"What conditions?"

Uchiha Itachi was successfully attracted and reached out in front of Flying Feather, waiting for him to put the tomato on it.

This is planted by his younger brother, and since this guy is taking it out, it must be handed over to him.

"It's boring... Am I the kind of villain who would take advantage of the opportunity to threaten?"

Two tomatoes were placed in Itachi's hand, and Flying Feather refused to make any requests.


Picking up the ripe tomato, Uchiha Itachi took a gentle bite, sweet and slightly sour.

He actually prefers to eat the pure sweetness, but this tomato makes him reluctant to eat it too quickly, and just wants to taste it slowly.

"Don't you want to be so absolute, I

didn't pit you..."The adult version of Fei Yu just said that he didn't pit Uchiha Itachi, but found that this guy actually pointed to his eyes.

This guy....


You're not a good person, if you're a good person, I won't let Fei Yu stay by Sasuke's side."

Uchiha Itachi glared at Flying Feather, and a slight smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Just because he is not a good person, and because he has a strong purpose, he can rest assured.

People with a purpose are reassuring, after all, good people will turn bad at some point.

"Hurry up and eat, it's time to get to work, this young man invited you here, not just for you to watch the show!" Fei

Yu saw that the battle in the courtyard was nearing the end, and he no longer continued to chat with Uchiha Itachi.

He came over tonight for another purpose, and that was to save Hinata's life.

The Eight Gates Dunjia has already been opened to the Seven Gates, and now it looks like this is about to open the Eight Doors desperately.

"I said... The two of you are almost there, why is Ah Fei so miserable, the delicious food has not been distributed, and you have to listen to the discussion of the two elder brothers, you are bullying Ah Fei for not having a younger brother..."Ah Fei

has already jumped to the wall, and the eye that is exposed at this time is revealing a slow complaint.

He had been curious about this guy's identity before, but now it seemed that he understood a little.

That Kazama Feiyu, who is very famous in Konoha and is said to be a scumbag with a heart of flowers on the left and right, turned out to be this guy's younger brother?"

"Don't make trouble, Hinata Ninji is actually going to open the eighth gate, is he crazy? You can kill the other party directly now, what is he trying to do!"

Uchiha Itachi glared at Obito, turned his head to look at the battle in the courtyard, and instantly saw the problem.

"It's okay if he wants to experience the feelings of the eighth gate, I'm here, and I won't let him die.

Standing on the wall, the adult version of Fei Yu stared at the two people in the courtyard, the people who were originally crowded in this big house, and only Hinata Hinata was left dead.

Even Hinata Hinata, at this moment, is already on the verge of life about to dissipate.

At this time, Hinata Ning opened the eighth gate secondarily, purely for the sake of self-finishing.

It seems that he doesn't want to go to the organization, but he has no other choice, and he is really an unlikable little ghost.

"Coming back to life?" Ah

Fei took the soil to look at Ning Ci in the courtyard, and when he looked at Fei Yu again, he suddenly had a little more guess.

"It's not that easy to bring the dead back to life, but it's not completely impossible, I'll talk about this later, wait for this kid to go crazy, you all get out of the way. "

Fei Yu is not in the mood to care about Obito's mind for the time being, what he has to do now is to keep an eye on Hinata Ningji, but don't really die, and he can't let him attack these people in the Xiao organization.

After all, he really wanted to see Hinata Ningji wearing a Xiao robe.

"Ah Fei understands that Ah Fei will take care of his juniors!" Ah Fei

version of the soil instantly played the essence of the body, and ran away in the distance.

This look, as if he was really afraid of being attacked by Ning Ci.

"With such a partner, these people of your Xiao organization are also working hard!" Looking

at Ah Fei's back, Fei Yu raised his hand and patted Uchiha Itachi on the shoulder twice, Xiao Organization's daily training in psychological endurance is still very well prepared.

"Just ignore him, or you'll become like Deidara..."

Uchiha Itachi opened his mouth and brought up a guy who has been getting more and more irritable lately, Kakuto has mentioned many times in the meeting, and Deidara's sabotage has caused a huge consumption of funds...

And what made Deidara angry was the Ah Fei who was never injured.

"Forget it, I'll go down and look at this kid first, you're almost about to start, after all, someone seems to be going crazy... It's moving!"

Fei Yu didn't want to admit it, but Ah Fei Ban Obito's current killing was to twist and turn the Hyuga clan's attacks into useless efforts.

Maybe on the night of the Uchiha's extermination, Obito also twisted it like this?

I don't think so, after all, the three words Uchiha are still very important to Obito, even if he accompanied Uchiha Itachi to witness that night.

"You don't need me, my task is to make it impossible for the people of the Hyuga clan to escape.

Looking at the scorpions and Jedi who had already rushed around, Uchiha Itachi shook his head, he didn't want to be contaminated with the blood of the Hyuga clan.

"Okay, then I'll go down..."I

didn't expect Uchiha Itachi to still have a habit of cleanliness, so Fei Yu could only jump down by himself and walk towards Ninji, who had already trampled Hinata Hinata under his feet.


Crazy laughter came from Hinata Ninji's mouth, he took revenge, finally revenge! But he didn't

know what the future would be, let alone what would happen if he left Konoha.

But he knows that he won't have to worry about it soon, because he will accompany the Hyuga clan to disappear, what is the Xiao organization...

That's just the thugs he hired, and the ones he will take the blame for in the future.

He's going to die now, and it doesn't matter how others guess after he dies...

"How does it feel

to die?" Just when Ning Ci thought that the signs of life had dissipated and he was completely about to die, he suddenly felt a hand pressing on his heart.

At the same time, the powerlessness of death was defeated in an instant, the powerful heartbeat fluctuations, and the physical strength that was recovering...

"You... Have you been watching

?" Hinata Ninji opened his eyes and looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and sure enough

, he still came!" "Do you still want to die?" If you want to die, I'll let go.

Fei Yu looked down at Ning Ci in front of him, and rarely gave him another chance to choose.

If he really doesn't want to live, then he doesn't mind really letting this guy go to the Pure Land.

"Don't want to die... I'm really sorry, I disappointed you before, and now I don't want to die..."

All the confusion and loneliness before were dispelled by the warmth in his heart at this moment, and Hinata Ninji found that he still had a lot to do.

Even if he is a traitor, he will continue to become stronger!

As long as he becomes strong enough, he can see farther into the world and see more powerful people.

Perhaps, one day, he can be like the strong man in front of him, no matter what he wants to do, he can be free and free.


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ >▽< thanks to the blade of the 'Wan Qi Listen to the Wind' reward... Blade or something,Suddenly a little scared,,Ծ‸Ծ,,Thank you readers for your tips and feed o(=·ω·=)m

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