Starting from Douluo

Chapter 452, isn't I alive?

Do you need a million shock?

I heard the system prompt sound, although Tang Ge accident, but did not disappoint.

If he is just beginning, he wants to get so many shocks, I am afraid it is not easy.

But now, Tang Song can become a strong monk who has been cultivated in the later stage.

One million shock of the district is shocked.

It's really not in your eyes.

Thinking of this, Tang Song is a smile, get up and stand up.

And as he walks forward, in space fluctuations, the whole person suddenly disappears in the same place.


In the valley, the remaining more than 30 monks are standing outside the array, and the death staring at the direction of the laughter.

They want to see, which is to eat Xiong's heart leopard dare to pick up the peach under their eyelids.


A array of array fluctuated, and a shadow appeared in the valley.

"The appearance, let him ..."

Seeing this figure, more than 30 monks have the old people who have a chemical advice immediately.

The result is not waiting for him to finish.

A horrible breath suddenly released the body, directly enveloped the entire valley.

At the same time, the cold sounds sound.

"How do you want to take me?"

I just called the little calling to the old throat as if it was stuffed, the face was fried, and it seems to be the same as the sound hard.

"Combined ... the symptom monk ..."


The voice just came out, and a god of light runs through his body and wiped it completely from the world.

After the death of the gods, Tang Song did not start again, but slowly collapsed the momentum.

But even so.

When he glanced over the monk of the remaining in the event, these originals were also awkward, and the monks who were going to win the treasures did not hesitate to squat on the ground.

"Senior forgive!"


Tang Song frowned and scattered these monks directly, leaving only one of the monks of the Yuan Ying period.

Swirk, he began to ask the other party to ask himself during his retaining period, and what happened during this time.

After some inquiry, Tang Song issued the Yuan Ying Monk left.

He really didn't expect his closure to have passed the past three months.

Because of his sake, the blood demon is actually destroyed.

Original Tang Song is also ready to find blood demon revenge, the other party is so gorgeous.

However, the blood of the demon is overhanging. After all, it will lead to the crime of being destroyed.

Didn't have a good defense, the Shengxian order can't get it, the spirit of the furiousness and the Taichuan Zong will not die.

But unfortunately, even if the blood demon is destroyed, it will not help.

If you don't solve the mysterious cactus, the barrier in the imperial continent will stop each other day.

Thinking of this, Tang Song can't help but raise his head.

In his eyes, it seems to have a thorough blood shadow, anger.

The blood light of a circle is impacted, collided with a layer of light, and shoots a more thorn of blood.

Is this the scene behind the scene?

Tang Ge is light, and the eyes revealed a wipe.

Then he recovered his eyes.

"No matter how, you have to hurry to improve the repair."

Finally, I watched this in front of him because of myself, I didn't continue to stay, and the figure lost in an instant.


Three months have passed, the Spirit City has resumed the lively in the past.

Moreover, because the virtual mountain is destroyed, a thunder is formed, so many lightnings from all over the world are attracted.

Too Qingzong and the spiritual virtue have not blocked the thunder, all of which are practiced with thunder.

For a time, the rare radune can be seen everywhere in the spiritual city.

However, this is for two years of Yunhai and Zhu Xuetang, who have not left in the Haizong resident.

It seems that they can't afford their attention.

And I have been waiting for three months, Tang Song has not returned.

Coupled with the call of Zongmen, Yunhai and Zhu Xuexi are finally ready to leave.

"Let's go, the teacher."


When I heard the brothers of the Yunhai, Zhu Xuexi nodded.

Then two people will go out.

However, at this time, the array of shrouded the station suddenly came from a wave of fluctuations.

The appearance of the appearance in front of the two people appeared.

The laughter sounds.

"Yun Master, Zhu Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

This is a familiar voice came, and the Yunhai and Zhu Xuetang who are going to leave are shocked, and immediately lift the head.

When they saw the Tang songs that were in the air, they watched their two Tang songs, they couldn't help but reveal.

Zhu Xueli can't help but hear: "Dish, is I spend? I seem to see Tangshi."

"I seem to see it."

The cloud sea is not from the autonomous reply.

But followed by two people went back to God, and then surprised the sky.

"Teacher, actually is really you!"

"Great, you are still alive!"

The cloud of Yunhai is still normal, but the Zhu Xuetan is open directly.

What is it, I am still alive?

Don't I alive?

Tang Song couldn't help but dark belly.

But looking at the surprise and exciting smile flying in front of him, his heart is inexplicably warm.

Therefore, Tang Ge also smiled and opened her embrace, preparing to give Zhu Sister a big hug.

As a result, when Zhu Xuetang was about to come, a body suddenly squeezed her, and then hugged Tang Song.

"Tang Dynasty, I miss!"

"Cloud brother, I miss you too, but can you release me? I don't like to hold men."

After returning to God, I looked at the big face with a beard in front of him, and I saw Zhu Xuetang that secretly laughedide.

Tang Song is very disliked to push the cloud sea.

Yunhai smiled.

"Reassured, I don't like men!"

Then he released his hand and came to Zhu Xuetang, and stopped the waist of each other.

Tang Song saw the shape, suddenly accidentally fed a dog grain.

However, although the Yun Shi brother and Zhu Xue sister showed a Boss, Tang Song did not be angry.

On the contrary, he also enjoyed this rare atmosphere.

This is also that he is not willing to call his uncle to him, but also the reason why Tang Dynasty is commensurate.

How much.

In order to thank these two to feed the dog food, Tang Song feels necessary to expose it before the meeting.

Therefore, I don't wait for Yunhai and Zhu Xuetun asking him that he disappeared three months of experience, and smiled and took the initiative.

"Yun Master, Zhu Sister, tell you a good news."

"What good news?"

When I heard Tang Song, Yunhai stopped showing Xiu En, I couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Xikai next to him is also curious to look at Tang Song.

Tang Song smiled.

"I broke through the symptom!"

In the case, a lot of money was released from him when he was toned.

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