"Naruto, will you see it?"

Sasuke came out after taking a shower, and after being wrapped in a bath towel by Toba, he remembered that when there was a change before, Naruto's guy should have been able to see the problem.

So now 'she' wasn't in the mood to be happy with her ease, and she just wanted to know if she was going to show her stuff in front of that stupid guy.

"He thought that your injury had changed, and he didn't think that you were going to turn into a girl, and then he would continue to use illusions and transformation techniques to maintain the surface, and it was difficult to say when he would turn around..."

Fei Yu took the clothes to Sasuke, this underwear is obviously only needed by girls, and the one that was not worn last time is already very needed.

"That's fine, or I'm worried that guy will make trouble... How do I wear this?

Sasuke was a little relieved that Naruto wouldn't know that 'she' had become a girl, but he was momentarily stunned when he saw the little clothes that Fei Yu handed over.


"Reach out, and then do this... Buttoned up..."

With a helpless face, he put on this underwear for Sasuke, and after Fei Yu's fingers left, he successfully made Sasuke's face red.

"Can't you not wear this?"

The area that I touched just now still feels very hot, and the part that was suddenly lifted up...

Wouldn't it be a hassle to wear this all the time?

"No, it's easier to be sensitive if you don't wear it, I want to be rubbed by my clothes while running..."

Fei Yu raised his hand and knocked on Sasuke's head, and he still wanted to wear it?

That's definitely not going to work, although it's still a relatively small scale, but it doesn't prevent you from seeing the truth after the illusion and the transformation technique.

Under age, it's better not to be stimulated every day, otherwise something really happens in advance, and he may not be able to get rid of the name of a scumbag in his life.

"I'll just wear it, don't look at it, look at me again..."

Tsundere's little face raised, but after touching Fei Yu's eyes, Sasuke only felt that his face was very hot.

Quickly taking the rest of the clothes and putting them on, Sasuke dared to raise his head and continue to stare at Fei Yu, asking him to clean up these things in the room.

"Don't cut your hair, long hair will look better..."

, holding out his hand, Tobashi stroked Sasuke's shoulder-length hair.

Such a beautiful Sasuke, if you match it with long black hair...

Although this hair is still a little hard, who says stiffer long hair is not good?


Sasuke looked at someone's gaze that couldn't be stopped even if 'she' used the transformation technique, and after glaring, he had no choice but to accept it.

It's good that others can't see it, as for this guy....

I watched it, I touched it, I didn't have anything to worry about anyway, let it be!

"I won't bully you, adjust my state, I'll let Naruto in, this guy doesn't know when he learned to scratch

the door..."The hand tapped Sasuke's shoulder twice, and Fei Yu raised his foot and walked to the door, and as soon as he opened the door, he was unsurprisingly pounced by Naruto.

This guy....

"How's Sasuke, is it really okay?"

Naruto was very concerned about Sasuke, so he was very worried at the door before, but he couldn't disturb others, so...

Scratching the wall or something, he just suddenly looked at something unpleasant on the wall...

"It's okay, Fei Yu said just now that you are scratching the door, pay attention next time, don't wear out your claws..."

Sasuke glanced up at Naruto, he was still in a good mood about being cared for, but at this time, 'her' was still a little unstable in her thinking, and after saying a casual word, she went straight to the bed on the side, not planning to talk any more.

After three turns, 'her' eyes are probably about to change.

It's just that the current three turns have only opened the upper limit of Chakra, and 'she' still needs to cultivate to that level.

"He... Fei Yu, what does that guy mean, he actually said I'm this, this is a claw?

After Naruto closed the door, it was as if he had suddenly reacted, pointing at Sasuke on the bed with his back to them, his eyes almost round.

"Well, I'm going to get up tomorrow to make breakfast, are you going over there, or..."

As for Naruto....

He just felt that even if this guy had a small bed, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to stick to it.

"Then you're welcome!"

Naruto took off his coat and threw it on the bed next to him, and after the transformation technique, he simply burrowed into Toba's arms.

Sure enough, it's right to stick to it.,Isn't Feiyu used to it now?

"Let's sleep..."

, hugging the person tightly, Fei Yu closed his eyes and rested.

Sasuke, on the other side, stared at the wall and didn't fall asleep all night.

Early the next morning, the cute female version of Naruto slept soundly in Toba's arms, and when she suddenly felt a strange atmosphere, she opened her eyes and managed to see Sasuke with dark circles under his eyes.

"You idiot, even if you want to stick to it, you wait until it changes before you start, are you so many days away?"

Sasuke hadn't slept all night, and the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he felt.

So after hearing that someone outside had woken up, 'she' got out of bed and stood beside Toba and Naruto's bed, glaring at Naruto with fierce eyes.

"Huh? Sasuke, you got it?

Naruto suddenly shrank into Fei Yu's arms aggrievedly, how could Sasuke know?

"You idiot, aren't you just switching genders, sooner or later you don't have to know, but you're acting too anxious now, you're going to make Sakura and Ino misunderstand like this, maybe they're thinking about how to clean you up!"

Realizing that he was talking too much, Sasuke glared at Naruto and reminded him to pay more attention to the people around him.

As for the matter of transformation, it seems that 'she' really shouldn't have mentioned it directly, but it can be said that it is impossible for Naruto to take it as if there is none.

"Sasuke... You—"

Naruto suddenly jumped out of Toba's arms under the bed and stood in front of Sasuke staring at him tightly.

Something is wrong, this is very wrong!

Under normal circumstances, Sasuke would only scold him, and he would never know that he was going to turn into a girl, but he was still so calm...

"Idiot, what are you doing..."

Sasuke was stared at like this, and a sense of crisis instantly rose in his heart.

Although he completely believed in Fei Yu's illusion, when facing Naruto, 'she' was panicked now, as if this guy's eyes could see through the truth...

"It's what you did, Sasuke... No, you're not the Sasuke before, you're different now, then let Uncle Naruto take a look and see who you are..."

Naruto's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the traces of immortal magic exploded in an instant, and at the same time, the aura of the Nine-Tails was also exposed.

Fortunately, Fei Yu made a move in an instant, and did not let the breath leak directly, otherwise this Konoha high-level would be frightened again and again.

But how did Naruto see the problem, this is not only Sasuke's doubt, but even Fei Yu thinks it is strange.

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