"Do you want to go grocery shopping first?"

Sasuke came out directly after putting the quilt away, he was not in a hurry to take a bath and rest now, since there would be a lot of people, it was indispensable to have Fei Yu to cook.

"It's good to wait for Kakashi to come back and go to buy groceries, you guys go and rest for a while, I'll pack up the soup and cook the hot pot tonight."

Fei Yu smiled and didn't let Sasuke go out.

Because of the imprint carved with his mental power, he could sense that Sakura and Ino were already walking together and were walking towards this side.

Kakashi had already left the Hokage building and was hurrying back.

In Xiao Hei's previous words, this imprint is about the same as satellite positioning, and traces of locked targets can be found at any time.

"Then I'll go clean up my room first.

Sasuke was sure he didn't need his help, so he didn't stay.

After going back to clean up his room, and coming out to look at Fei Yu, who was boiling the soup in the kitchen, Sasuke turned around and went to Fei Yu's room, and by the way, he also packed up his quilt and other items.

By the time he was done, Kakashi had already come back once, taking the menu that Toba had given him to buy it.

On the other side, Sakura, together with Ino, gathered more and more on the road, and a group of people walked towards the Uchiha clan.

When it was time for dinner, several teachers were also there, except for Yamato, who had not returned since he was taken away from the Hokage building by Danzou.

"Yamato-sensei hasn't finished his work yet, I've been used to it for so long, and I suddenly didn't see it, it's a little weird..."

Naruto was eating, and after looking around, he suddenly realized that there was no one missing.

I have seen it almost every day for half a year, and now I suddenly don't show up without saying hello, not only Naruto felt strange, but Sasuke and Sakura also looked at Fei Yu with some confusion.

"Don't worry, Kakashi-sensei, go to Elder Danzang to ask for someone, and by the way, go through the formalities of Yamato-sensei, the material of the tree grows in the sun, and if it continues to be buried in the ground, it will break sooner or later!"

He couldn't have gone to Danzou himself for this, but Kakashi would do the same.

Anyway, it's just to bring Yamato out.,If the plot hadn't been broken by him from the beginning to an unknown direction.,Yamato probably wouldn't have gone to the dark department a long time ago.。

"Okay, then I'll go once, I really don't like that place..."

Kakashi looked at the soup base that was about to boil, sighed lightly, and quickly headed towards the roots.

Yamato, that guy, is really stupid.

The fox is pretending to be a tiger, bluffing, taking the opportunity to play, with his back against the tree....

This guy doesn't seem to have learned the same!"

"Fei Yu, Kakashi-sensei is gone, won't he also get in?"

Ino was sitting next to Fei Yu, and at this time, looking at the nervous expressions of several teachers, he probably guessed how troublesome things would be.

"It's okay, if Elder Tuanzang really dares to hold on to someone, then I just have a reason to go to the root and have a good time, right,

Sasuke?" raised his hand and rubbed Ino's hair twice, and Fei Yu turned his gaze to Sasuke as he spoke.

Danzou, if he really gave him a chance in advance, Sasuke would be very willing.

"No, he won't give you this chance, that one is more afraid of death than anyone else!"

Sasuke looked up, but looked away after one glance.

If you use Yamato's reason to make trouble with the roots now, kill the group...

Although it will be very pleasant, it is too impulsive, and it is not cost-effective for the other high-level leaders who have to deal with Konoha in the future.

"Okay, Sasuke said he wouldn't, then it shouldn't be, but it's a pity that I can't go and see what Konoha's roots look like for the time being..."

"Let's wait, we're back!"

"It didn't take long for Kakashi to return, along with Yamato on his back.

"Do you need to be sent to the hospital?"

several teachers leaned over and checked Yamato's condition.

"I'll come!"

Sakura has her own healing direction because of the immortal art she practiced, and at the moment she saw that Yamato was still in a coma, and she began to use medical ninjutsu after she passed.

She didn't learn much about medical ninjutsu, but because of the cultivation of immortal arts, the effect was still very good.

"Thank you, thank you..."

Yamato's eyes slowly opened after a while, looking at the familiar faces around him, and suddenly there was a sense of happiness for the rest of his life.

Because the information was not obtained, this time the group really wanted to destroy him.

Fortunately, there are still people who remember him....

"It seems that there is no problem, can you still eat, everyone is still waiting for you.

Kakashi looked at Yamato, who had finally recovered, and raised his hand and tapped on his forehead, finally relaxing.

"Sorry for the delay, I'm fine. Yamato

smiled innocently, and the atmosphere in the courtyard was much soothed.

"It's okay, just eat. After

confirming that there was no problem, Fei Yu returned to his seat and sat down, and the dinner could finally begin.

The meal was delayed for a long time, and after it started, the atmosphere was instantly enlivened, and a few hot pots were not enough for these young boys and girls to scramble.

When they were full of food and drink, several teachers were drinking tea and chatting on the side, and Shikamaru Dingji and others went to wash and clean the tableware.

As for the flying feathers....

He was busy packing up the materials before, but now he is naturally under the care of the girls, eating melon seeds and drinking juice, chatting with the girls!"

"Fei Yu, I heard that when you went this time, you met an S-class traitor, isn't that particularly cruel?"

She also listened to what Teacher Kai said about this matter, and also said that this S-level renegade must be above the level of upper forbearance.

"It's okay, Kakashi-sensei is an elite shinobi, even Yamato-sensei is very strong, I'm just watching from the sidelines, and I don't have a chance to make a move at all..."

Indeed, he just stood and watched....

"This is also how it should be, after all, that level of rebellion should indeed be dealt with by the teacher, but I believe that Fei Yu just has no chance..."

Moreover, the eyes of Sakura and Ino, the two school girls, were a little cruel.

"S-level rebellion, if it's not necessary, it's not recommended to hit it directly, after all, we need to give others a chance to perform..."

Fei Yu opened his mouth to bite the fruit handed over, looked at the corner of Sakura's smiling eyes, and reluctantly replied with a 'I am sincere' look.

He didn't say that it was two teachers who went to fight Zaibu, he just said that they were very strong, which was definitely not a lie.

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