"I'm looking forward to your performance!" Fei

Yu looked at the suddenly strong Hinata, the smile on his face retracted, and he put on a fighting stance, ready to see if Hinata had really grown.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has fought against someone after school, and even if it was the assessment when he was in school, he would solve it with a wave of his hand.

Now this sudden physical technique start-up style, not only Hinata on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, but even the teachers and students in the stands were a little dumbfounded.

After all, it's the first time!

"Fei Yu-kun, I'm definitely going to be serious!"

Hinata, who was staring at her, was trembling in her heart, she didn't know why Fei Yu was suddenly serious, but now this sudden change made her originally desperate heart become hot again.

As long as she can make Fei Yu take it seriously, she definitely has hope!

" "I'll wait and see!" Fei

Yu looked at Hinata opposite, and when the white eyes were opened, the green tendons in the eyes would burst out, which was really not very beautiful.

But at this moment, Hinata makes him feel much better than before, at least he won't feel annoying anymore.

I just don't know how long this state will last, but no matter what, he will take it seriously now.

After all....

Not seriously, what if you get hurt

?" "Flying Feather doesn't like Hinata too, right?"

Naruto lay on the guardrail of the stands, watching the battle below a little tangled.

Fei Yu has really never been so serious, and she used to train her and Sasuke, and they were all quite serious, but it was still a little different from now.

"Naruto, you said that Fei Yu would like one if he saw one in the future, so what should we do?"

Ino dragged Sakura along and came over to look down at Naruto's side.

Her idea is actually quite simple, she hopes that there will be fewer people, and they can live a more relaxed life in the future.

Now that Hinata has changed suddenly, the sense of crisis in I's heart has exploded, and I'm afraid that Hinata will really be recognized in the future, and everyone will be unlucky when she cries at that time.

At the very least, the mood will be completely ruined.

"How long have you liked him?"

Sasuke listened to the conversation, and although she wasn't sure at this point, she still felt uncomfortable with some guys' flowers.

If you're not in a good mood, you have to quietly come up with some ideas to make some people rein in.

"I've always liked it since I met Fei Yu..."Ino

was asked a little strangely, but he still answered the question directly.

"Time should work, so you can let a woman know you're going to be jealous when someone approaches, so that you can avoid some people as much as possible, although I'm not sure if he cares about that..."

Sasuke said that, then went to the back of the stool and sat down, not watching the battle in the arena.

That guy's habit of not being able to get rid of girls, when will he be able to change it!

"Jealous? Is this okay? Will Fei Yu be angry..."

Sakura glanced at Sasuke with some confusion, and then returned her gaze to the arena again.

It's not that she hasn't thought about being jealous before, who likes someone who would want to be shared.

But Fei Yu said that he didn't like them to be noisy, so that even if he felt uncomfortable sometimes, he still didn't express anything clearly.

"I'll come, promise to let him know, I have to hide when I see women outside in the future, otherwise I'll..."

can only be by the stands, Naruto's eyes narrowed, she knew how to let this guy know, there would be trouble if there were more women!

"Naruto, what are you going to do?"

Ino asked everyone with the same curiosity, even Shikamaru and the others not far away, and even Kakashi-dai and them, all of them pricked up their ears and waited to hear this rare gossip.

"I can't tell you this, but I'm sure I'll let him know how hard it can be to have too many women around!"

The light in his eyes flickered, Naruto was full of momentum now, but his heart was a little weak.

But at this time, everyone was watching from the sidelines, and even if she was weak-hearted, she couldn't be seen by others.

"Sure enough... Idiot!"

Sasuke, the only one who could see Naruto's thoughts, simply closed his eyes and snorted in disgust to stop caring about that.

It's okay to have fun, but how it will start here is something that needs to be calmed down before you can continue.

On the side of the third generation Hokage, who is the fourth generation of the Wind Shadow?

In my memory, that position should be Orochimaru, but just now Orochimaru was there with everyone in the group...

So, who can replace this person who has been on the playing field all along?

With a lot of thoughts, Sasuke's mood was not only not calm, but even more excited.

It didn't take long for Toba and Hinata on the field to finally have a result.

"I... I'm not、I'm not a big lady who can only cry, Toba Kazama, listen up, I like you, Hinata Hinata, the patriarch of the new generation of my Hyuga family, I like you since I first saw you!!" Hinata's

chakra was exhausted, and her eyes stared at Feiyu and shouted out the sadness and love in her heart.

She lost the battle, but she used all the fighting techniques she could use so far.

Her purpose is not to win the game, but to show her own changes and her own growth in front of Fei Yu.

Now that she has done it, she has spoken out in front of so many people about the likes that have been hidden in her heart for so many years.


Fei Yu was a little helpless by the sudden confession, but as soon as he spoke, Hinata in front of him closed his eyes directly and fell in his direction.

In this way, whether he accepts or rejects, it suddenly makes no sense.

"The winner of this game is Toba Kazama!" "

Ignorant Fire Genma hurried out to announce the result, and when the competition was finally over, they were all relieved.

Next, whether it's feelings or what, let them children go.

"Sakura Ino, come over here.

Fei Yu jumped back into the stands with Hinata in his arms, and opened his mouth to directly ask the two Sakura and Ino to come over and look at Hinata.

It's not a game anymore, it's time for the official drama to begin.

As for Hinata Hinata ...

Although she is now chakra exhausted, she is absolutely conscious.

Because he called someone over after he came back with him, Hinata's body stiffened for a moment, even if she didn't want to open her eyes, but she still revealed some sadness.

But no matter what she thinks, Fei Yu has no time to take care of it at the moment, he has to let people take revenge first, and by the way, he can also settle accounts with the three generations and Tuan Zang.

The parents who belong to Kazama Feiyu did die in a ninja defection, but this so-called defection is not simple at all!

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