
"The Hyuga clan... How can it be?

"Just kidding, the Hyuga clan is so big, how can it be human..."

The exclamation sounded, and everyone didn't want to believe that the Hyuga clan was exterminated.

Except for Sakura, the three of them, because they knew that Fei Yu disappeared on the night he entered the Forest of Death, he said that something was going to happen in the village, so he went to protect his future parents-in-law.

So it's actually the Hyuga family who had an accident?

"Who did it?"

Sasuke suddenly realized at this moment that this matter of exterminating the clan would not be so simple, and it would not be just the cause of outsiders.

Hinata Ninji disappeared that night, and then the extermination of the Hyuga clan...

Could it be that this guy Feiyu took Hinata Ningji back to the village, and then there was a follow-up, right?

"It's Hinata Ninji, it is said that it was because Hinata Ninji's father was killed by the Hyuga patriarch, so he was resentful, and he waited for the opportunity to destroy the clan, and we just heard that the information was not completely accurate..."

After all, yesterday's battle between Sasuke and Naruto, these examiners could still see it.

If this combat power explodes, it is not something that these middle ninjas can watch.

"Ningci? How is it possible, he..."

Xiao Li wanted to explain next to him, but suddenly seemed to think of something, and shut up in an instant.

Hinata's father seems to be the wronged man of death, and as teammates, they also know a little bit about it.

But how could the strength of Hyuga Ningji destroy the entire Hyuga clan, this is not reasonable at all!

"Let's go to duty first, don't discuss this matter yet, when this exam is over, let's go back to the village, let's eat first..."

Fei Yu sighed, and he could understand the shock of these people.

The first is the strength of Hinata Ningji, everyone will question this aspect, because he can't be that strong.

But in the same way, even if the original Uchiha Itachi was known as a genius, when he killed an Uchiha himself, would no one doubt it?

The same reason is that the above is a question of not letting doubts, so now this is also an introduction, doubt is put in the bottom of the heart first, and when the need arises, it will naturally erupt.

"Hmm... Eat first..."

Naruto lowered his head and took a few sips of the porridge in front of him.

His speed was fast, but Sasuke's side was one step ahead of him.

Extermination, extermination at the beginning, extermination of the race, and still extinction now...

What exactly does the Konoha top brass want to do?

"Don't worry, I've worked hard to cook, how can I grow my body if I don't eat something..."

Fei Yu raised his hand and pressed back the two people who wanted to stand up, the extermination of the Hyuga clan can't delay your meal.

Besides, it's just the extermination of the race, and it's not the first time I've heard of it, so it's so hard to accept?

"I... I'm full.

Sasuke quickly picked up a few pieces of meat, ate them, and said a few words before getting up and going back to his room.

"I'm full, I'm going to see Sasuke..."

Naruto also learned to take a few bites, and then quickly put down the dishes and chopsticks and chased after him.

"You guys eat, I'll go see the two of them, you wait until you're done eating and clean them up..."

And after this series of operations, it took others a while to react.

"They... Why did they react so much?

Temari is also a little familiar with the people on Konoha's side now, and when she looks up at them at the moment, she always feels that something has happened that she doesn't know at all.

None of them are from the Hyuga clan, are they?

"I can know a little bit about this, because it is Uchiha Sasuke, the former Uchiha clan was the first family in Konoha, much stronger than the Hyuga clan, but their family was completely wiped out by the 13-year-old Uchiha Itachi, leaving only the junior brother, and now the Hyuga clan was completely wiped out by the same 13-year-old Hinata Ningji, but left two younger sisters..."

But after he finished speaking, these candidates in Konoha all had dark faces, and even my Airo's breath was a little irritable.

"Senior Pharmacist Dou seems to know a lot, but you don't seem to need to tell everyone about this matter, especially at this time, please don't stand up and show how much knowledge you have!"

Sakura clenched her fists and stood up from her position, they all knew that Sasuke had been wiped out by his own brother, but so what?

Revealing people's scars, but anyone with a little heart won't do it, but this nasty guy....

It's too much to want to use this information to brush up on the sense of existence!

"I'm just telling the truth, and there's no false information, information that everyone in Konoha knows, why are a few elementary school girls so angry?"

Yakushidou put the small card in his hand back into the ninja bag, and looked up at Haruno Sakura with a little provocation.

He has something to do now, so he can't stay here any longer, if he can get these guys to hurt him a little...

Perhaps, you can just quit because of the injury, right?

"Really? Senior Dou's knowledge is so extensive, so can you guide the junior's physical skills?

Xiao Li was shocked and angry, and now that this person was about to come out to find fault, he stood up and walked to the open space on the side, and put on a posture of inviting battle to the medicine master's pocket.

No matter why Ning Ci was charged with this crime, but now they don't allow anyone to say Ning Ci's name so casually!

"Since the juniors have been rude first, then if I don't educate myself well as a senior, it will indeed be a bit too shameless!"

Yao Shidou looked at Xiao Li, who was dressed in green, his eyes flashed with excitement, he pushed down his glasses and took a step forward, and shot in an instant...



In the room, Fei Yu hugged Sasuke who threw himself in his arms, and sighed helplessly.

The word extermination is like a thorn in Sasuke's heart, and it hurts a little as it is mentioned.

"What the hell is going on with the Hyuga family, I don't believe that you are taking care of some future parents-in-law, it would be strange if you didn't go to see the excitement!"

Naruto sat on the bed next to him, he had just guessed, but there were some words that were not suitable for being mentioned in front of the others.

didn't even tell them, Fei Yu obviously knew everything from the beginning.

"I just quietly took a look, that person was also there at the time, and a few of the Xiao organization also came..."

Fei Yu roughly talked about it, although many people were a few people from the Xiao organization, but it was not false that Hinata Ningji destroyed the Hyuga clan.

Even Hinata Ninji's strength, he said it roughly, and it succeeded in making Sasuke and Naruto's eyes widen.


The author has something to say:

Good evening ~ meow ~ >▽< thanks to the 'user 300511' for the reward of the explosion and flowers,|。 ・ᄌ・)っ ♡ Love you thank you for the urge to change the reward of "where is the dry throat in love"~~ Thank you ♪ readers for the love letters, like and use love!! Meow suddenly felt so tired today... I want to rest tonight and continue to work hard tomorrow, okay,Ծ‸Ծ,,

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