse big array, while avoiding the monetary monks monitoring.

More terrible is.

The three of the three ancient city pools have become a boy, and the three ancient city is covered with the burial days of the whole too virtual.

In the central area of ​​the three ancient city, the purple fog is shrouded under the sky.

When the beast boom opened, the burial day launched the burial in the large array of countless blood water.

Finally, the blood lake sinks in the bottom and masked, so it can't be referred to.

But when the burial day is the moment of launch, the blood light will not only tear the whole world, but also pollute the in the purple mist.

At that time, the magic power in the lungs in too virtuality will receive a big branch.

Unfortunately in the soul memories of five magic monks, there is very few identity information about this big, I only know that it is a cactus outside the ancient continent.

And the fairy's coming is to ruin the way to ruin it, and the way to fly off the flying!

Such a sudden conspiracy, it is really letting the Tang Song who knows the situation.

He didn't expect that he had a message in a message after killing five devil monks.

So, isn't it to say that Taiwan is likely to be buried in the sky?

Once Taifu Tiancheng is attacked, the monks who are also explored in Taiwan will also have an impact in the monks explored in Taiwan.

Maybe these monks will be treated as a funerary!

For a time, Tang Song's face appeared extremely gloomy.

But unfortunately.

Even if he knows this news, he is not worthy of doing things. The only thing that can now be expected to be mysterious is too virtual.

Therefore, after the refining, after the soul of the five magic monks, Tang Song did not dare to waste time.

He first cleaned the body on the ground, and then immediately quickly came to the platform of the space center.



As golden is too disabled for golden light, it is disappeared. The stunning on the platform is activated, releases a space to cover Tang Song.

Because I didn't know the danger, I didn't get the Tang Song did not resist it, and I was shrouded by this space.

Just he did not know, the original platform is to transfer him to the area specified by the golden too false.

But when the power of space sweeps the body of Tang Song, when the chaotic force in Tang Song is, the platform linear is suddenly high, and it has become another pattern.

The spatial space is torn, and the figure of Tang Song also disappeared on the platform.

The liner follows the retransmission.

However, there is not long time in the past, and there are more than a dozen movements from it in the purple fog.

There are three people who have seen the platform lines in the center of the space, and the face has been proud, can't wait to take out their own golden too bad.

You have not waited for them to be placed in the platform recess, and the other eight monks who have their associated with each other after each other, suddenly shot a road attack to these three people.

"Ah! You ..."

Along with anger and scream.

The powerful attack of the eight monks has made the three monks who have just taken the golden too bad or have no chances of resistance, and they are directly killed.

In space, bloody taste suddenly drove.

However, this has just killed the eight monks of the three competitors did not show a smile, but instead crumpled.

After aware of a while, one of them suddenly opened: "I still have a fight before this. If I don't accident, it should be our person with him.

Moreover, we are afraid to be late! "

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