"You all came so early, I said we'll be right soon, Feiyu, you're eating delicious food again, sure enough, I'm not so good, I won't bother first..."

Because of his keen sense of smell, he couldn't help but lean over to the small box of snacks at this time, but after seeing Tiantian's angry eyes, he immediately finished saying hello and left first.

Women, they're all terrible!"

Exam, exam, come on!"

Hinata stood aside a little shyly, and greeted Fei Yu with a red face.

"Well, Hinata has to work hard and try to get a good result.

Fei Yu turned his head to look at Hinata and smiled and didn't get too close.

For the next exam, I hope she can hold on.

"I... I'll do my best!"

Hinata looked up at Fei Yu, and her eyes were suddenly full of fighting spirit.

This sudden little outburst, both Ya and Shino were a little dumbfounded, and sure enough, teammates said so much encouragement, it was not as good as someone's words....

It seems that next time they are going to change their approach, for example, Fei Yu must want to see you do something or something, I believe the effect will be very good.

The familiar people on their side were all piled up, and they felt some pressure to get together and chat.

But when others look at this incomparably harmonious scene, they will be a little unhappy.

"Kazama Feiyu, I heard that you are the strongest among these people?" "I

Airo, who was carrying a gourd on his back, walked over from the side, his eyes staring at Feiyu with a bit of bloodthirsty killing intent.

At this time, I Ailuo was still a war machine in the Sand Hidden Village, and his feelings were weak, and there was almost nothing else except killing and challenging.

"If there's a chance to fight, I'm waiting for you to challenge, black circles... Kitten!"

Fei Yu ate the snack in his hand and suddenly chuckled as he looked up at my Airo.

This dark circle....

It's too serious!

Could it be that it's because of the dark circles under my eyes that I deliberately painted this kind of makeup?

Inexplicably, I want to laugh when I look at it.

"You... I'll let you know what it costs to make fun of me!"

After throwing a harsh word, they went to the side and stood with anger, and they had to wait for the exam to take place.

"Fei Yu, why do you say that he is a kitten, he is not cute..."

Naruto leaned over with some curiosity, and unceremoniously snatched a few pieces of the snack in Fei Yu's hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

But he always had a strange feeling about my Airo, as if this guy's breath was inexplicably familiar.

"Ask that guy if Morizuru is a cat..."

Fei Yu reminded Naruto softly in his ear.

There was no need to really ask the Nine-Tails, Naruto had already widened his eyes, stared at Airo for a while, and then lowered his head and laughed behind the flying feather until his shoulders trembled.

Shouhe, kitten....

Naruto now suddenly felt that if that Nine-Tails guy heard this name, not only might he not laugh, but he would also have a chance to go berserk.

Because before, Fei Yu pointed at the Nine-Tails and said that the little fox, that time almost caused the Nine-Tails to destroy all the fruit trees planted in the sealing space.

It seems that the tailed beast must be changed to be said to be small....

"Naruto, don't you laugh, you see that bespectacled senior over there, it seems to be staring at us, I don't know what he's recording..."

Sure enough, Naruto, the stupid man, is not a girl, why should he rob people with them!

As for the senior over there, she just raised her eyes and found out.

"That senior, I have his information here, and I have taken the middle ninja exam seven times..."

Sasuke suddenly narrowed his eyes, this guy....

He had forgotten about this guy before, but now that he had met, it should be okay to add some blockage

to that guy, right? Although that guy actually has no grudge against him, he is inexplicably unhappy to see him.

"Seven times? It's miserable..."

Sakura and Ino covered their mouths at the same time and exclaimed, being able to take the seven middle ninja exams is really a talent!

At least, this indomitable spirit is still very worthy of praise.

But anyway, I haven't taken the test seven times, and it's really not an ordinary weak....

"A few juniors and sisters, it seems that you also have information-based talents, this is Uchiha Sasuke, I also have a few information here, why don't you listen to it?"

Yakushi Dou didn't expect that he hadn't started talking to a few little ghosts here, and someone had already exposed his information.

Although it was quite tangled to participate in the seven middle ninja exams, it didn't matter, after all, he deliberately wanted to stay in this state.

"No need, we have done our own data collation, so you don't need to bother to explain it so much!"

Sasuke stood beside Fei Yu and looked up at Yakushi's pocket with a bit of threat in his eyes.

This guy has been a spy for too long, does he run around with these data cards all day long?"

"Sasuke-kun doesn't seem to like me very much, but I have information about almost everyone present here, do you want to..."

Originally, Orochimaru-sama was thinking about Sasuke, but he suddenly changed his mind, which made him very unhappy.

But it's Orochimaru-sama's order, and it's impossible for him to change it, but now I'm making some trouble for these little ghosts....

He's still very willing

!"I said, you are nagging endlessly, and you haven't passed the exam seven times, because you're too rubbish!" The

ninjas who are going to take the exam next to them stand up, and at this moment, even ninjas can't bear it! The ninjas who are going to take

the exam this time are already in good spirits, and although the previous little ghosts openly show their affection is annoying, they are always on the side, and there are so many people who are suitable for trouble.

But now, this waste, who has not passed the test seven times, actually said that there is information about everyone, and he is really deliberately looking for a beating


Just as he was about to see the pharmacist being beaten, a voice suddenly appeared at the door.

As everyone looked over, a group of examiners walked out of a puff of smoke.

"Be quiet, you bunch of shit!"

the examiner walked out and roared unceremoniously at the candidates.

"I've kept you waiting, I'm the chief examiner of the first exam, Mori Nai Biki, who will be expelled from the exam if he fights privately without permission!"

As the captain of the Konoha Dark Torture Department, Mori Noi Biki doesn't have to deliberately perform, but when he sees Konoha's new generation of Shinobi Squad...

Even this notorious Konoha is particularly ninja, and he can't help but twitch the corners of his eyes, adjust his mentality and choose to ignore it.

But I still can't help but complain in my heart, these nasty little ghosts are not cute at all!

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