"I see, it seems that the next time I see Uncle Watergate, I can tell him the answer, Mr. Jiraiya, please, that Miss Silent We will take her back to Konoha safely.

Fei Yu waved his hand to let Jiraiya hurry away, and he had to continue to coax the tearful Naruto.

"Toba, my bastard dad, he's a stupid, idiot, and has a hole in his head..."

Naruto started crying as he hugged Hibaha's arm after Jiraiya finally left.

But his crying words made the other people's eyes strange.

Kakashi could probably guess that Naruto's identity was told by Toba.

But Sakura and Yamato were completely dumbfounded, Naruto's father

?Who is it?"Okay, when you pull him out of the Grim Reaper's belly, you can beat him up and break him to pieces, it's a big deal to put him back together..."

Fei Yu glanced at Sasuke a little helplessly, this guy cried so badly, he couldn't help it!"


almost enough, don't you still want to practice immortal arts?" If you delay any longer, everyone will go back to lunch, idiot!"

Receiving the transmission of Fei Yu's eyes, Sasuke walked over and grabbed Naruto's shoulder directly, pulling the person away from Fei Yu's arm.

Crying, crying, don't you?"

"Bastard Sasuke, you don't know, last night my bastard dad, he actually told me how to tell people how to tell people in the first place, who else will take care of me, and said..."

Naruto was carried by Sasuke on the way, and on the way, he said words to Sasuke again and again that shocked the two Shinobi.

As for Sakura....

She didn't understand the situation now, so she simply didn't care about that, just followed Fei Yu's side and quickly ran into the mountain.

"Kakashi-senpai, if my understanding is correct, Naruto is the son of the fourth Hokage-sama?" Yamato

finally sorted out a result when he was about to get to the place.

"He was—"

Kakashi sighed helplessly, suddenly feeling that his future was also in jeopardy.

Jiraku is also the teacher of the fourth generation, and he Kakashi is a student of the fourth generation, but none of them have ever been to see Naruto.

Even if he was in the shadows, he was tasked with protecting Naruto...

No, that's not protection, that's called surveillance!

Looking at the little child, crying every day for his parents, he stood at the window and watched coldly, allowing him to fall and get up.

I cried when I fell and was tired, I fell asleep when I was tired of crying, I woke up and found some food that I wasn't sure if it would expire to fill my stomach...

I guess Mr. Mizuto might come to beat him up if he knew this, right?"

"Then, why doesn't anyone in the village know, as the child of the fourth generation of Hokage-sama, how could he have been been..."

Just now, he suspected that those people were doing something.

You can't have this kind of thought, otherwise you may be exposed when you go back, and it will really be over.

"It seems that you are not stupid, we are all people who can only do what we are told, what can we do..."

Kakashi looked at the student in front of him, and suddenly laughed after sighing.

He seems to have understood.

Fei Yu, this kid, from the very beginning, wanted to take Naruto and Sasuke to jump out of the cage that was controlled, right?

Really, a hot-blooded boy

, youth! It's really enviable!

No wonder Kai shouts youth every day, and now he suddenly wants to sigh, the breath of youth, it's so good!

I hope that in the case that most of the people in Konoha are not bad, when they make trouble in the future, it is better not to hurt too much, as for some people....

He Kakashi was already a loner, the death of his father, his later companions, then his teachers, his friends...

Death is death, how can a leader not have a little sacrifice, after all, those people have always been arranging for others to sacrifice.

"Kakashi-senpai, I always feel like you're disgusting with me..."

Yamato glanced forward with a distressed expression, and the little imps had already arrived at the place and started training one by one.

But the two of them as instructors seem to be of no use except for trivial daily life care.

"No, I don't just dislike you, I dislike myself, so you don't have to worry about it, we're all about the same..."

Leaning on the branch, Kakashi sighed leisurely, and regardless of whether Yamato would be more entangled, he simply lay down on the tree and slew.

Finally, this eye can rest, and he has to enjoy this kind of peaceful time that he has not had for many years.

As for the imps....

They are already fortunate that they don't bully others, how can they come to death again without opening their eyes.


looked at it in a daze for a long time, and after making sure that Kakashi was asleep, he sat down against the tree helplessly, quietly waiting for the boys' training to end.

Today's training is very serious, Sakura is sparring with a wooden clone of the flying feathers, and the chakra is controlled to a minimum, which is to keep practicing attacks and dodging.

Sasuke's side was simpler, he himself stood quietly on the side, and the thousand birds in his hand were released to slowly practice the transformation of form.

On Naruto's side, today's practice was all kinds of irritable, and Yamato was frightened several times, but then he went back and sat down because he was sure that he was not needed.

"Let the Nine-Tails come out, I'll have a good chat with it about control!" After

lunch, Fei Yu took Naruto to the nearby mountain alone, so as not to let the people over there have no intention of cultivating when the Nine-Tails come out.

"The Nine-Tails are afraid of you, don't freak it out..."

Naruto scratched his hair a little embarrassed, he had just heard the Nine-Tails aggrieved and said that he was afraid, which made him very helpless.

"You raised the fox, can I still shoot it to death?" Fei

Yu looked at Naruto's expression, knowing what the Nine-Tails guy was talking about.

But when he saw the appearance of the nine-tails after he came out, he suddenly didn't want to bully this little fox.

"I didn't mess around..."

Nine-tails, about the size of a cat, came out, but when it came out, it was shivering in Naruto's arms.

The big ears drooped down, and the aggrieved eyes instantly made people feel the fear in their hearts.

"I didn't say you were making trouble, why should you be so scared, I'm not ready to bully you..."

No wonder Naruto had to say something nice about it in advance.

"I... I don't want to delay Naruto's cultivation, if there is anything I need to do, you can just command!" The

Nine-Tails' current well-behaved was frightened by the figure with the dragon outside the short book street before.

It didn't want to be intimidated, but after that person appeared, he was in the sealing space, but he still felt a power that made it more fearful than the Six Dao Immortals.

So, it's cowardly, it's timid, it just wants to be obedient, eat, drink, play, and live happily....


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ >▽< ask for collection, ask for praise, ask for urging, ask for gifts and rewards~~~~ Anyway, everything you can ask for is a wave~~~o(=·ω·=)m

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