"Can I dislike you? I brought someone here, and I still have to stand in front of us, are you worried about being blocked

by the tall man?" The shadow clone Fei Yu glared at the adult version of himself, although he knew why, but he was disgusted by the sudden blocking.

"Don't be so uncute, now this is a reckoning between the Uchiha brothers and the rotten ball with a bad heart, by the way, there is still a second generation to clean up the portal, then let's leave it alone..."

And while speaking, he simply took his shadow clone back with him, and at the same time beckoned the Watergate couple to watch the excitement together.

As for the Thousand Hands Pillars....

It's better for him not to get close to that guy now, in case he shouts an insult when he stretches out his hand, then he will completely lose face.

Although the other party will be just as ashamed, it is better not to want to compromise each other.

"Lord First and Lord Second, please don't get involved, this is the grudge between our Uchiha family and him!"

Sasuke glanced back at Fei Yu before he asked Senju Tsuruma and Senju to refrain from making a move.

It's just that 'she' said it lightly, but her eyes widened in an instant.

"Uchiha's little ghost, do you want to see what the situation is now, Danzou is damned, but he used to be my student, and I should come to clean up the portal myself!"

Lord Kazuma, I don't think it's better to rob others, this kind of hatred of extermination, no one can give it up

if you change it..."Bo Feng Shuimen couldn't help but mix in on the side, Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto are partners, in comparison, he must be helping others say something.

As for the second generation of Hokage-sama....

Is it embarrassing for such an old person to fight with a teenager in other people?


was blocked by a sentence from Bo Feng Shuimen, and his eyes widened between his thousand hands, but it was undeniable that he was indeed not suitable for robbing with other children.

But your own students, even if they are damned, they have to solve it themselves....

"Go to the side, Tuan Zang can't die yet, I'll take him with me to settle accounts with that monkey later..."

Anyway, he won't kill now, what are you robbing in such a hurry?

One beating is definitely not enough, at most he will treat him a few times, and he can ensure that this guy doesn't die first.

Those who planned to destroy the Uchiha family can't be let go!

"Forget it, don't rob a few juniors, you pay attention not to beat people to death..."

"Senior, can you do me a favor later, if you die and then drag it back from the Pure Land, is it okay?"

Sasuke was very unhappy that he was not allowed to beat people

to death by a thousand hands, who would still be able to control this death, who would still be able to control it? This is revenge, not a fight!

So in order not to be troubled by this second-generation Hokage, Sasuke can only ask this brother who seems to be a flying feather for help.

As for finding the first generation or someone else...

In the bottom of 'her' heart, the only direction that can be turned to is Fei Yu.

Since it is the suspected brother of Fei Yu, it is the person of Fei Yu.


The adult version of Fei Yu glanced at Sasuke, lowered his head and looked at himself as the shadow clone, and there was a little smile in the eyes of the 'two'.

This look seemed to others to mean a lot, but at this time, Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi didn't have the heart to pay attention.

But Uchiha Itachi still didn't understand what Sasuke's situation was now, why he was eyeing Danzo, and he was doing this to him....

Shouldn't you hate him together?

Why doesn't Sasuke seem to remember that he did the extermination, as if he went back to training with him when he was a child...

"Brother, let's settle our accounts later, now let's kill this old immortal first, don't worry about him dying and delaying things, I believe that senior can let him die and live, and it's no problem to die and live more than a dozen times!"

Sasuke made sure that no one bothered, so he glanced at Itachi, and the three hooks in his eyes turned, and he wanted to judge Danzang.

'She' is completely confident, but the other side of Danzou and Uchiha Itachi are really confused at this time.

"Uchiha Sasuke, the person who destroyed your clan was Uchiha Itachi, and the person you should hate should have been him, but now for the cowardice in his heart, he wants to transfer his hatred..."

It's just a mid-ninja exam, even if there's a troublesome imp, but as long as that kid doesn't have an accident, it's fine.

When the time comes, he will be promoted to Zhongnin, and he will be able to send more tasks in the future, and everyone will no longer have to worry about it.

But now this kid actually brought someone over directly, and the one who couldn't be provoked also came, and what was even more excessive was that the first and second Hokage were all

... Originally, if that one didn't appear, Tuan Zang could still think that it was an illusion, but now he was very sure that if this one did it, he would already have to believe it.

"I'll settle his affairs slowly in the future, but it's you who should settle the accounts now, by the way, and the three generations of Hokage-sama, you can rest assured, when we clean you up, we will go to that guy again to continue settling accounts!"

Sasuke's hand flashed with thunder, after waiting for so many years, it was finally time to take revenge, everything else was nonsense, 'she' just wanted to break this guy into pieces

!" "Since you sent it to the door to find death, then don't blame the old man!".

Danzang's hanging arm suddenly erupted with chakra, and the bandage shattered in an instant, revealing the arm full of chakras.

Looking at these writing wheels, Danzang's face showed a bit of a grim smile, he may have to die today, but even so, he has to take Uchiha Sasuke with him before he dies!"

"It's really disgusting, brother... Don't rob me, I'm going to kill this damn old thing with my own hands!"

Chidori in Sa's assistant directly turned into the form of a spear, and after the immortal magic broke out, the writing wheel fluctuated again, and the eternal kaleidoscope opened and shocked the Uchiha Itachi on the side.

But no matter what, Uchiha Itachi couldn't really let Sasuke rush on his own.

"Danzo, go die!"

Sasuke, who was in full swing, rushed out directly, and directly hit Danzo's arm with a dead hand.

Uchiha Itachi, who was a step slower than him, wanted to make a move, but he found that Sasuke was so fast that it didn't seem to give him a chance at all...

After that, Lei Dun Huo Escape appeared again and again in this cave, and there was blood and tears in the corners of Sasuke's eyes, and all the pain and resentment of 'her' had an object of catharsis at this moment.

As for Uchiha Itachi....

couldn't find a chance to make a move, so he could only watch from the side for the time being, preventing that guy from suddenly playing yin.


The author has something to say:

Good evening ~~Meow~>▽<

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