"Sasuke, can you just lift the transformation technique and let me take a look, just one look..."

Naruto grabbed the blonde hair that had just reached his shoulders, and sat next to Sasuke, tears rippling in his big eyes, urging Sasuke to quickly remove the transformation technique and show her.

After coming out of that space, she only had this one idea, but Sasuke just didn't cooperate at all.

"If you dare to cry, I'll really beat you!"

Sasuke could refuse with a cold face at first, but now Naruto's aggrieved and pitiful little eyes...

'She' felt a strange sense of guilt!

Obviously, I wanted to wait for this bastard to come out and beat him up directly, but now 'she' can't do it at all.

Raising his head a little helplessly, Sasuke couldn't help but ask for help when he looked at Fei Yu, 'she' was really afraid of Naruto's idiot.

"Sasuke, you're going to hit me, you see I'm so cute, can you do it?"

For Sasuke who had been tortured by her to the point of irritability, Naruto not only did not flinch, but became more energetic.

The more she didn't show it, the more curious she was now.

So even if she knew that such a miserable expression was embarrassing, what she wanted now was for Sasuke to let her see what was going on after she couldn't stand it.

"Actually, it shouldn't be as big as yours..."

Fei Yu covered his face and chuckled as he watched from the side, but since Sasuke had asked for help, he couldn't help but help.

But when he said this, Naruto was happy, but Sasuke had a black face.

'Bang! The

transformation was lifted in an instant, and Sasuke stared at Naruto with his slanted eyes raised and let her see for herself.

"Sure enough, it's pretty much the same!"

Although there are clothes to cover it, Naruto compares himself after seeing it....

Suddenly I felt that it was better not to compare, they were all the same, almost the same!

"Humph! Idiot! After

making sure Naruto had seen it clearly, Sasuke used the transformation technique again, and then sat next to him with a proud face.

At the same time, 'she' didn't forget to throw a fierce look at Fei Yu, clearly telling someone that she was very unhappy.


this scene happen to the end, Fei Yu always felt that he couldn't keep up with the brain circuits of these two people.

The arrogant Sasuke specially lifted the transformation technique in order to prove that he was bigger than Naruto, and Naruto pretended not to see clearly in order to comfort himself....

What a magical development.

Sure enough, he still doesn't understand, why girls like to compare these, after all, men shouldn't drag others to compare the length and thickness....


It's rare to compare specifically, right?

"Flying Feather, Sasuke is bullying, hold it for a while and comfort me..."

Naruto ran over and hugged Flying Feather in an unhappy mood and didn't let go, she actually lost to Sasuke.

Obviously, they have already won Sakura and Tiantian, and Ino is probably not easy to say, but Sasuke....

This guy, how the hell did 'she' do it!

"Kazama Feiyu, you have a limit to spoiling her, right? If you're unhappy in the future, you'll be in tears... Don't think about having a peaceful birthday in your family!

Sasuke looked at Naruto, who was smiling smugly at her after being hugged, and was in a grumpy mood and wanted to pull this guy out and beat him up.

It seems that since knowing the state of 'her', Naruto has been making daily provocations, which is really itchy!

"It's okay, you can still see that Naruto is really crying and fake crying, so you don't need to be soft on her when she takes her out for training, right, Naruto?"

Feather ran his fingers over Naruto's hair, this guy was so untidy in front of Sasuke.

Sure enough, it's fateful... Fetters!

"Fei Yu really loves Sasuke more, and even let Sasuke beat me... But it's hard to say who will beat up who when the time comes!

Naruto pretended to be aggrieved and pitiful in the first half of his sentence, but when he got to the back, he simply looked fierce in his eyes, glaring at Sasuke to compete with 'her'!

"Don't make a fuss, adjust your condition, it is estimated that the new rules of the game will be announced soon, and you will have to compete until you go home."

Fei Yu raised his hand and knocked on Naruto's little head, very helpless at the fact that the two of them had suddenly become this-for-tat state again.

However, he suddenly realized that when Naruto used the transformation technique before, he was indeed a little unable to knock down, but now...

Forget it, it's time to knock or knock, who made Naruto too good at tossing.

"Okay, okay... Isn't it just bullying Sasuke, Feiyu, you really protect 'her', but I will never lose to this guy, no matter what aspect it is! Letting

go of the flying feathers, Naruto simply used the transformation technique.

But when they looked at Sasuke, a unified meaning appeared in the eyes of the two, and they definitely didn't want to lose to each other!

"Okay, let's go out and see, they've slept for a day and a night, they should be worried."

Fei Yu raised his hand and pressed it on the heads of the two, and after the mental power was covered, he added another layer of illusion, and for the time being, let the two continue to be the familiar Sasuke and Naruto.

The door opened, and Naruto and Sasuke walked out, keeping their disgust at each other.

The-for-tat momentum made Sakura, who wanted to come over to say hello, stop, and stood beside Fei Yu curiously after watching them leave.

"It's okay, I just want to fight over who is stronger..."

, raising his hand and patting Sakura's long pink hair, Fei Yu took her hand and walked out of the rest area.

Because they haven't gone out for a day and a night, everyone is worried about whether something happened to Sasuke because of his mood.

But looking at the state of Sasuke and Naruto at this time, even Shikamaru shook his head blankly, unable to guess the possible reason.

But he could probably think that this situation had something to do with Fei Yu.

"Flying Feather!"

When Ino saw the two of them appear, he knew that Fei Yu should be going out too.

At this time, she saw Sakura walking over with Fei Yu's arm, and she immediately rushed over and hugged the other side.

Now that Hinata is no longer a potential threat, Ino and Sakura have once again glared at each other and other ways to get along.

As for every day....

Because her teammates have become rebels who exterminate the clan, although she will always pay attention to Feiyu now, she doesn't have much energy to stick to people.

She and Xiao Li couldn't get better, because they really couldn't figure out how Ning Ci managed to destroy the Hyuga clan, and they obviously didn't allow it in terms of strength!

"All the candidates, all stand up!"

At this moment, Mitarai Azuki suddenly appeared and stood on the steps above.

Because of the number of people, some of the original assessments had to be changed now, and even though she was irritable and worried, she could only listen to orders to announce the results of this exam.

"Congratulations on passing the second exam of the Shinobi exam, the third exam will be held in a month's time... The rest of the matter will be asked to your lead teacher, disbanded! "

Mitarai Red Bean is also busy going to the Hyuga clan to check if there are any traces of Orochimaru there.

After she finished speaking, she left in an instant, and the subsequent task of taking these candidates away was naturally handed over to those invigilators.

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