Starting from Douluo

Chapter 449 Closing! Refinery!

Xian Gu continent, Tianyuan place, like a spreading curtain.

In this curtain, it is covered with an invisible light curtain, which will be separated from the endless rustic wind.

At the same time, this layer of light also limits the departure of the monk monks in the imperial continent.

at this time.

Just as Tang Ge refines the moment of the immortal incarnation.

In addition to the Imaguts, a hidden fairy in the wind suddenly appeared.

Immediately there is a figure.

This is a monster man with a long hair, a siphon crystal.

But at this moment, his face is yin, and the doubles stare at the imagustic mainland that is guarded by the light curtain.

There is a "squeaky" sound from the mouth of the monster man.

Inspiring, this monster man couldn't help but feel angry in my heart. I suddenly broke out.

When the horror breath is released from him, in this void, the stable hurricane is agitated and becomes violent.



With the ravage of the endless wind, with the light curtain of Guardian Ancient continent, suddenly the loud sound continues.

The whole void is agitated to be space-collapsed, and the paint black giant mouth to choose from.

Even finally, the monster man is even a palm, and the horror fairy is condensed to cover the sky, and the beat is taken on the light screen.

But unfortunately.

Even if the monster is strong, it is still unable to break the light screen, enter the following fairy ancient continent.

This makes him almost fall into crazy.


Thoroughly gone!

It's a little bit a little, you can ruin the too false Tiandong, win this world.

The result plan not only failed, but even the only "time and space debris" also left the imaginary continent.

At that time, the airfrup was the most important basement of the monster man.

It is precisely because of this base, he can change the flying channel and seize the big multiplier monks from the fairy continent.

but now.

Everything is gone.

The only opportunity to refine the blood of the blood is also directly cut!

This makes the monster men's faces incomparably, and hoarse roar.

"Waste! All are waste!

This question is no matter who you are, dare to kill the incarnation of this respect, let you be accompanied by the entire fairy ancient continent! "

Along with roar, the monsters are completely released.

Under his vast power he is enough to suppress, a black chain suddenly emerged from the empty.

These chains are controlled by a monster man in an instant, like a long snake, and take the entire fairy ancient continent.

The last chain is connected to the fairy palace, and the origin is beginning to draw the source of the fairy.

The countless paint black-lock chain entangled entirely of the Emperor continent is like countless gears, and then slowly contracts when they run.

For a time, the entire fairyland continent completely became a dark ball, and the black ball was still contracted in a little bit.

Although this process is very slow.

But still able to hear "" harsh squeezing sounds in the void.


As the virtual situation is broken, after leaving the spiritual mountains destroyed by Ziyi Line.

Tang Ge did not hurry with the brothers Mo Yan, but a closing point in a thousand miles away.

With his current cultivation, plus the blessing of the mountains and rivers, thousands of miles away, just

After finding a cave, Tang Song took a five-way outdown big array.

Until at this time, he has been tight and relaxed.

After all, from the moment of entering the Too Tiande, the spirit of the Tang Song is directly tight.

Especially the start of the funeral day, the arrival of the immortal is not allowed to increase the pressure.

Even let him feel the death crisis that has not had passed.

But okay.

As the system is upgraded, the evolution of the mountains and rivers in the world is successful, plus the realm of sharp-flying.

Tang Song finally has a shocking and dangerous crossing this crisis.

Even after killing the immortal avatar, he also received unexpectedly.

A system residue!

Thinking of this, Tang Song can't wait to take this system residue from the hell furnace.

In front of him, an irregular wafer that appeared in a flourish black rays.

It is still full of strong space.

Even if this wafer has just been taken out, the space around it has been influenced, and it can be seen in a meat.

Is it about space.

I thought that the immortal incarnation in the Toouvant before, I was surprised, and I thought it was exposed.

Switch, he did not hesitate, directly selected to allow the system to absorb it.

"Hey, the system starts upgrading, the upgrade time is unknown, the system function is used as usual."

With the disappearance of the system residue, the system prompt sound is also ringing.

However, it may be because it has absorbed a system residue.

This time the system is unpredictable, but it is not limited to the previous functions.

This is to let Tang Song restart.

He finally can continue the high-profile acquisition!

And Tang Song has a feeling, this system upgrade will definitely give him an unexpected surprise!

But before this, it still increases the strength.

After pressing the expectations of the heart, Tang Song's attention suddenly transferred to the hell furnace in the body.

As the hell furnace is reflarmed into the immortal, although most of the power to restore the world's power consumed by the mountains and rivers.

But there is still a rich life essence left.

And this part of life essence can not only make Tang Song to some memories of the immortal avatar, but also to increase his cultivation to the sympathy!

I think that I have a self-cultivation of myself, I'm going back to Zongmen, shocked the masses and peaks of the peaks, and Tang Song is very comfortable.

"Don't want it! Break through it first!"

After the rhurner, Tang Ge suddenly converges the heart, and the eye-catching begins to absorb the essence of life in the Hell furnace.

As the essence is absorbed, he has once again reached the chaotic power of the peak of the gods.

The horrible momentum is emitted from the Tang Song, full of the entire cave.

Coupled with the emergence of the mountains and the world behind him.

The originally unbeatable cave has begun to gradually conversion to Tianfu.

Even if the five elements reverses the big array, it is difficult to cover this image, and constantly spread towards the valley outside the cave.



Along with the dark clouds, the Thunder roll, and there is endless aura coming together from four parties.

For a time, the fog fog in the valley, and the condensate.

Finally, it turned into a heavy rain, "Hey".

this moment.

The whole mountain is scheduled to practice.

The hidden can hear the scream of the Thunder's roaring.

There is also a scarlet ray that is getting closer to a lantern.

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